On A Moonswept Moor A Sekkushiaru Roman Story By Lady M. Harris http://www.geocities.com/~ladymharris Editor: Sun Princess Part 9 "Come on over tonight after your class gets out. I'll cook you dinner and then we can talk." Mamoru had whispered into her neck, sometime in the early predawn hours of the morning. He lightly kissed her arched throat, his hands moving slowly over her body. When she would have said more, he rolled her over onto her back and plunged deeply into her, provoking an incoherent cry from her. And effectively cutting off any comments that came to her mind, forgetting everything else except for the way he made her feel. The new day dawned sunny and bright for Usagi. Her students noticed the difference in her attitude and took advantage of her good mood. She didn't mind, enjoying their enthusiasm and efforts to please their teacher. Her attention in class drifted again and again towards the night before of her and Mamoru together. She told Mamoru about Seiya's wedding coming up this weekend and asked if he would be willing to escort her to the event. He relented, if somewhat reluctantly. When her class finally ended, Usagi rushed through grading her students' papers. Having finished early, she left class and made her way to the bus stop. On the bus trip to Mamoru's flat, she mentally counted how many days had passed since her last menstruation. A frown creased her forehead as she furiously recounted the days again in her head. Somehow the week had come and gone for her due date. How could she have forgotten so easily, she thought to herself. She shrugged off the worry, again recalling that she had been late before. Of course, she reminded herself, you weren't sleeping with anyone either. I'll worry about it later; she mentally shrugged off the persistent thought of being p-r-e-g-n-a-n-t. She smiled a gracious smile to the doorman, who returned the smile as he hurriedly opened the door to the prestigious, residential flats where Mamoru resided during the week. Usagi hummed a tuneless melody as she rode up the elevators, wondering what Mamoru was going to cook and what he wanted to talk about. She already had a feeling that something significant was going to happen tonight. She knew somehow, that they needed to bring their feelings to the light about each other. Usagi got off of the elevator and walked down the hall, halting abruptly as she came to Mamoru's door, confused. The door was slightly ajar and someone was moving around in the living room. Her body clamped still, her stomach suddenly knotting with pain as her mouth dropped open in shock and disbelief. She shook her head in silent denial as sudden tears welled up in her eyes. She blinked them frantically away. This can't be true, Usagi's mind wretched in numbed shock as she recognized the woman moving about in the room. He wouldn't dare, she thought desperately! Beryl went still, her hands still buttoning up her silk blouse as she noticed Usagi standing outside of the slightly opened door. Her burgundy hair was mused up and in abundant disarray about her. Her eyes went hard as their gazes met, clashing. There was a slight, perceptive twitch of a smug smile to her lips as she noted Usagi's gaze trailing in disbelief over her apparent dishabille. "Could I help you with something, miss?" Beryl asked Usagi, pretending she didn't know who she was. "If you're looking for the owner, he's in the shower. But if you'd like to come back at a later time..." She trailed off, leaving the sentence up in the air and speculation of what had just taken place for Usagi to piece together. "No...no," Usagi croaked, her voice sounding strange to her ears. "I-I think I have the wrong address," she lied, backing away from the door as her body shuddered with the force of her emotions. Her entire chest seemed to blossom with pain, like sharp knives slicing away at pieces of her vulnerable heart. She whirled away and ran towards the elevators as the tears fell silently from her eyes, despite her commanding them to stop. Beryl closed the entry door in spiteful vindication. She straightened her hair, still listening for the bathroom. Mamoru's maid was running the tub's water as she cleaned it. Unannounced, Beryl had slipped into the flat. The simple girl shouldn't have left the door unlocked, she thought. Beryl knew that the maid came at this time to clean his flat and Beryl had made it a point to come there when he wasn't in residence. To her up most satisfaction, the young girl Mamoru was currently seeing just happened to arrive at his doorstep. How gratifying it was to chase her away, Beryl thought, smiling inwardly. The girl had no idea that Beryl had come to collect her items that Mamoru said he would send with the maid earlier this week. She knew that the maid hadn't sent the items as she spotted them in a small bag by the maid's cleaning cart. Beryl had spotted Usagi when she entered the building, a