On a Moonswept Moor By: Lady M Harris Edited By: Sun Princess Rating: Hentai Part One Juuban Central Hospital . . . "Chiba-sensei, I'd like you to meet Tsukino Usagi. She started about three weeks ago and volunteers twice a week. While not volunteering, she works for Juuban Elementary, teaching first grade." Dr. Kou Ami smiled as she introduced Dr. Chiba to one of her closest friends, Usagi. "Pleased to meet you," Mamoru replied as he bowed slightly, his blue gaze quickly sweeping over Usagi. "I'm sure you'll enjoy volunteering here, Lord knows we could use the help." Then, before Usagi had a chance to comment, he turned to Ami. "Kou-sensei, one of your patients has just checked in. She requested that you be paged, but since I've run into you, perhaps you could catch one of the nurses before they-" her pager cut him off as it began beeping loudly. "Never mind. . . . Well, I have a meeting to catch. I'm sure, I'll see you ladies around," Mamoru smiled politely at them before abruptly turning away and left them in a swirl of long, white coattails. "Does he always look through you as if you're nothing more than a pain of glass?" Usagi giggled as she watched Mamoru's retreating back. Ami nodded her head, smiling at the same time. "Yes, but you get used to it. Even us doctors manage. Chiba-sensei is the president of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility here at Juuban Central. He's also on the board of directors here, not to mention he has a private practice. I'm surprised he has any time to himself. And rumor has it that he's also dating two of the most influential and wealthy women in Tokyo." Ami chuckled as they made their way up to the maternity ward on the second floor. "Just two?" Usagi giggled again. "Greedy, aren't we? But, I suppose that if I looked as good as he did, I would too," she added, her blue eyes twinkling with mischief. They both laughed at the comment. "Of course, all the single women on staff here practically trip over each other to be around him and hang on every word he says. It's really quite a spectacle to watch, as you'll see soon enough. He's been on vacation, and all the women have been in great depression. I almost want to thank God he's returned," Ami chuckled, again. "What about you, Usagi-chan?" Ami ventured quietly, sounding a little cautious. "Has the right one come along, yet?" "Well, if he has, I must be pretty dense because I haven't realized it yet!" she laughed. "Let's not talk about me; my life is boring. You know that all I do is teach my little class of intelligent, first graders and volunteer here. I live in a nice--if a little cramped--apartment with my black cat. And I visit my parents on the weekends. It's a little dull for someone as young and bright as me, but actually, I'm quiet content. But you know all that! So, how are little Taiki-chan and Taiki-kun, by the way?" Usagi asked, smiling as she changed the subject. "They're doing well. Tai-chan is almost five now, can you believe that?" Ami said, beaming at Usagi's smiling face, then added, "It felt like it was only yesterday that you and I were in high school. Now, I'm here, doing what I love the most and married to the most incredible man. . . ." she trailed off with a contented sigh. "You're so lucky, Ami-chan," Usagi said, traces of longing in her voice as she sighed deeply. "I teach some of the smartest kids, pretending that they're all mine," Usagi laughed at her silly choice of words. She really did love her job. Of course she would have never thought, not in a million years, that she'd ever become a teacher. Especially since she was always silently cursing her teachers for the poor grades and constant detentions, even though they were mostly her fault. She sighed silently; when you had a lot of time on your hands on the weekends, reading became very interesting. Oh, Usagi had dates with a couple of guys; she didn't stay home every weekend. It's just that the right one hadn't come along yet. Usagi was perfectly content the way things were, yet she did yearn for a child her own. She felt ready for children; it was just that the father figure was missing from the perfect picture, that's all. Ami looked sideways at Usagi, then added, "I met Yaten-kun's girlfriend last weekend. If I recall, her name was Kino Makoto. . . . Did you receive the invitation?" Ami asked suddenly, knowing that Usagi had. A sad smile came over her lovely features, and her gaze became slightly glassy and unfocused. She knew exactly what Ami was referring to. "Yes, Ami-chan, I did. And I'm glad. I couldn't give him what he wanted, Ami-chan. He