Liberty Hall

This historic Frankfort mansion built in 1796 by Kentucky's first governor, John Brown, and was inhabited by his family until 1937. There are numerous ghosts said to be here. In 1805 an opera singer from New Orleans, attending a party at Liberty Hall, wandered into the garden and was never seen again. Many theories have been advanced but we may never really know. No trace of her was ever found. Another ghost is said to be that of a dead soldier who had a crush on one of the Brown family.

The most famous ghost of Liberty Hall, however, is "The Gray Lady", said to be the ghost of Margaret Varick, a member of the Brown family who died there in 1817 and was buried in the garden. Her body was later moved to a cemetery, but her ghost seems to remain. Many direct sightings of the Gray Lady have occurred over the years, and continue to the present day.