* * * "But why can't we call on our regular powers?" said Mina as she watched Darien forming the huge symbol out of salt on the temple floor. "We've taken on things like this before." "Not like this thing, we haven't," Lita replied from her seat on the floor, where she was unwrapping candles and fitting them into candlesticks. "I saw what it can do first hand. It makes it impossible for you to transform." "I still don't see," said Luna as she paced the room, "how this crude earth magick can turn away a force strong enough to suck Serena out of our timeline." "Don't knock it, Luna," Raye said. "Earth magick has proven to be a pretty strong force." "She's right," said Amy, taking one of the candlesticks from Lita and placing it at one of the compass points of the circle. "There are some who believe that earth magick was responsible for turning away a Nazi invasion of England during World War II." Serena stood just outside the perimeter of the symbol, frowning at it. "This looks like the symbol on my moon locket. Why couldn't I just use my moon locket to keep me safe?" "It's not just like it," Darien said. "See, it's a five-pointed star made up of interlocking lines. The five points represent the elements of earth, air, fire, water and spirit. The circle around it represents everything working together to form the universe." "So why do you have to draw it in salt?" "Salt has always been thought of as a powerful tool to drive away evil. We need all the protection we can get tonight." She sucked on her finger as she continued to study it. Oh, baby, don't do that, he thought, as he remembered the other night-before all hell broke loose-and warm feelings flooded his body. I'm going to need all the concentration I can get if I'm going to protect you. Raye stuffed a bag with her little sacred scrolls and tied it around her hips. "Okay, it looks like we're ready to roll," she told Darien. "With my Eastern magick and your Western magick, we'll hit this bastard coming and going." The two briefly clasped hands tightly, a look passing between them reminding each other of how much was at stake. Darien walked to the center of the symbol. "Okay, girls, it's showtime. Serena, you come to the middle with me. Raye, you stand over there by the red candle, Amy by the blue candle, Lita by the green and Mina by the yellow. Now remember what I told you-when something is going to attack you, call on the element, not the planet. And," he added jokingly, "May the Force be With You." Everyone laughed-it was a laugh they needed. Quietly, they began their vigil, listening for any kind of noise that might indicate something amiss. Serena began to feel sleepy. She leaned heavily against Darien, resting her head on his shoulder. He ran his fingers down the length of her long pigtails. I'll never, never let you go, Meatball Head, he thought. Nothing or no one, be it human, animal, or spirit, will ever take you away from me. They'd been there for about an hour when Raye felt the first jolt. Instantly, her hand flew to her bag of scrolls, like a gunslinger reaching for his pistol. She looked over her shoulder at Darien. He'd felt it too. "Here we go, ladies," he said. Stepping out of the circle, he drew out one of his roses and, pointing it at the floor, walked around its perimeter. In a sonorous voice, he said, "I conjure and create this circle of power that it may bind in love and magic and drive away evil." When he was done, he returned to the center. The girls knew this was their cue. "Power of air, be here with us now," said Lita, lighting the candle near her. "Power of fire, be here with us now," Raye said, igniting her own candle. "Power of water, be here with us now," Amy said, followed by Mina's "Power of earth, be here with us now." The all-too-familiar rumbling started, and the room began to shake. Luna, who was on the outside of the circle, began to fear for Serena. She started to run toward her young charge. "No, Luna!" Darien said. "Don't cross the boundary of the circle! You'll put Serena in grave danger!" "What's happening?" Mina said. Raye was battling nausea. "It's almost here!" "Darien! I'm so scared!" Serena cried, burying her head in his chest. His arms came around her, holding her close, as if he hoped to shield her from the evil by his body alone. "Sshh, my darling," he whispered. "We're going to beat it back, I promise you." Then, there was an earsplitting roar, and the temple trembled as if there were an earthquake. Raye felt an incredible pressure all around them, as if they were caught inside a tornado. She grasped a handful of scrolls and drew her hand back, ready to fire. Darien launched the attack. Letting go of Serena, he drew himself up to his full height and raised the rose above his head. "Dark force, begone! Torment this child of the universe no longer! By words and power we will drive you away!" He pointed toward Lita. "Power of air have I over thee!" she said, concentrating on drawing pure energy from the universe and flinging it outward. "Power of fire have I over thee!" said Raye. "Power of water have I over thee!" "Power of earth have I over thee!" Raye felt a huge surge all around