Hey guys!! Here goes nothin' Guess what?! I finally got aol's IM!! My screename is starbunny816 ! I'd love to here from you online as well! *Standard disclaimer* So Very Lonely : Epilogue Sunlight streamed into a small room, dancing on Usagi's golden curls. It warmed her face. It was so good to be alive... *flashback* "AIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Usagi!! Usagi!! Mamoru!!" "Rei? Rei. Calm down. We've got to get them to the shrine!!" "Oh, Ami...Look at them!! Just look at them!!" "Well, you're not helping by looking!! Let's go!! *end flashback* (Mamo-chan's POV) "Arrggghhh..." I woke up in a small bedroom in, what I recognized as, Rei's shrine. My body felt like a giant pincushion. Something deep in the back of my mind told me that there was something very important I should be worrying about right now... "USAKO!!!!" I screamed as loud as I could. I sat up quickly, ready to go find her, but a wave of dizziness forced me down. "Usakooo" I mumbled. "Oh!! Mamoru!! You're awake. You poor thing. Here, lay down and rest. Your body needs rest. You've fought a hard battle." I looked up to see a very concerned Rei, who proceeded to try to coax be back into bed. "Usako? Is she....is she..," I gulped, unable to continue because of the tears that threatened to spill. "No. Usagi is....well,....resting. Yes, Usagi is..resting," she said, getting cheerier with every word. When Rei was cheery, you knew something was wrong. "Rei..." "Bye, Mamoru, get some rest!" She said this, leaving me too weak to beg for an answer as she swept out of the room. "Usako..." @--> --> --> --- "How is she, Ami?" "Well, I think she'll be okay....she just needs some time." "We're lucky it's Thanksgiving break." "Yeah..." "They were only in the other dimension for 24 hours our time. Days, Darkstar's time." "Yeah..." "Ami, what's wrong with Usagi?" "Mina-chan... Her leg is broken and she's all bruised up. She's got numerous cuts and one huge gash down her side." "Ouch..." "Yeah..." "Well, I called her parents to say she'd been hit by a car. You know, hit and run. We brain-washed a doctor into thinking he'd treated her and that it was best for her to recover here." "Awesome, where are her parents?" "Snowed in in Maine, visiting relatives." "Bummer." "Yeah." @--> --> --> -- In the thick velvety darkness of night, a handsome figure tip-toed towards Usagi's room... ' HA!! They can't stop me, Tuxedo Kamen!!,' he thought, silently, "I will find my Usako!!' He walked on, following to pull of Usagi's pain... He entered the room, only to find that Usagi was tossing fitfully in her sleep... "Mamo....Mamo-chan...so sorry....tried...tried to....save...you....." This was followed by gentle sobbing, in her sleep. "Usako.." he breathed into her ear. "Usako, princess, you saved me!! I'm alive because of you!" "Mamo-chan!!" She bolted upright, only to regret it. She sagged onto Mamoru's shoulder, whimpering slightly. "Usako!! Are you alright??!!" "Hai...." "It hurts, doesn't it, Usagi?" "No, Mamo-c-" "Don't lie." She began to cry softly on him, as he held her close. "Usagi,...I don't think I've ever told you this before...My life before you came was filled with pain, frustration, and hatred. Then you came, the light of my life, the flame of hope!! Usako, I was so lonely without you...so very lonely. I love you, Usako!!" "Oh, Mamo-chan I love you too!" @--> --> --> --- Somewhere in Tokyo, a couple who was meant to be from the beginning, is peacefully sleeping in each other's arms. One, dark and rich at heart. The other, flaming and giving at heart. True love...What will tomorrow bring? THE END Is anyone feeling a moment? I thought the end was almost touching!! Oh, the whole Thanksgiving break thing and her parents being out of town has nothing to do with "Thanking of You" Is anyone interested in a short, follow-up story? Email me at joeharps@ix.netcom.com or IM me, I'm starbunny816!! Take care, minna, God be with you!! Love, Miri