Troop 90's WebPage

Welcome/Bienveinedos to Troop 90's webpage. This page will grow and expand (to what? I dunno!). If you somehow have a connection with Troop 90 or Boy Scouts, send us some mail. Troop 90 is a small local troop based out of and supported by Blessed Sacrement Church in Washington D.C. consisting of boys from Washington and Chevy Chase. Our membership is approximately 23, and we have a wonderful scout master, as well as many talented merit badge counselors. Troop 90 has an excellent merit badge per person average of about 12 Every summer Troop 90 goes to Goshen Scout Camps in Virgina and comes back with about 100 merit badges We are always looking for more members and if you are interested please send an E-mail to the adress below

Troop 90 wishes to thank Blair W. who graciously accepted our offer to help us create this web page. If you want him to help make your page send mail to him at (Of course tips are accepted and greatly appreciated) Check out his page.

© 1997