deserves someone who can love him fully, something that I never could," she said, bittersweet memories of a young and lost love rushing through her with swirling colors. She had cried all the tears her young heart had been capable of at that time. As much love as she had for him and everyone whom was in the circle of her life, she just couldn't love Seiya as much as a woman should. In the end, she didn't think it was fair to Seiya-kun. Of course, at the time, he didn't think so and it hadn't made a whole lot of sense to her either. They had separated, Seiya being frustrated with Usagi, but time healed the wounds that had made his heart bitter. Usagi had heard of his new manager's assistant, Minako being her name, who had captured the heart of the famous singer-artist, Kou Seiya. Apparently, their love was going strong; almost five years later and wedding invitations were finally being sent out. Seiya had called her last month one last time to ask her permission to wed the lovely Minako. Usagi had sobbed quietly over the phone, carefully cradling the earpiece as she listened to Seiya's familiar and loving voice. She had alarmed Seiya as he wondered if Usagi still cared for him. No, no, Usagi had sniffed out between the tears that continued to flow unchecked down her warm cheeks. She was just glad that he had finally found someone who loved him as he should be loved and she was so sorry for causing him so much pain in the past. Almost two thousand miles away in Europe, Usagi couldn't see the pained expression that came across Seiya's face as he listened to the woman, whom would always hold a special place his heart. Usa-chan . . . Usa-chan . . . my darling, he had breathed out softly to her, reminiscing of their lost love. Why couldn't you have loved me the way Minako-chan does, he thought sadly to himself for the hundredth time. . . . Who are you waiting for? A couple of weeks later . . . "Excuse me, I'm trying to find someone who works here," said a slightly brassy voice behind Usagi. Usagi turned around, and she felt her eyes widen a bit. The woman standing behind her was very beautiful with long, wavy, dark auburn hair and eyes the color of emeralds. "Sure, who are you trying to find?" Usagi replied, smiling with genuine politeness at the lady. She reached for the directory on the reception desk. "I'm trying to find Chiba-sensei. The receptionist downstairs said he was last seen on this floor," the woman said with a deep, sultry voice. "Oh yes, he was here just a moment ago. I'm afraid you just missed him. Could I leave him a note for you?" Usagi replied, as she returned the hospital directory to it's original resting place. She then pulled out a pen and notepad. Chiba-sensei was very popular with the women around the hospital and his patients so it hadn't taken Usagi more than 30 seconds to memorize his extension. For some reason, Chiba-sensei seemed to have unofficially elected her as his personal secretary when he was at the hospital. And even stranger, she enjoyed the secretarial work he handed to her. Not to mention, she always seemed to know where he was most of the time. That only annoyed all the nurses at the hospital. "Do you have any idea when he'll return?" The woman asked, now anxious. "He won't be returning today. The office he has here is only for when a patient checks in," Usagi replied, beginning to write the date out on the notepad. "Would you like for me to take a message?" Usagi asked again, politely smiling. This time, the woman gave Usagi a thorough, five-degree look. Usagi was completely unaware of what a charming and lovely appearance she made at that moment. Her hair was done in her usual odangos with incredibly long streamers of golden-white mane trailing to her calves, and brushed to a gleaming shine. Her delicate features were tinged with a subtle, pink hue topped off with perfect sun-kissed lips. From her uniform, the woman instantly knew that the girl before her was a volunteer at the hospital, but why she seemed to know so much about her Mamoru-kun's whereabouts had her wondering. I know he's not fucking her, Beryl thought decisively and crassly. She again, looked over the girl before her. She's not his type, too innocent looking and eager, she decided off-handily. Now, Melissa was another matter, Beryl's mouth curled, arrogantly. "No, that won't be necessary. I'll just ring his cell, then. Thank you, dear," Beryl smiled, dismissing Usagi instantly as potential competition for Mamoru-kun. She turned away with a whirl of overwhelming perfume, her voluptuous figure oozing sensuality, long, wavy, auburn