Hiya, peeps!! How goes it?? (! love that funky phrase) Anywho, NO ONE emailed me about part seven!! So sad!! However, I must thank Christina!! Thanks for emailing me. you have no idea how much it means to me!! Why don't you others follow her good example!! *grins* C ya!! Email me at: joeharps@ix.netcom.com Standard disclaimer applies! So Very Lonely Part: 9 (Mamo-chan's POV) "Arrrggghhh..." I groaned and sat up slowly, ignoring the dizziness that swept through my body like a tsunami. Was Usagi okay?? Where is she? What happened? Where's Darkstar? All of these questions raced through my mind as I frantically scanned the room for my beloved. My eyes fell upon her still form a few feet way from me. She was laying on her side, as if she had fainted and not moved since. her lips were parted a little, but I couldn't hear her breathing. Peacful it was not. more like, sick. Really sick. "Usako!" I leapt up to go to her, even though my body protested. Her breathing was so shallow I could scarcely hear it. Her sailor fuku was soaked with blood from an earlier slash. Carefully, I felt her wrist for a pulse, but couldn't find one. Wait! There was a pulse, but a sorry excuse for one. There was only one thing to do: pick her up and try to find a way out of whatever dimension we were in. How was I going to do that? @--> --> --> --- "Keep running, senshi!!" Mars screamed this at the top of her lungs, as the soldiers raced towards the vacant office building, that was the exit of Darkstar's dimension. "Try...ing...Ma...rs...," panted Ami, followed my Minako and Makato. "Go faster!! Try harder!!" And then, the building was there. "Okay, Mercury, how do we get in??" "Ummm..." "Mercury?" "I'm working on it!" "Hurry up!!" "Sorry, Mars! This is going to take awhile, okay?!" @--> --> --> --- I had been walking through the twisted tunnels of Darkstar's realm for hours, trying, in vain, to find a way out. We had gone almost an hour and a half when a couldn't find Usagi's pulse!! My body stiffened as I realized what was happening. "USAKO!!! USAKO!! USAKKOOOOOoooooo!!!" (Usagi's POV) Someone was calling my name....Mamo-chan? But it was so warm where I was going...I would feel no pain...Mamo-chan....He needed me, and I needed him. So, I made my decision. (Mamo-chan's POV) Her eyes fluttered open and she turned her head towards me: "Follow the light.....Follow the light, Mamo-chan." And then she fell back into unconciousness. "USAKO!! What light?! You've got to help me!! Oh, please, Usako!! @--> --> --> --- "I've got it!" "Mercury, what do we do?" "Aim your powers at the third dark star from the right on the door!" "Hai!!" "Mercury, shabon spray!!!" "Jupiter, supreme thunder!" "Mars, fire!! "Venus, crescent beam!" (AN: I can't think of Mars' and V's powers right now!! *sigh*) "Mercury, pant, it didn't, pant, work!" "It's just as I feared. the door can only be opened from the inside. All we can do is wait." "WAIT?? WAIT?? ARGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" "Mars, calm down." @--> --> --> --- Usagi had a pulse, but still there was no way out. Then, I saw the light she'd been talking about coming from a mirrored wall. This wall was different from the rest. I noticed it had a handle that was the same color as the door, so that it blended in perfectly. That was it!! The light was the senshi and this was our way out!! (Ami's POV) Just as we'd finished trying to open the door, it clicked open. In the door way stood a ragged version of the Mamo-chan we once new. He was injured from head to toe, but what was even more frightening was the Usagi he cradled in his arms. He looked all of us in the eye, without saying a word. I noticed he was swaying a bit... "Mamor-" "Take care of her, Sailor Senshi," he said, placed Usagi in Makato's arms and tumbling to the ground. THE END Really, that's then end!! If anyone cares, I *will* have an epilouge!! Take care, minna!!!