her. "It's getting stronger!" "Concentrate harder! Raye, the scrolls!" Raye flung the parchments out into the void. There was a sound like an explosion and some puffs of flame appeared. The pressure lessened a bit before starting again. "Redouble the attack! Call the elements again!" As Raye threw more scrolls, the voices cried out again. "Power of air. . .fire. . .earth. . .water. . ." Darien added, "Power of spirit have I over thee!" But then Serena added something unscripted to the ritual, something that may have delivered the killing blow. Raising her arm over her head like she was going to transform, she cried in her most grandiose voice, "Power of love have I over thee!" There was a boom, a screaming noise, and everything was quiet and still. At first, everyone just stood there breathless. Then, it sunk in that the battle was over and they had won. They began shrieking and cheering, hugging each other. Darien grabbed Serena and spun her around and around as she laughed. "Oh, Muffin, you did it!" she said. "*We* did it. We all did it. You'd make a great witch, Meatball Head." "I'll get you, my pretty," she cackled, tickling him. He tickled back, and they playfully wrestled each other until they were drawn into a group hug. Raye embraced the others, feeling like she would sob with relief. It was over, they'd driven it back, Serena was safe. So why did she still have a funny feeling in the pit of her stomach? * * * Almost a week passed without incident. Serena went to school, daydreamed, goofed off, played video games, tried to get out of doing her homework. She also practiced and practiced her cooking. She was going to see Darien again on Saturday, and was determined to absolutely blow him away. On Friday night, her parents and brother were out for the evening. She was sitting at her desk, copying the recipes she wanted to use from a cookbook onto index cards. Luna approached her. "So, I see that you're finally getting some homework done." "Homework? Um, yeah, homework! Home economics homework!" Luna scowled at her. "Serena, it's great that you're learning to cook. But you need to know more than that. What about history, geography, literature. . .they're important too!" "Oh, Luna. What do I need to know all that stuff for if I'm a Moon Princess?" "A princess has to have the ability to carry on interesting conversations with all the important people she meets. I doubt that heads of state are going to want to discuss video games and manga." "Aaahh! Haven't you got somewhere to go?" "As a matter of fact, that's what I was coming to tell you about. I'm going to see Artemis at Mina's for awhile. You'll probably be asleep when I get back." Oh, she would be asleep, all right. She was planning to get plenty of sleep tonight. . .because she was going to see to it that neither she nor Darien got *any* sleep tomorrow! * * * Raye filled her grocery cart with fruit and vegetables. Grandpa's taking his health kick a bit too far, she thought. I don't think he's eaten anything without seeds or stems in weeks. As she passed the popcorn aisle, she grabbed a big box of Orville Redenbacher Lite. After what we went through last week, she thought, I deserve a treat. Then, as she was leafing through a copy of "Life" while waiting in a ridiculously long checkout line, she felt it. Oh, Gods, it can't be, she thought. We drove it off. It's gone. But she felt it again, stronger. A half mile away, Darien gripped the diner table where he was sitting with Andrew. Please, no, he thought. Let it not be that. Anything but that. . . "Darien?" Andrew said. "Is anything wrong?" "I. . .I have to go. I. . .forgot to do something. . ." Andrew was used to his friend's sudden, unexplained disappearances by now, but this seemed especially strange. "Is there anything I can. . ." He threw some money onto the table. "No, nothing. I'll see you later." He flew out the door, his heart beating so hard and so fast he thought it would fly out of his chest. * * * Serena was getting into bed when the room started shaking. "No!" she shouted. "Go away, whatever you are! Darien! Raye! Where are you? Help me!" But the strange light was filling her room again, and she felt herself hypnotized, transfixed. She slowly made her way to the window. . . * * * Darien and Raye met up about a block from Serena's house. She was running so fast that she almost outran his car. He pulled over and jumped out. "Is she still there?" "I can't tell." They flew down the street like Olympic sprinters-only to be greeted by a horrible sight. Serena's house was enveloped by what looked like a glowing, inverted cyclone. "NO!" Raye screamed. "SERENA!" Darien ran past her, up onto the lawn. But it was too late. As he approached, the cyclone whooshed away, vanishing into the night. "NO, SERENA, DON'T GO!" As Raye wept in her own shock and horror, she saw the man she'd always thought of as one of the most cool and unflappable in the world fall to his knees and sob like a baby. She threw herself down next to him, and they embraced, crying into each other's shoulders. "Oh, Raye, they got her," he sobbed. "The bastards tricked us into thinking we'd driven them off, and they got