Paint Lick

My first experience with Paint Lick was driving around the countryside in Garrard County at night with Bambina Merriman many years ago. I was telling her about a dream I'd had the night before about a spooky little town with a desolate and deserted town square just over a small bridge. Shortly thereafter, we arrived at a bridge, and there it was: the town from my dream, corresponding in every detail. It really made my skin crawl.

Because of this, I always associate the sleepy little boarded-up town of Paint Lick with spookiness, though I haven't heard of any specific ghost stories or paranormal reports here. They have a great cemetery, though, and their "downtown" area is just about defunct, except for a gas station. Even the school is closed down and turned into an antique mall and hair salon. So, um, where do kids in Paint Lick go to school now??

The three photos below provide a panorama view across their town square.