Fra Angelico: The Annunciation

There are five Joyful mysteries of the rosary. They comprise a succinct representation of the sequence of delivery of the most important message rendered to mankind.

so we see a stepwise and completely logical rendition of a series of events which deliver the sacred message to humanity. I believe that this economy of ideas is highly suggestive of a reliable source of these mysteries. The rosary is so much more that some quaint and arcane reigious practice. It contains and transmits the most important aspect of human history through all the time and through the hearts of men and women.
Now in the joyful mysteries we may see certain compelling symmetries. For example the nativity which is the entry point of the word into human history is the central of the five Joyful mysteries. The first two Joyful mysteries, the ones to the left of the third are having to do with our Blessed Mother and her interaction with the angel and then with Saint Elizabeth. The sequence of the transmission of the Revelation from heaven on high to humankind. The fourth and fifth Joyful mysteries, which are the two to the right of the central nativity both have to do with Mary and Joseph and the temple. Now let us consider the first and second joyful mysteries. In the first, the Annunciation, the angel is telling our Blessed Mother what is going on on the heavenly plane and Our Lady complies with the plan of God which is no small matter and fortunate for us. In the very next mystery, the Visitiation, the word is now acting independently in Our Lady as she hastens to share the awesome news with Saint Elizabeth. Now let us take the fourth and fifth Joyful mysteries. In the fourth, which is the presentation of Our Lord for circumcision in the Temple, we see the Word,Jesus, being introduced to the lawful establishment but then turning to the fifth Joyful mystery, which is the finding of Our Lord teaching in the temple again we see that the Word has begun to act independently as a teaching instrument in society. When Mary and Joseph explain to their son that they are upset that he left and worried them so, He answers that He must be about his father's business. This is not a mere imperenance on the part of a wayward son but rather a mystical truth, the Word, Jesus Christ has been promulgated and is acting freely in society.
The Sorrowful Mysteries

The five sorrowful mysteries of the rosary are

  • the agony in the garden - in which Our Lord sweat blood in the Garden of Gethsemane just before being betrayed.
  • the scourging at the pillar - our Lord was whipped by Roman Soldiers.
  • the crowning with thorns - mocking Him they put painful thorns as a crown on Our Lord's head.
  • carrying of the cross - He was made to carry the instrument of his torture. He did so for our sake.
  • the crucifixion - Our Lord was nailed to a cross where he died for us.
    The Five Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary

    The Five Glorious Mysteries are