hair swinging to rise and fall off her full hips, encased within her smart, burgundy two-piece suit. "Well, I see that you've finally met Beryl," Naru said, suddenly beside her as she watched Beryl's disappearing back. Naru was one of the nurses on the maternity ward and her shift had just started. "She's very pretty," Usagi replied, as they watched Beryl leave through the elevator doors. "Pretty bitchy, you mean," Naru chuckled, popping a piece of bubble gum into her mouth from her pocket. "Naru-chan! She was very cordial to me," Usagi replied in a shocked tone, half laughing at the same time. "Okay, she did seem a bit uppity," Usagi admitted as she grinned back at Naru. Naru certainly did have a way with words. "Wait until you meet Melissa, then! She's what they would call an 'An American Werewolf in Japan'!" Naru laughed outright. Usagi couldn't help but giggle along with her and her choice of title for the unknown woman that Usagi had yet to meet. "Anyway, how is it that you seemed to know so much about Chiba-sensei's whereabouts, does he . . . like check in to you?" Naru asked teasingly, what all the other nosey nurses didn't have the nerve to do. She was just curious about the relationship--if there was one--between her good friend and the hospital's most popular doctor. She was a happily married woman and it just intrigued her how Usagi-chan seemed to be Chiba-sensei's 'unofficial' assistant. "Actually, when I'm here, he does most of the time. It's strange, I know." Usagi blushed slightly. "I mean, it's like I've been appointed his secretary or something. Maybe, it's because everything he gives to me, I do right away, I don't know." Usagi continued, "You know, I don't think he's ever really looked at me . . . but he does that to everyone," she shrugged her shoulders. Chiba-sensei was an enigma to her. Maybe it was because she didn't hang on his every word or that her eyes didn't go glassy with hearts that made Chiba-sensei take her seriously. She had a feeling that Chiba-sensei, despite all the ruckus and the women he's been seen with, was lonely. He was a definitely a private man. Of course, she would never in a million years tell him her opinion of him. "Do you want him to really look at you, Usagi-chan?" Naru almost groaned out, thinking: not another one! Chiba-sensei had enough women moping after him; he certainly didn't need Usagi. Naru would have hated it if he ever hurt Usagi-chan with his seemly callous ways with women. Usagi-chan deserved the best where men were concerned. "NO--no! God, no! He's got enough admirers," Usagi said, scandalized that Naru would even think to lump her in that same category. "Good Lord, I like him in only a professional sense, Naru-chan," Usagi explained, shrugging her shoulders. "That's all," she finished. "Good," Naru said as her shoulders relaxed. Her thoughts were broken off suddenly. "Hey, Usagi-san! What are you doing this weekend?" Shin, an X-ray technician asked her when he spotted Usagi talking with Naru. He grinned, devilishly at Usagi. "Hi Naru-san," he added, as an afterthought. "Don't you have some patients to attend to?" he joked as Naru stuck out her tongue at him. "Actually, no. Why? Do you want to go on a date?" Usagi giggled as Shin's face flushed. "Uh . . . umm . . . hey yeah, how'd you know I was going to ask you out?" He laughed, his face still beet red. "Oh, I don't know . . . maybe because your face is so red?" Usagi sinfully teased him. Naru laughed and shook her head and stated that she really did have some patients to check on. Christmas season . . . Usagi stared at the dress through the window, her mouth practically drooling. Puffs of cold air surrounded her, unnoticed as she continued to fog up the glass pane before her. It was beautiful, beyond anything she had ever owned in her life. Juuban Elementary was having a Christmas party, but it was being held for all of the parents and children. She planned on attending that occasion in fairly casual dress. Where she was going to the hospital's Christmas party with Totomu, that party was considered to be the event of the year in Tokyo. She had gone out with him a couple of times, mostly because he was a lot of fun to be around. Totomu had said that he wasn't seriously looking for a relationship with any girl right now and they dated on occasion just to get out and because they were good friends. What I wouldn't give, for once, is to look like a princess, Usagi thought to herself as she continued to stand in the snow, gazing with longing at the dress through the department store window. The dress was of the finest