her!" "Oh, Gods, if only we had come a bit sooner. . ." "I can't live without her, Raye. She is my life. She is my soul." A dim flicker passed through Raye's mind, a flicker of memory from the Silver Millennium. Prince Darien and Princess Serena had died together, each unwilling and unable to face life without the other. . . Mars! Oh, Mars, please speak to me! Tell me there's a way we can correct this! Tell me she isn't lost for good, that we still have a chance of getting her back! Then, she heard the voice in her head, saw a picture of a seaside town. "The vortex is moving through time and space through your universe. In about six hours, it will be centered in a cave at the shore of this town. It will be your last chance to get her back and protect your future." "What are we supposed to do?" "There will be a dimensional doorway outside the vortex. One of you will open and close it with magick. The other one will go in and grab Serena. But I must warn you-it may mean doing battle with her captors, and it could be a duel to the death." "I have no fear," she said, "and I'm sure that he doesn't, either." "Then go, my love. Go and get your princess back." * * * Serena didn't know where she was. It felt like cold, dark nothingness. All she knew was there were horrible creatures in here. . .somewhere. She saw a niche in the wall of. . .whatever it was, and hid in it, trembling. Oh, Darien! Where are you? Am I never going to see you again? Her little body shook with sobs as she recalled the very first time she met Tuxedo Mask, on her initial mission as Sailor Moon. Right then and there, she knew she would never, ever love anyone else. And then, when she found out she was the Moon Princess and he was her prince. . . She thought of the song that Raye had sung last week at karaoke. It sounded like she was singing to someone specific, someone unknown to the other scouts. But to Serena, the song was about Darien, especially him as she first knew him. She began to sing in a small, high, clear voice: "Just like a prayer, your voice can take me there Just like a muse to me, you are a mystery Just like a dream, you are not what you seem. . ." Then, she burst into tears again. * * * "I thought for a second I heard her singing," Darien said as he sped down the highway as fast as he could. "You might have," Raye replied. "I thought a moment ago I heard her crying." If they had been stopped by a cop, they would have had some explaining to do about their attire, for both had transformed before taking off. They knew they wouldn't be able to anywhere near the vortex, and even though they knew that the creature could affect their powers, they also knew that Sailor Mars and Tuxedo Mask had a better chance against whatever it was than plain old Raye Hino and Darien Chiba. "All we've been through, all the battles we've fought and won, and we may have lost her to something out of a bad episode of 'The X-Files,'" he said. "Given that it's you and me on this mission," she said, "maybe we should call it 'The E-X Files." Her quip broke the tension, and they laughed. "Yep, that's us," he said. "Sailor Scully and Tuxedo Mulder." They both doubled their laughter, glad for a moment of release. * * * The cave was right on the beach, the surf coming almost up to its mouth. "How much longer?" he said. "Any minute. Weapons at the ready?" She drew a handful of scrolls from the bag at her hip, he produced an enchanted rose. "Raye. . .if you don't mind my asking. . .what was that story you were going to tell me? The one about your 'someone'?" "All right. A couple of months ago, I came back to the temple feeling down." She didn't want to tell him that the reason she was feeling down was because she had spent the night staring at him and Serena contentedly cuddled up and sleeping on the floor of Lita's place. "I sacrificed some flowers to the gods in the fire, and that night. . ." He couldn't believe what he was hearing. A god? He had figured out that the girls' powers came from divine energy as much as planetary energies, but a god making love to her in corporeal form, claiming her as his "priestess, champion, and lover?" Perhaps there was a lot more to the condition of being a Sailor Scout than he originally thought. . . Then, the rumbling noise began. "Here we go," he said. "All right, as soon as you feel the time is right, you open the doorway and I'll go in. . ." "Hey! Whoa! Back up a minute, Tux Boy! Who said anything about *you* going in?" "I'm going to rescue her. I'm her protector, Raye. . ." "YOU'RE her protector? You're her CONSORT! She can't live without you, and vice versa! I'm just a soldier in the princess' service. If anyone should risk their neck saving her, it should be me!" "But, Raye. . ." "No buts!" She turned to him, and a smile came over her face, a smile which spoke of an ecstasy beyond human words. "Besides, I have no reason to fear death. If I die, it doesn't mean oblivion. It means eternal union with the only man I will love with my entire heart and soul." The moment arrived. They both shuddered as they watched the terrifying inverted cone of winds and clouds form, with clammy gray mist at its center. "Raye. . .I