it is happening again

all I am looking for is a place to place my hat
"Two Crows and a Weeping Willow," Ch'an fan painting by Liang K'ai (c. 1140-c. 1210), ink on silk; in the Imperial Palace Museum, Peking

one can keep zen in a smaller box in the kitchen

a smaller box would then have to be kept in a larger box also containing zen

and then a larger box 

Chickenpox is caused by Herpes-Zoster virus also known as "human (alpha> herpes virus 3. Chickenpox is uncommon in adults but when it occurs may have severe constitutional symptoms. The rash is vesiculated but starts as macules in randomly occurring crops and as an enanthem as well. Treatment is supportive. In the adult watch for pneumonitis which is associated with the rare fatal case. Smallpox is no longer considered a problem since the last human case occured in 1977 in Somalia and there are no longer reservoirs in existence that are known.
Prilosec acid pump inhibitor-omeprazole May potentiate certain meds such as warfarin diazepam.

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Town of Groton: homepage of Town of Groton
my home: tripod home page of uncljoedoc
Wake of the Day: new quote from Finnegan's wake daily

the poems

Index of the Major Poets from Univ. of Toronto

He then went on to say
I make that mention first
     For if you get just half a thought
     You might just get the worst
I speak of poet William Gray
Who then went on to say...

"oceanic ocean"-
   you might not say it though
   between these two redundant words
   bright connotations flow.

         Kantian Spaces                
Bring in the Kantian spaces
by the truckload-
    Here pile them
    up in squared blocks
    in that corner.

                      High atop the cold mountain thought
                      Stands Parmenides thinking as we ought
                      That "nothing" can not in concept be
                      All is one extending bountifully
                      Nothing dividing, nothing, you see. 
By Walt Whitman

 LAWS for Creations,
   For strong artists and leaders--for fresh broods of teachers, and 
         perfect literats for America,
   For noble savans, and coming musicians.

   All must have reference to the ensemble of the world, and the compact 
         truth of the world;
   There shall be no subject too pronounced--All works shall illustrate 
         the divine law of indirections.

   What do you suppose Creation is?
   What do you suppose will satisfy the Soul, except to walk free, and 
         own no superior?
   What do you suppose I would intimate to you in a hundred ways, but 
         that man or woman is as good as God?
   And that there is no God any more divine than Yourself?
   And that that is what the oldest and newest myths finally mean?    10
   And that you or any one must approach Creations through such laws?

Whitman, Walt. 1900. Leaves of Grass.

In spring quiescent trees don anew
Their regular warm weather garb of green
Those leaves of plenteous plants are true
Extensions of a thought that's always been:
For Life latent in the limbs lifts on high
These spare expressions. Clever breeze-tossed frond
Exclaims its meanings with a windy sigh
To an observant universe beyond.
Mute? not so, shrill words are clearly heard
From the willow to the whitish birch
By every passing animal and bird,
By every cheerful child chanced to perch
Amidst the bewildering scenario:
Priceless promises which wait for a while and go. 
                        Joseph Ferrara M.D. 

Into this prison of knowledge
Through learned jaws that gape
Go I - to a labyrinth of wonder
From which there is no escape.

Imprisoned in this hour
And in this topic too
A pot in which to flower
A bloom of thoughtful hue

I see the door before me
open in which I see
the corridor of knowledge
I advance carefully

I see it is dark inside here
That there is no light I fear
At first, but peering deeply
Some things at last appear

Various hallways connect
For example, and I select
To some extent which I go down
And still remain correct

As long as I give each its due
And never quite hurry through
And if I've an effective pace
I will discover the true

Character of this hallway
And move forward in a small way
For it is not really a race
But rather a  narrow crawl way