silk, the color a pale, ice-blue. It clung to and hugged the mannequin's figure, as if it was begging for her to own it. Everything about the dress screamed elegance and simplicity. It also hollered an expensive price tag. The dress was the same amount as one month's rent. She practically groaned thinking about it, yet still wishing she had the extra funds to purchase it. Oh but wouldn't I look great in that, she thought smiling dreamily to herself. Tiny snowflakes began to drift down and around her. They swirled and played tag along to each other as they floated lazily down to the frozen, city ground. The day was slowly turning to dusk and the timed streetlights came on, casting a luminous, purple tint to everything it touched. Usagi had just finished shopping for the last gift on her list. She was still gazing at the dress with longing when another reflection joined hers. "You really should get it, Tsukino-san. It's very becoming." Mamoru said beside her, smiling bemused, down at her. "Chiba-sensei!" Usagi exclaimed in surprise, bowing slightly as a blush erupted across her face. It was the first time she had ever seen in him casual clothes and that he actually looked relaxed. Of course, he looked magnificent as usual, his usually hard face seeming softer in evening dusk. She dismissed the first thought, knowing it was true, yet not wanting to acknowledge the fact that even she was in a bit of awe over his gorgeous looks. Besides, he was one of her bosses and she couldn't even begin to think that way about him. "What are you doing here?" The questioned popped out before she had chance to think about how fishy it sounded, but he didn't seem to notice. "I'm waiting for a friend to finish shopping. And you?" he asked politely, but unable to contain all his displeasure at the unknown person that was causing him to wait. "I'm all done," she smiled up at him as she hefted up her bags to show him. The last gift had been for her mom and Usagi had gotten her a lovely sweater and matching skirt. "For your boyfriend, I suppose?" he grinned down at her, one dark brow arching ironically. "For my boy--" Usagi laughed, her bright, blue eyes growing wide and shining with the color of sapphires in the evening twilight. "You're too kind, Chiba-sensei!" She giggled, one gloved mitten coming up to hide her smile. "I'm too kind?" Mamoru echoed her, faintly amused. "I don't have a kind bone in my body, Tsukino-san," he said as he looked toward the department store door. Shoppers were bustling in and out of the busy building and Christmas music could be heard playing faintly every time the doors opened. "Oh what I wouldn't give to own that dress though," Usagi lamented as her attention returned to the dress. She sighed with longing, forgetting that Dr. Chiba was still standing beside her. "Why don't you just buy it?" he asked. Women . . . they were always so indecisive, he thought dryly. "Yeah, it's too bad it doesn't come with a roof. It's way out of my budget," she said, still pining for the lovely dress. Mamoru caught himself and his ugly thoughts. Of course, she couldn't just buy it. She wasn't anything like Beryl or Melissa, he thought diversely. They were selfish, wealthy, witchy, and just the kind of women he liked. Usagi-san was your average, pretty, single girl trying to make it on her own. For the second time in a couple of seconds, he caught himself again and he gazed down at the charming sight Usagi made. She looked adorable with her impish nose practically smashed up against the window as she gazed longingly at the dress the way a child would crave a sweet. Why was he comparing her to Beryl and Melissa? He mentally shrugged off the intrusive thoughts, wondering at himself. "Oh my God!" Usagi exclaimed as she moved her gaze to the clock across the street, stiffening. "I totally forgot that I've got a PTA meeting to be at tonight!" She looked up at him, apologetic as she smiled, her eyes darting back to the clock. It was already 7:30. "I'm sorry, Chiba-sensei, but I've got to go and I'm already late! But that's nothing new for me." "See you next week," Mamoru said quietly to the waving Usagi as she disappeared down the crowded walkway. He watched her pensively until her figure was no more than a shadowy apparition, swallowed up by the rest of the holiday shoppers. A couple of days later . . . "So, do you have any plans for your birthday?" Rei asked as she curled up in one of Usagi's comfortable chairs. "Mm . . . this is good." Rei complimented as she sipped at the hot mocha Usagi prepared for her. Usagi had come a long way, with learning how to