cannot let you do this. Serena may be my one and only love, but that doesn't mean I don't still care for you." "Fine. I'll open the doorway." She concentrated her power on the scroll on her hand, then flung it into the mass of cloud and fog before her. But as he started in, she launched a karate kick which knocked him to the ground. "Darien, I'm sorry," she said as she dashed past him through the doorway, which closed behind her. * * * Serena became aware of a presence in the darkness which gripped her. Was it. . . "Raye?" "Hang on in there, Meatball Head. I'm coming!" She scrambled through the darkness, the cold, the howling winds, until she located the little bright spot in the endless gloom. When the girls saw each other, they embraced, and it was a hug which lasted a good, long time. To look at them, you'd never know these were two young women who'd spent huge chunks of time trading insults and blowing raspberries at each other. "Come on, I'm going to get you out of here." "Did Darien come with you?" "He's on the other side of the dimensional doorway. It's this way-follow me." Hand in hand, they made their way through the darkness. "How did you know where to find me?" "I had some help. I'll tell you about it later." They walked in silence for a moment, then- "Raye. . .can I ask you something?" "Sure, anything." "When you and Darien were going out, did you ever. . .you know?" She thought about what to say for a moment, then decided on the truth. "We tried. He couldn't." The look of surprise and shock on Serena's face was one for the ages. He couldn't? Her strong, sexy, ever-ready Muffin? Raye put an arm around her shoulders and hugged her. "I think some higher power was saving him just for you, Princess." Just then, there was a terrible roar behind them. "Oh, no!" Serena said. Raye peered into the darkness, and saw something coming, some indistinct form. . . "Run, Serena," she said. "Run in that direction, and call out to Darien. He'll open the doorway and pull you out." "But Raye. . .aren't you coming with me?" "I have to stay here and deal with this creep, or else you'll never be able to escape. Now go, before it's too late! Run!" The two girls embraced again, and Serena ran off, sobbing. Raye turned and faced what was coming. It was some semicorporeal creature, a gray mass with a form that kept shifting and changing, now human, now animal, now just a blob. And it was giving off some very nasty energy. She faced it without fear. She didn't know if she would be able to draw on any of her Mars power, but she was sure as hell going to try. "You want a piece of the Princess?" Raye told the creature. "You're going to have to deal with me first. Let me tell you exactly who you're dealing with. I am Sailor Mars! Princess of the planet Mars! Consort of the God Mars! Priestess! Seeress! And warrior! AND YOU ARE GOING DOWN, ASSHOLE! MARS MAXIMUM FIREPOWER!" To her surprise, she was permitted to fling the fountain of fire-but it immediately rebounded. Before she could get out of the way, she was enveloped in her own flame, and she was dying, dying. . . * * * Darien heard Serena's cry just as he sensed the catastrophe inside the cave. Concentrating his power on the rose, he flung it to open the doorway just as he'd seen Raye do with the scroll. He reached into the opening and pulled out the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen in his life. "Serena!" "Oh, Gods, Darien. . ." she sobbed. They fell on each other, embracing as tight as their arms would allow, wetting each other's faces with their tears. "Baby, I thought I'd never see you again." "But I'm here. . .I'm here. . .oh, darling, you've never felt so good in my arms." They stood in silence for a few moments, just rocking each other. Then, she raised her head, and whispered, "Raye. . ." "Oh, I'm so sorry, darling. I felt it a minute ago. . .she's. . ." "Oh, no!" She buried her face in his chest and exploded in a fresh torrent of tears. * * * He was there. She could see his form through the flames. [i hear your voice, it's like an angel sighing] "Raye. . .you can't do this. It's not your time." [i have no choice i hear your voice] "You're needed on Earth. The Princess needs you. We will be together, but not yet, not just yet. You've preserved Crystal Tokyo. Our time will come, I promise you that." [feels like flying] He was stretching out his hands. The flames that were eating her alive were vanishing. "Mars. . ." "I could not let you sacrifice yourself. I will deal with this problem, Raye. Now flee!" "But. . .you're going to fight them alone?" "I brought help. Now please, flee, Raye, flee!" He kissed her, then pushed her in the direction of the dimensional doorway. She took off, looking back over her shoulder to see what looked lik e an army of gods descending on the vortex. Flashes of fire and sparks were jumping around. Knowing that an explosion was probably imminent, she doubled her speed. . . * * * Both Darien and Serena heard the cry. "Is that. . ." she said. He opened the doorway, reached in. A figure in red and white stumbled out and hit the sand. Both of them fell on her with embraces and joyous cries. "We've got