I believe the laughter of a child
Can soften and dissolve the fiercest frown.
I believe when love flies free and wild,
The spirit lifts -and flies with it - unbound.
If life were lived without deceit and guile,
All lives would gain - and know a common ground.
And if the hearts and minds of all would smile,
Our world would then with peace and love resound.
We live too long in disbelief and fear,
And mire ourselves in malice, greed and pain.
We long to live with souls and conscience clear,
With hands and hearts washed clean and free of stain.
If all could free the loving child within,
We'd have - Believe! - the world that should have been.

Copyright © 1992 by Gerry Edwards
All rights reserved.

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"for my frolicking friends"
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"all the world's a stage"

Gerry Edwards
San Diego, CA
United States

Gerry's Gym has been played in by frolicking friends