malicious and devious idea forming in her head to get back at Mamoru and his blonde canary. Earlier in the week, Mamoru and her had dined at her favorite restaurant. With degradation and angry hurt, Beryl recalled how the conversation had begun. She should have known something was up, when all he ordered was a cup of coffee.... "I'm going to get straight to the point, Beryl, " he began, sipping from his steaming cup of coffee. She paused from lifting her fork and looked up at him, curiously. Her hand had trembled at the time, as she recalled his answer on Christmas day when she had called his cell phone. She had asked him if someone else was with him that day and he had said yes, not elaborating. "I'm sending the maid over with some of the items you left at my flat." "What do you mean by that?" She began, frowning. "I realize that you may be seeing someone else. But nothing has to change," Beryl stated, throwing her long hair over her shoulders as she glared at him. "I'm willing to share. I did with Melissa," although, I got the better half of the share, she thought to herself, crudely. He chuckled deeply, his eyes unreadable in the din of the restaurant. "You know, I used to think that we were completely the same in our thoughts and in our actions." Mamoru said, leaning casually back against his chair, watching her. She shrugged her shoulders, disdainfully. "We are. You're still the same." "Perhaps. Perhaps not," he agreed and disagreed at the same time. "Needless to say, I'm glad that you're not going to make an issue out of this." "Of course, I won't. I don't cause scenes, " Beryl replied calmly as seething anger exploded within her. "Besides, when you tire of her, I'll still be here," she smiled, her green eyes hard. Mamoru's eyes narrowed slightly and then a chilling smile made its way across his lips. "Don't bother waiting," he stated and called for his check, getting up from the table. Beryl continued to stare at the spot where Mamoru had vacated after he left her. She burned with furious hate as the image of Usagi swam before her eyes and determined that she would make Usagi pay for taking him away from her. Usagi did her best to ignore her answering machine the next day. She couldn't recall how she made it home the night before. Her eyes were swollen red and puffy from crying all night. Mamoru had called and finally after getting her answering machine twice, left an exasperated message on her machine. Telling her to call him and that he was worried about her. Worried about her, yeah right--she thought to herself as she remembered how provocative and beautiful Beryl had looked standing inside of his flat. After he had just made love to that-that despicable woman! How dare he say that he's worried over her, she thought to herself as more tears welled up in her eyes and spilled down onto her cheeks? Determined not to speak to Mamoru, Usagi got up early the following day. Blurry-eyed and mournful, she threw on some sweats and left her apartment. She made her way to the Tenth Street Park and generally spent the entire day there. Walking aimlessly around in a depressed daze or sitting by herself on a quiet bench, crying silently. It was just beginning to get dark, when she finally left the park. With her stomach growling loudly despite her inward protest at her state of depression, she made her way slowly back to her apartment. When she got home, she was surprised to find Hiromi standing on her doorstep. "Ah, so there you are, Usagi-chan," Hiromi greeted her, his sharp eyes not missing her puffy, red eyes and dark frown. "Chiba-sama," Usagi bowed respectfully and addressing him more formally. She looked up into his lined face and said, "I'm not marrying Mamoru." "Whoa, Usagi-chan! Could we discussed this in your apartment?" Hiromi asked, his hand coming up as if to ward her anger off. Usagi stared at him for a moment, complementing whether or not she should hear what he had to say. After a moment she turned away, sighing at the same time as she unlocked the door to her apartment. She left the door wide open to invite Hiromi in. She walked straight to her kitchen and opened the cabinets, reaching in to pull out a container. Hiromi followed her slowly into her living room, looking around curiously. "What is it that you wanted to talk about that was so important?" Usagi began as she measured some cocoa into her cup and a cup for Hiromi. "Well, I'd like to know what happened between the two of you, first of all." Hiromi asked as he watched her warm some milk on her stovetop. "Perhaps you should ask your grandson. He would know better," she said, stiffly. "I don't know. He spent most of the day at the estate with my lawyers and then he said he had to meet with you at the flat. He came back to the estate a couple of hours later and promptly got drunk. What happened, did you guys argue?" He asked again, looking at her. "I didn't see him. Beryl was