cook and preparing a simple item, like mocha. She remembered when Usagi had trouble boiling water without setting of the smoke alarm. Usagi shook her head as she settled in another chair next to Rei. "Uh-uh. I'm supposed to go over to 'kaa-chan and 'tou-chan's. They're going to take me out to dinner this evening, but that's about it. I really hadn't thought about doing anything else, why?" Usagi asked as her black cat, Luna leaped onto her lap, meowing for attention. "Oh, I don't know, just curious I guess." Rei grinned at her as her eyes wandered to the TV "Have you met anyone new, lately?" Rei asked politely. "I swear, between you and my mom wondering when I'm going to meet Mr. Right; it's getting a little old." Usagi replied, annoyed as she petted the now purring Luna. "Well, someone has to watch over you," Rei replied, dryly. "You seem bent on being alone for the rest of your life. Seiya was an excellent catch," Rei finished, watching Usagi's face carefully. She knew Usagi would sigh at this comment. Rei had a feeling that, given time, Usagi-chan would have eventually fallen in love with Seiya, but for some reason, she had held herself back. Even Usagi didn't understand it. She had whispered once, long ago, to Rei that someone was out there in the world, waiting for her . . . someone who desperately needed her and what she had to give to him. Rei had shaken her head at Usagi, wondering about Seiya. Didn't he need and love her, she had asked? No, Usagi had said. He loved her yes, but needed her?--no. It wasn't enough, she had said. Seiya-kun needed someone who could fully appreciate his love and what he had to offer. At that time, Rei didn't understand, never having been in love. Rei could fully appreciate Usagi-chan's mature reasoning now. Back then, it hadn't made a whole lot of sense to her. The only thing that had mattered to her was getting good grades at college and helping her aging grandpa with the temple. Yuuichirou had been staying at the Sandai Temple for a while, but it wasn't until he was preparing to return home, in her last year in college, did a wondrous change take over Yuuichirou. Suddenly, he was the suave and debonair businessman. A total turnaround from the irritant and funny Yuuichirou she had known. He had made an astounding announcement that had stunned her and 'jii-chan, by asking for her hand in marriage after her graduation from college followed by a graceful and eloquent request to court her before the marriage. Rei had been duly impressed, if a little bit awed by the whole situation and who Yuuichirou had really turned out to be. Yuuichirou Takashiro of the Takashiro Heavy Industries Corporation. Yuuichirou was the sole heir to the entire fortune and CEO of the company. That he had gone and seen 'jii-chan first, meant everything to her. She had ducked her head then, suddenly shy. She had never been shy about anything in her life and had consented to the courtship. Yuuichirou and she were married for almost four years now, and it seemed as if they lived and breathed each other's love. Rei never regretted a moment or looked back and wondered why Yuuichirou had picked her out all the women he could have had. Of course, Yuuichirou would whisper to her in the darkness of their room about then, and how she had blossomed into the most incredible beauty he had ever laid his eyes on. Rei blushed now, thinking about Yuuichirou's lips on hers, and how her body would respond to his caresses like a finely tuned instrument and showing her exactly how he felt about her. Usagi grinned at her, hearing this speech, now a thousand times over. "Just because you're so happy being married, doesn't mean everyone should jump into the same bandwagon, Rei-chan." Usagi commented as she noticed Rei's preoccupied gaze. A pink hue stained Rei's face, and Usagi knew what she was thinking. She sighed, someday. . . . Please stay tuned for Part Two. . . . Lady M. Harris. Author Notes: I wanted to thank those of you who responded to my plea of help on Japanese name and their suffixes. Thank you, thank you! I couldn't begin to name all of you who emailed me, but you know who you are! Just know, that I greatly appreciated all of your help. It's funny, that my wonderful (not to mention, highly entertaining) editor and my very own sister seemed to know the most about the Japanese culture and the way they address each other. Anyhows, as you probably realize this is a love story, no action. I hope you like it! Well, let me know what you think about...and don't forget to visit my site at: http://www.geocities.com/~ladymharris. Lady M Harris.