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Hello and welcome to Confession-Vent. My name is Treg (your host). First, let me get straight to the purpose of this web site. I started this site to help the people of the web be a little happier in life by having someone (a perfect stranger) listen. This site is non-denominational. It doesn't matter what religion you are or even if you have a religion. I, personally, am still looking for my beliefs.

It works like this:
Have you ever done anything that you feel bad about, but just can't tell your friends or family? Yet you still have to get it off your chest.
Tell me

Or has something pissed you off and no one will listen?
I will

Or has someone done something to you and you're too scared or sad to let someone you know find out?
I care

And everything you say is totally confidential.

Before you begin, be sure to read the rules and disclaimer.

Rules, How to, and disclaimer Why
Me Webrings
My DalNet Channel Friends of  T.C.V.
Sites I recommend The Penpal List
Awards I Have Won My Awards That You Can Win

Rules, How to, and disclaimer | Why | Me | Webrings | My DalNet Channel | Friends of T.C.V. | Sites I recommend | The Penpal List | Awards I Have Won | My Awards That You Can Win |

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