Linux is an operating system which looks like Unix, but does not come from the same source code base. It is available in both source code and binary form. Its copyright is owned by Linus Torvalds and other contributors. It is freely redistributable under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). A copy of the GPL is included with the Linux source...

In this site you'll find the answers to the questions like...

What are the main Linux Commands?
Why should I use Linux?
Where can I find Linux>
How can I install Linux>
Where can I find Applications for Linux?
How can I connect to Internet with Linux?
How can I configure XWindows?
How can I receive e-mail?
How can I compile a kernel?
NEW How can I set up an ethernet?
How can I share my modem on a network?
How can set up NFS?

NEW Download the "crash of win98 on CNN" clip in .mov format here.

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This page was last updated at 8th October 1998