his flat," she said, her voice cracking. She didn't elaborate on Beryl's appearance. Hiromi's face went hard as he heard Beryl's name mentioned. "Why that rat-faced bitch," he stated quietly to himself. He had a feeling that she was somehow involved. His brain ticked away trying to figure out exactly what happened. "What time did you get to Mamoru's flat?" He asked, carefully. By God, if that witch caused any more problems for him.... He could think of more ways than one to bring to her down from her high-horse pedestal. She interfered too many times, in his plans. Usagi shrugged her shoulders, stirring the milk to keep it from congealing in the saucepan. "What difference does it make? I probably got there about three something." "Well, then that doesn't make any sense. Mamoru didn't leave the estate until after five. It was already after dark and he said that he tried your apartment to get a hold you because he was running late. We didn't know you the two of you had plans. My lawyers and I had asked him if he wanted to join us for dinner earlier." Hiromi said nonchalantly, glancing over at her stiff shoulders. Usagi's hand covered her mouth, thinking rapidly. It was still daylight when she arrived at Mamoru's as the possibility dawned on her that maybe nothing happened. Her heart beat rapidly, feeling as if it was turning upside down within her chest. "You said that Mamoru got drunk?" She asked, wondering why he would do such a thing. Of course, she had thought of doing the same a couple of times. Perhaps, not to get drunk, but to forget. "Mamoru's never been one disclose his feelings very well. That was mostly due to his mother." Hiromi began, still watching her steadily. "His mother?" Usagi asked with surprise as she poured the hot milk into two mugs. "Yes, Akane was a two-faced bitch." He sighed, accepting the hot cocoa. "Like any other child, he expected someday that she would return his love. It never happened. She told him and me the day her and my son died in the car crash, that he was nothing more than unwanted accident." Usagi gasped with sharp pain. "I don't understand, how-how could a mother do such a thing to her own child?" When she thought of times she wanted to have and hold her own child in her own arms. To love, nurture and protect that child of her own womb. How could a woman be so-so...? She couldn't even describe the words. She thought briefly of her mother's warm and loving touch. So many times, so many countless cherished moments in her life, her mother and her father were always there. Loving her, unconditionally. "It still doesn't answer why Beryl was at his flat, like she lived there." She stated, sipping her cocoa. "Beryl doesn't like you, Usagi-chan. Mamoru fired his maid the day you were supposed to come to the flat. He didn't understand why she had let Beryl into his apartment when he wasn't there. Especially since, he had left specific orders not to allow anyone in his flat, except for you. At least, that's what the girl told me, when she begged me for her job back. She didn't know that Beryl had been in his flat, except for when she called Beryl's residence and spoke with Beryl's maid and that Beryl already picked up her earrings that she had left at his flat, awhile back. That was before you were even an interest in Mamoru." Hiromi added as he noticed Usagi's stiffening shoulders. "She knew I was coming?" She mused out loud. "Perhaps, but I really don't know. Perhaps, you should ask Mamoru. Although, he's no good at the moment." He chuckled at Usagi's hopeful and confused expression. "I think you should wait until tomorrow. He's still passed out. When you didn't answer his calls today and then he came by your apartment, he started-well you know. At least, I know he came by your apartment, based on what Tetsueo said." "How do you know so much?" She asked, curiously. "Well, he's been locked up in the library most of the day and I could hear him cursing and throwing the phone against the walls. It's been very hard to concentrate on work with him finally blowing up like a water heater. After I spoke with the maid, I came straight over here. I did check on him before I left and found him, snoring blissfully away on library couch." He said, finishing up the cocoa. His stomach was pleasantly full. And it seemed as if there was hope for grandson and his fiancée after all. "Maybe-maybe, he didn't know about her being there...." Usagi thought out loud, finally giving Mamoru the benefit of the doubt. "Well, I should get going. Thank you for the cup of cocoa. Please, talk to him. I want his happiness more than anything in this world. I love him with every fiber of my being, Usagi-chan," his voice cracked at this point. "And I know you do, too. There's a certain peacefulness and harmony within him when he's with you. He may not have said it, but he loves you." Hiromi stated his blue eyes now soft and gentle as they bore into her