In this conflict of emotions all I dare aver is that it has been my faithful study to collect my duty from a just appreciation of every circumstance by which it might be affected. George Washington-First inaugural address in New York City

see index below this latest addition
NEW !! Enders Island 2003
index of art pages
uploads of October 2002
November 02
September 2001
A memorial page to 9/11/01 WTC disaster
mystic whaler
art4sale: launching pad for uncljoedoc's on line art
October samples: some views of Thames R. In NewLondon Ct.
four samples: some river scenes
Enders island watercolors and July Samples link: some seashore watercolors
samples of March 99
samples of december 99
samples of Spring '02
Spring 2002 uploads
May 2003
how I watercolor
Pope John Paul's Message to artists