no time to lose," she said. "We have to get out of here. The cave's going to blow!" The three of them stumbled up the beach to his car. Piling in, Raye and Serena crammed into one bucket seat, they looked back to see fire, smoke and sparks shooting out of the opening. Not long after they sped off, there was a huge explosion, and debris flew up in the air. The cave was gone-and the evil along with it. * * * None of them was up to the long drive home. They found an inn that had stayed open on the off-season. They were the only guests there. Raye took one room, Darien and Serena the room next door. Nobody did anything but sleep for about 12 hours. It was the first time any of them had truly felt at peace in days and days. Then, Raye was awakened by something brushing gently against her cheek. A feather? She turned her head and beheld. . . "Hello, darling. Because you were so courageous in saving Serena, I've been granted some more time with you." "OHH!" She threw her arms around him. "Oh, I can't believe you're here with me. It's like. . ." "A dream? I heard your song, Raye." "You did?" "Yes. And it turned me on to no end." "Hmmm. Well, then you're going to have to express what that song made you feel, aren't you?" "Yes, I think I'll have to." He leaned over toward her mouth. "It'll be a sacrifice, I'm sure. . ." "Oh, I think we'll survive it," she said, before the kiss began. * * * Serena woke up, stretched like a cat. "Hi there, Meatball Head," Darien said to her. "How do you feel?" "Like I want a bath." "Oh, I can take care of that. Would you like company?" "Mmmmm. . .that would be nice." She stood up, squinting at the bright sunlight pouring through the window. How beautiful it was to see the sun again! And the clouds, and the birds, and. . . And DEFINITELY that! Darien was standing in the doorway of the bathroom, wearing not a single stitch. He held out his hand to her. "Your bath awaits, my princess." She dropped her clothes to the floor, joining him in a state of blissful nakedness. * * * Raye feasted on his mouth, hungrily. His arms were like steel bands holding her, his tongue darting in and out of her lips. When she leaned back, it didn't really surprise her to see that he'd made her clothes dissolve, along with his own, and both were naked. She ran a finger slowly down his chest. "I could devour you," she growled. "Eaten alive? It would be a pleasure." He lay back on the pillows. "Care to give it a try?" She more than cared. She ran her tongue down his chest, flicking at the nipples. She swirled it in circles over his abdomen, moving ever-so-slowly down and down and down. Every nerve, every instinct was screaming at her to just go for it, to grab it and suck it until he exploded, but she fought it and continued her slow, steady pace. When she reached her goal, she took it in her hands and stretched it out in front of her. Gods, how enormous. . .Slowly, she moved her hands up and down it, listening for his moans and sighs. She reveled in the power of her sexuality-she could control even a god! Her tongue swept over it, base to tip, tip to base, then circling over the head. She loved the different sounds he made for each motion, each change of pressure. . .Finally, she took it in her lips and began to suck on it, moving her head slowly up and down. . . "Aaahh, you temptress," he moaned. "Whole kingdoms have been brought down by nymphs like you." She took it out of her mouth, came back up to him, kissed his lips. His hands grabbed her breasts, kneading the nipples. "Beautiful Raye," he whispered. "You outshine even the goddesses." She moaned, shifted beneath him. "What is it that you want?" he said. "Tell me." "I want your mouth on my breasts. . .and your fingers inside me." He complied immediately, his hot lips fastening on her nipple, sucking, pulling, drawing. His tongue came into play from time to time, first lashing, then stroking. She moaned and writhed against his hot mouth. . .and bucked against the big, strong fingers that were parting her petals, gently stroking, pulling, pinching. . . "Ohhh, baby," she whispered. "That feels so, sooo good. . ." He switched his mouth to the other breast as he slid two fingers inside her, while his thumb stroked her hot, swollen jewel. She groaned deeply, her hips pumping faster and faster as he stroked harder and harder. "Oh gods. . .I think I'm coming. . .I'm coming. . .AAAAHHH!!!" Before her spasms had even faded, he had whisked away his hands and replaced them with his cock. He pumped her and pumped her, and she screamed as she came again, her hips rising off the bed to meet his every thrust. "Oh, Gods, I can't take it, no more, no more. . ." "Yes you can, Raye. You can take it. And you want it." He stopped thrusting, his fingers slowly circling her nipples, his mouth nibbling on her neck. "Come on, baby, take me. Take all of me." And he was pumping her again, first slowly, then faster and faster. "OOOHHH!!! AAAHHHH!!!" Her whole body writhed with her third orgasm, a huge explosion which she felt in every pore, every hair follicle. * * * Serena sat up straight in the tub. "Raye has someone in there with her," she said. Darien pulled her back