Tribes Sections
  UG Tribes Clan Info
  Tribes UG Clan Section
Tribes Message Board
Playstation 2 Main Page
Friends Sites
Fakebloods Website
Smoovdoggs Forum
    Altrons Website 

Favorite Links
Warez Website:
  alot of free downloads.
Ign Website:
Great Game info site.
  Welcome to the UG Clan of
  for Tribes Aerial Assault. To
  become a member of the
  official Tribes UG Clan sign
  up at the forum in the tribes
  section. If you wish to create
  and host your own clan from
   the forum here let me know
   and i'll gladly set you up and
  give you global mod status so
  you can do what ever you wish
  in your section in the forum for
  your clan.  For more info on
  joining a clan stop by the forum
  and ask a administrator or
   moderator for information.
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