KING RAMA III [ Nang Klao ] 1824 - 1851
He born in Bangkok on March 31, 1788 the
future King Rama III was the son of King Rama II
by a junior wife, Chao Chom Riem. At the time of the
death of King Rama II his supposed heir, Prince
Mongkut, had entered a monastery as a monk and Prince Chesda
Bondindra, as he was then styled, was chosen as king by the
Accession Council [ at the age of 37 and reigned for 27 years ]. He
proved an able ruler and during his reign trade prospered and
territorial advances were made as the vassal states of the north and
east came more firmly under the rule of Bangkok. During his rule,
in 1833, the first treaty with the United States
was signed. King Rama III had no queen and thus had no children of
Chao Fa rank, and so, on his death,
on April 2, 1851 [ at the age of 65 ]. The succession passed to his
half-brother, who became King Mongkut
[ Rama IV ]. Although he had no son who was King it is an
interesting genealogical fact that among his
descendantes were five future Kings for his granddaughter, Queen
Debsirindra, was the mother of King
Chulalongkorn [ Rama V ]--thus every descendant of King
Chulalongkorn has a lineal descent from King Rama III.