down to him, a slow, lazy smile playing at his lips. "Yes, she does, doesn't she?" "Who is it?" "An old flame of hers." "Huh?" "I'll tell you later. But first, I've got something better in mind. Let's get on the bed and I'll give you a counting lesson." "A counting lesson? Yuk! Darien, how can you think of math at a time like this? I hate math!" "But Serena. . .I'm going to teach you how to count to 69." After a moment, it sunk in, and her eyes widened. "Ooooohhh. . ." * * * Gods don't lose their erections easily. Raye had just experienced her fifth orgasm. She moved away from him and lay crumpled in a ball at the foot of the bed. "I can't take it. . ." "Yes, you can. Come on, just lie there like that and let me take you from behind. . ." "Oh, no! No way, buster! You're not sticking it up my ass! I don't care who you are!" "Who said anything about sticking it up your ass? I'm going to go in your pussy from behind. . .like this. . ." He raised her hips, and pushed forward and in. She felt it penetrate her deeply, much deeper than anyone had ever gone in her before. She let out a long, low sound. . .was he battering up against the mouth of her womb? Suddenly, she got her second wind, and she was bucking and moving beneath him and oh yes here it comes number six and its wonderful number six AAAGGGGHHH . . . * * * "Now, my little minx," Darien whispered to Serena in between kisses and nibbles at her breasts, "let's see which of us screams for mercy first." He began moving down, down, at the same time shifting the lower part of his body around so that his erection was within reach of her mouth and hands. They had to move around a little until they were both completely comfortable, but then, she felt his fingers parting her soft folds, and his tongue beginning to probe her ever-so-gently. . .She retaliated by stroking his manhood in her hands, feeling it get bigger. . .Her soft little tongue flicked experimentally along its length, and in reply, she felt him stick his tongue deep inside her. She moved her hips, encouraging him to greater and greater efforts as her mouth captured his cock and began sucking on it fiercely. He did the same thing to her hot little pearl. Serena made purring noises in her throat, pushing herself even further into his face as she opened as wide as she could go to take in more, more, more. . . * * * At last, Mars roared out his climax and came inside Raye just as she experienced number seven. She flopped back on the bed, totally drained of energy, as if she'd just had a close encounter with the Negaverse. But the Negaverse could never had made her feel sooooo verrryyy gooood. . . . Dimly, she was aware of the sounds in the next room. . .the sucking, the slurping, the moaning. Darien and Serena were feasting on each other like starving people at a banquet. * * * Oh, Gods, how many tricks with his lips and tongue does he know? He'd taken her up to the edge by rolling his tongue up and down her labia in long strokes, balanced her precariously on the precipice by raining soft little tongue-plucking kisses all over her soft wetness, and pushed her screaming into the abyss by nibbling on her most sensitive spot. She tried to keep up with him by licking all over his manhood, sucking the tip, massaging and caressing it with her hands. He's getting bigger, he's throbbing, he's going to. . .he's going to. . .She pulled her mouth away and backed off quickly as he reached the summit, sending a stream of whiteness into the air. Her gesture pushed her further onto his mouth, and she reached another peak, screaming his name as the flames ripped through her. * * * "Darien, hmmm?" said Mars. "Well, it sounds like the boy suffered no lasting ill effects from what I did to him." "What do you mean, what *you* did to him?" "Who do you think was responsible for that little embarrassing incident he had? I couldn't let the two of you do that. He belonged to the Moon Princess. And you belonged to. . ." "I belonged to you." "Yes. You belonged to me." She snuggled against his chest. "How much longer can you stay?" "Not long, my love. Within the hour, I'll have to go. But I will always cherish this time we spent together. . .a little preview of. . .forever." And in the other room, the word "forever" was also being uttered by the other couple between breathless kisses, as they tasted themselves on each other's mouths. "I'll love you forever, Princess," he whispered. "I'll love you and protect you forever." "I'll love you forever too, my Prince," she whispered back. As she snuggled onto his chest and drifted off to sleep, she thought, But I don't want to think about forever just yet. I just want to enjoy the beautiful, wonderful now. AUTHOR'S NOTES: The song "Like a Prayer," used in several places in this story, was written by Madonna and Patrick Leonard, published by WB Music Corp./Bleu Disc Music Co. Inc./Webo Girl Publishing Inc., lyrics used without permission. The magickal ritual was an extremely simplified form of contemporary Western magickal practices, and was not intended to represent an actual rite. Usual Sailor Moon disclaimers apply-these characters ain't mine, I'm just borrowing them.