soul. Hiromi walked beside a now silent and thoughtful Usagi to her entry door. He said his good-bye to her and added another comment that blew her mind away. "By the way, Usagi-chan," he said as he opened the door. She looked up at him, wondering, and "The will... there is no stipulation pertaining to Mamoru marrying for love." Usagi's mouth dropped open, stunned. "I told him that last week," he continued, smiling mischievously. "He's known all week and hasn't broken off the engagement..." He trailed off, straightening his coat and winking at the same time. "Sleep on that, daughter-in-law. You're not getting rid of us so easily." He smiled again and then he left her staring after his retreating back in the hallway. Usagi searched the crowded church entryway. The church was full of people arriving for the Seiya and Mina's wedding. She sighed wearily and flicked away some imaginary lint off of her silk, cream dress. Although she had asked Mamoru if he would escort her to the wedding, she wasn't so sure if he would arrive, considering how things had turned out. She tried this morning to get a hold of him at the estate and at his flat. His cell phone wasn't picking up and she sighed, still frustrated. Usagi knew that she had to meet with Rei and Molly soon as she was told that they were already inside of the church. Ami was actually in the wedding ceremony as one of Mina's bridesmaids. She straightened her skirt and took a couple of steps up towards the church. Her gaze touched on the news vans that were quickly pulling up. She recognized FEN (Far East Network) and some of the other more popular news channels covering the event of the year. There were even a couple of entertainment magazines such as the popular J-Pop and Inter-EntertainTV news crews arriving to the cover one of the largest weddings of one of the most popular music entertainers of Japan. Usagi smiled slightly as she noticed that the security guards were having a wonderful time trying to keep the press from entering the church to get an exclusive. Lots of fans of the Three Lights were also trying to get in or get a look of their favorite singer. Usagi curled her lip with a chuckle and wondered if she had ever been so childish as to worship an idol singer. Especially when her glance skimmed over some of the girls in the audience who seemed to be on the verge of weeping over the fact that their favorite singer would no longer be a bachelor. She laughed to herself out loud and knew that at one time, when she was a teenager, she had been exactly the same. Suddenly, there was a loud commotion to the right of her and she turned her head in the direction of the news crews and the sudden rush of people forming in a large group. It was literary impossible to see through the large crowds of heads as Usagi tried standing on her tiptoes. A huge surge of people swept her towards the church entry. Once again, as Usagi made her way inside the church, there was shout from one of the side church doors. Someone hollered out: "There's a fight goin' on!" The man announced, unable to contain his excitement to those seated in the already crowded church. "It's Kou Seiya and Chiba Mamoru!" He shouted over the loud gasps of shock. Mamoru gaze locked for a moment on Usagi standing before the church. His hard gaze softened perceptively as he noted the dark circles underneath her usually bright eyes. Then there was a rush of people crowding before her and she was swept into the church. He looked back over at the crowd of newscasters suddenly spotting him by himself. They rushed forward towards him and he sighed with exasperation. He wondered where the hell the security guards were hiding. He spotted Seiya coming out of a side door and also grimaced with impatience as the man started towards him. Unfortunately, the news people caught sight of the handsome groom and nearly ran the poor guards over in their haste to get an exclusive interview of their favorite music entertainer, Kou Seiya and the handsome bachelor of the year, Chiba Mamoru. "Look man, I'm sorry about the kiss with Usagi. I know you're pissed---" Seiya began, when he reached the scowling Mamoru. "What the--!" Mamoru exclaimed. An inexplicable and boiling anger erupted from within him. How dare that piece of --- touch her, he thought with sudden possessiveness. I don't give a hoot whether or not he was once her boyfriend; no one touches her, but me! "I swear I didn't force myself on her---I'm apolo--" Seiya tried to explain, his hand coming out in an apologetic manner. He didn't see the right fist that slammed into his face. It landed with loud thud, connecting to his jaw. He grunted loudly, his whole body turning into the force of the punch. The crowd before him gasped with shock. He landed on one knee, his nose suddenly bleeding and he saw bright stars swirling endlessly in front of him. He got up slowly, the pain in his jaw and face almost