Gwen Spencer suggested most of these links relating to transgendered youth. If you have other suggestions, please email me and let me know.
Tina W.
The Antijen Pages--companion page to an email list for young transgendered folks.
An open letter to parents of transsexual children
The PFLAG-talk and TGS-PFLAG Library has a number of writings of interest, including:
The Washington Blade did an interesting series of articles on GID:
Why Should PFLAG be Transgender Inclusive?, by Robyn Serven.
Resources for Young Transsexuals and Their Families, a list of resources collected by Dr. Anne A. Lawrence.
TGTS-Youth, info on an email list for tg/ts people under age 25 (different from the other list above).
TeenOasis, a website for transgendered youth.
TransBoy Resource Network, a wonderful new resource for young FTMs.
Trans Youth Webring, with links to many other pages.
Send additions or corrections to Tina M. Wood