Hello, Hello!! Merry Christmas, minna!! It's Christmas break!! And happy holidays to everyone who isn't Christian!! To be honest, I'm having a tough time with this story, so, I hope you're not mad at the way I'm going to continue it!! *sob* PLEASE don't flame me!! That would break my heart!! Thank you Bridget, Eternal Angel, Artemis, Sailor Starlite, Nana, and Kell for emailing me or telling me about my story!! Thanks guys! Guess what??!! I'm working on getting a page to put my stuff on!! I'll let y'all know when it's up and everything!! C ya!! *Standard disclaimer, blah, blah, blah!!* Remember: The moonlight carries the message of love!" -Usagi @-->-->->--- Usagi, age 15, wants a friend!! This cannot be the same, NO, it isn't the same person! I thought to myself with complete confidence. Complete fake confidence! C'mon I'm Chiba Mamoru! I shouldn't be chasing after a 15 year old girl!! Um...Well, 3 years isn't that much...AHHHH!! I've got to stop this. However, being the strong-willed person that I am, ended going out to look for Usagi. Not the one on the card. The one I had met. The one on the card was probably just some kid; I'd get her a stuffed animal or something. Right now, my mission was to find *her*. Tonight was Christmas Eve, but it wasn't like I had any plans, so what the heck! Plus, there wouldn't even be another Christmas if I didn't find her. So there I was, driving around in a lot of neighborhoods, when, my car broke down. Why? Why me? Why does this kind of stuff always happen to me?!! This house my car had died in front of was...cute. That's the only way I can think to describe it to you. It was made of white wooden paneling with green shutters and a green door. It had a Christmas wreath hanging on the door that was covered with all sorts of Christmasy stuff. In the small yard around the house, all the bushes had rows of colored lights on them.. Geez, you could practically *smell* Christmas. Then I looked up, and saw *her*! I'm not kidding!! Her soft blues eyes met mine and held my gaze, until she quickly moved back from the window, with fear in her eyes. With fear? That doesn't sound right, but it's true. *sigh* So, she doesn't like me! Anyway, I had to do something fast because I was freezing my butt off and the snow was starting to fall thickly, covering everything with a crisp blanket of white. I walked up tot he door and knocked and soon a woman came to the door. "Hello. May I help you?" "Um, yeah. My car just broke down in front of your house. May I use your phone," I asked trying to shake off what I had just seen in their window as pure imagination. "I'm sorry. You can't." "Oh..I'm really sorry for bothering you, I'll just try the next house." "Oh no!! It's not like that!! The phone lines are already down because of this snowstorm!!" "Oh..." "I'll see if my husband, Kenji, can fix your car. He's pretty good at mechanics!" "Thanks so much!" "Just a minute!!" So I waited while she called her husband, who was incredibly willing to help me fix my car... @-->-->-->--- I was feeling good. I'm hardly sick anymore and school's out for Christmas vacation! I am happily living with a new family that actually loved me. It's still hard for me to learn and understand exactly what love is, but I'd say I'm coming along pretty well. Mostly thanks to that Chiba guy. He was the first person in my entire life to actually care about how I felt. I am beginning to love my new family like something that was mine all along... Still...something is missing. That's when I saw him. Really it was that, that Chiba guy staring at me through my window!! I looked into his eyes and saw pure joy and....and love. Love??!! I jumped back from the window, wondering why he was here and how he found me! Why am I afraid of him? He saved my life! He helped me. He cared. I looked out the window to see my new dad waving and Mamoru was driving off. I noticed he looked into my window... That's when I knew what I had to do!! Tonight, while everyone was sleeping, I'd sneak out to visit him. I needed to thank him for...? For remembering me because I had been forgotten. Forgotten by any one who ever glanced my way. Social services, people on the street, people at school, my "parents". All knew I needed help, but they forgot. They forgot how to truly care for their fellow man, but he remembered. I would go thank him. @-->-->-->--- I left the house for Mamoru's at 12:00. That way I could be home in time for Christmas morning with my new family. I had looked up his address in the phone book and luckily knew how to get there without getting lost. It didn't take long to get there, and soon I was standing on the sidewalk in front of his complex. I was so cold. The snow had been falling and everything was covered with ice. The stinging wind pulled at my hair and played with it. I was about to move when I heard a roaring sound. I turned and stared into the face of an 18 wheeler, coming strait at me! I screamed and tried to jump out of the way, but I was too late! I bounced off the truck and tumbled onto the hard, frozen ground. I piercing pain shot up my leg and struggled to stand, only to collapse onto the snow. It's okay, I thought. The truck driver will come back. He will come back. He will come back. He..He's not coming back. The wind was beginning to penetrate through my jacket. "Someone help me!! Please!! Someone!! Please," I sobbed, "Please help me...." @-->-->-->-- Have you emailed your favorite author today??!! Hey, stop leaving!! Okay okay, have you emailed the author of Forgotten Angel today??!! C'mon *_* Please!! I'll go insane if you don't!! @_@!! Wait, I already am! By the way, I have *nothing* against social services!! They are good people! They really are!! And sorry about the language in Chapter 1, but, Tenchi was a bad guy!! Email: joeharps@ix.netcom.com IM: starbunny816 Ja!! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~