unbearable. "Shit! I said--" Seiya burst out in growing anger, he ducked this time as Mamoru swung towards him again, throwing and landing his own punch, solidly into Mamoru's stomach. The other man grunted with pain. The beautiful bride, Mina, dressed in a western traditional style, white wedding dress ran outside, her hands covering her face in horror and shock. This can't be happening at my wedding, she moaned as she watched her Seiya-chan and Chiba-san throwing punches at each other. The crowds of on-lookers erupted into gasps of shock, stupefaction and jarring laughter. She even noticed some guys moving surprisingly fast among groups of people as bets were placed on the outcome of the winner. "Come on, Usagi-chan!" Ami said suddenly next to Usagi and grabbing her arm. "Quit standing there with your mouth hanging opening and go stop the fight!" "This is Moto Mona of CNN-jp broadcasting to you, live from the Tenth Street Church. Going on right now behind me--is an all out brawl! Two of Tokyo's most elite is yes, you guessed it--are duking it out! It's hard to tell which one is Kou Seiya, the famous, singer-artist and sensei-guru and heir to the Chiba Financial Corporation..." The newscaster announced with excitement, adrenaline pumping through her veins as she was caught up in the fight. A silly grin erupted from her face as she backed up and gave the camera crew full view of the brawl taking place on the church lawn. Both men were tiring. It was amazing to the say the least, but they were both still standing. Their faces were swollen, with cuts and scrapes. Seiya was still nursing a bleeding nose and broken nose, while Mamoru's eyebrow was swelling over his left eye. Their clothes hung off of their bodies, torn and dirty. "God-damnit, Chiba-san!" Seiya mumbled, his body slightly swaying as he did his best to keep standing. "I just kissed her." "That's more than enough to warrant another punch in the face." Mamoru continued, wiping the blood that was beginning to bleed from his mouth. He fought to stay standing as his legs began to buckle. "Mamoru!" Usagi rushed forward, catching him as he began a decent backwards. Likewise, Mina caught Seiya as his legs buckled underneath him. "You idiot!" She yelled at him, unladylike. "I know, I am an idiot, Mina-chan." Seiya chuckled, lifting his hand weakly to touch her jaw, tenderly. "But I realized that day, that I was trying to hold onto a childhood infatuation. There's only been one woman for me. And that's you, Mina-chan. I love you. Please forgive me for being such a fool." He asked bluntly as he stared into her gentle, blue eyes. "There's never been a doubt in me, Seiya-chan. There's nothing to forgive." Mina answered, softly. "While we're in confession here. I've got my own confession to make, Usako." Mamoru began smiling weakly as Usagi tenderly held Mamoru against her. She pushed a sweaty lock of black hair away from his eyes. "You don't have to say a thing, Mamo-chan." Usagi laughed quietly, as he groaned in pain from the movement of her body. Her eyes went wide in apprehension, stilling her movements. "Suffice to say, where women are concerned this must be said, " He stated, staring into her deep, fathomless eyes. "I don't know what happened the other night--but when Seiya said that he kissed you--" he said over Usagi loud gasp of dismay. She stared at Seiya with that look that said--why did you go and tell him that when it meant nothing--look. Seiya grinned sheepishly back at them. "I realized then that I loved you, Usako. Perhaps, I loved you then, when I saw you with your nose pressed up against that windowpane, craving that blue dress. The way a child would crave a tempting sweet. Or maybe it was when you so trustingly looked at me when I examined your tattoo--" he stated, grinning. If a little painfully. Usagi smothered a gasp, stunned, as tears formed in her eyes. She stared at him as pure, wild joy flowed through her as she listened to him say the words that she so longed to hear. "I love you--Usako," he murmured quietly, lifting his fingers to gently trace the contours of her face as tears of happiness flowed down her cheeks. "Marry me. I ask you, humbly." "Mamo--I love you," Usagi tenderly kissed his cheek and then staring deeply back into his eyes, "I will, this time for all the right reasons, " she whispered profoundly as his gaze softened. "This is Moto Mona of CNN-jp, coming to you live at the largest event of the year. We are standing on the steps of the Tenth Street Church and about to come out of the church as we've been covering earlier, is Japan's hottest, singer-artist's Kou Seiya's wedding." The anchorwoman, Mona elaborated excitedly into the digital television set of the Tsukino's house. "Oh, I missed this earlier," Ikukko sighed, sitting on the couch in their living room. She'd been cleaning the house all day, and decided to sit for a spell. She needed the break. She could start