As I write this, the United States has just launched a retaliatory missile strike against terrorist bases in Afghanistan. If you live in America, you may have found the scenes of Moslem extremists shouting anti-western and anti-democratic slogans to have been very disturbing, and you may have wondered at how persons in supposedly civilizied nations came to hold the view that social progress, liberty and democracy are evils to be overcome. The extremity of the religious fervor and mindless adherance to dogma may have shocked you as well.
Unfortunately, these radical groups in other nations are not the only or even the most immediate threat to your freedom, liberty, or way of life. A much greater and more immediate threat is posed by the activities of a variety of home-grown cults right here in America. I am referring to the religious right in its various manifestations. I am not referring to the merely conservative, religious or political, but to the small group of extremists and their unfortunate droves of misguided followers. I am referring to the wolves in sheeps clothing who daily exert a greater and greater influence over the Republican Party, those zealots who wrap themselves in "issues" such as family values or anti-abortion, but whose objectives are nothing less than the establishment of religious dictatorship.
You may have already voted for members of these cults, in local schoolboard or legislative races, unaware that you were in fact supporting a nationwide conspiracy to subvert democracy, liberty and equality. These might be local people, respected members of your community, claiming to represent you and your neighbors, but in fact they do not answer to you or anyone else in your community. They answer to their masters - the Robertsons and Dobsons of their cult. They may be very sincere in believing that they are serving God and their country, but so do Moonies and Krishnas.
Most Americans are unaware of the extent that these cults control all aspects of their followers lives. The reality is, these people are saturated with cult material from cradle to grave. They attend private cult schools, designed to prevent them from accessing outside information, and in which any such information which does seep through is "interpreted" over & over . This process continues all the way into college, so that the cult can even produce "professionals" who are in fact incapable of any thinking that deviates from the "party line". They read cult authored books, listen to cult music, watch cult t.v., even vacation in cult theme parks. And all the time, they are repeatedly told that the broader culture - your culture - in fact you and I ourselves, are servants of Satan, hopelessly evil, and in need of being "saved" from ourselves - BY THEM!
Make no mistake, millions of persons around this nation have been raised since birth to beleive that you and I, your children and mine, our friends and relatives, are controlled by an evil supernatural being, and that therefore we do not deserve the same kinds of Civil Rights and freedoms that the "elect" and "pure" are entitled too. The cult leaders are quite content to go along with the ritual of the democratic process for the time being, rightly assuming that apathy amongst the majority of us will allow them to quietly assume positions of authority in local, regional and federal government bodies. But there is no reason to believe that they will continue to be so complacent once they have acheived control of these institutions.Already, they can be seen to be sponsoring legislation designed to purge, control, restrict popular culture and the liberty that we all take for granted.
Wake up! Get involved in your local politics. Ask candidates about their ties to evangelical and other right-wing movements. Alert your friends and neighbors. The time is at hand. Complacency now will ensure that one day soon you will awaken to find that you have become a second-class citizen in your own nation.