on a late lunch in a moment, she thought silently to herself. "Mmmm. Mizohu-ku is supposed to be covering that for the paper, " Kenji replied taking his eyes off of the bills in front of him at the kitchen table, to glance at the TV. He returned his attention back to the bills again, "Isn't Usagi-chan there, too?" He added. "Yes. She told me she wou-" Ikukko replied, before her mouth dropped open in disbelief as she stared at the TV before her. Scenes from the brawl on the churchyard were being recanted as Ikukko choked and stuttered. She watched as her daughter's fiancé and Usagi's former boyfriend beat each other to a near pulp before collapsing in their respective girlfriend and bride-to-be arms. She finally found her voice and nearly spluttered with appalled shock as the anchorwoman announced that instead of just Kou getting married, apparently Chiba had decided to join the ceremony. Two couples ran out the church and into the crowds of fans, news casts crews and well wishers. Two lovely brides smiled happily into their equally, happy and swollen faces of the grooms. "OH MY GOD!" Ikukko screamed, jumping up from the couch and scaring her husband in the process. "I'M GOING TO KILL HER!" she continued to shout. "My baby, my baby," she babbled on, nearly crying as she collapsed back onto the couch. "What? What?" Kenji shouted back in alarm, rushing over to where his wife sat staring at the TV with a dazed look on her face. "Your daughter, that's what!" Ikukko moaned and pointing to the television set. "She got married. She didn't even wait for a big wedding!" Ikukko sniffed out as Kenji patted her on her back. He stared into the TV and a silly grin split across his face as he watched his daughter's face and her new husband's glowing. He knew that Hiromi-sama was probably watching the whole event with the same feeling of joy running through his veins. Epilogue "Do you think that your parents will be terribly upset?" Mamoru said quietly into the darkness of their room at the elegant hotel they were staying at for their honeymoon. His brow creased deeply into his forehead as he racked his brain with good excuses to give to Usagi's parents about their elopement. Usagi sighed contently, her arms tightening around his waist. Her head lay on his shoulder, her fingers lightly caressing his warm, naked skin. "Fine time to be worrying about my parents reactions, " she giggled. He chuckled with her, his deep voice resonating within their room. "It is a little late." "I'm sure my Okaa-chan and Ojii-chan has already witnessed the event on TV, along with everyone else in Japan," she added, smiling. "Including Hiromi-san. I hope he's happy." Mamoru sighed, smiling, "I'm sure he is." Earlier, Usagi recounted the confrontation with Beryl and her to Mamoru. She remembered with a sour taste to her mouth, the smug look that had come over Beryl's face as she told Usagi that Mamoru was in the shower. When in fact he was not. He was, as Hiromi explained earlier to her that he had been indeed at his estate. Mamoru's reaction to the tale was not what she expected and completely opposite. She witnessed again for the third time, his enraged, cold anger. His body went stiff and his eyes had narrowed to sharp points of blistering, cold anger. She remembered telling him not to do anything irrational to Beryl. After much prodding and entreating, he agreed with her, but his eyes stayed discerningly, hard. And Usagi was left wondering whether not he was just pacifying her so that she wasn't troubled by what Beryl had done to the both them. "My parents will forgive me, I think, when we present them with a grandbaby, " Usagi said carefully into his chest, before looking up into his face. Mamoru lifted his head and stared down into her earnest eyes. Even in the cool darkness of the room, he was able to see the blueness of her eyes. "Are you saying...?" He asked roughly and hoarsely, the reverence in his voice obvious. He recalled the conversation between his grandfather and him, discussing the very subject of being cautious. He shook off the funny feeling of Hiromi's haunting intuition. Usagi nodded her head, a slow smile spreading across her face. "May I?" Mamoru asked, his hand shaking as Usagi turned over onto her back and presented him with her flat stomach. He laid his warm hand over her stomach, and with a sense of great wonder, gently caressed her stomach where the tiny life lay nestled within her. He felt Usagi's warm, hand close over his and looked back up into her face. He found a smile of contentment on her face. "Have I told you how much I love you, lately?" He whispered softly to her. "Yes, about a hundred times, " she laughed, quietly. "But a lady never tires from hearing it," she added. "Well then, I must obey my lady's wishes," he said as he shifted his body carefully above hers, their hands entwining and murmured the magical words again, "I love you, Usako." The End.