WARNING THIS IS A HENTAI. That's all you should know. Hmmph. Are you still here? You still sit here, listening to my tale of fruitless love with a quiet and calm face? You still sit there watching my face wrack with pain and hardship. I can't believe it. Maybe I shouldn't continue...but you've sat there for so long all ready, and I haven't even finished. I must finish it. I must let go of what has been ailing my heart for so long. I must continue. Rule Of Love Chapter Three By Mishi Kawaii "My love, my love..." I whispered, staring at the goddess before my eyes. Lovelier than a summer's day, more serene than a swan, more precious than any jewel in the world, there was my Usako, my love, my life. Rei grabbed my arm and started to shake it, like she was trying to pull me from a trance. But I couldn't look to Rei, not with *her* their. I couldn't pull my eyes, my mind off the magnificent golden nymph. Realizing that it was next to impossible to make me look at her, Rei sighed and instead began to speak into my ear. "Mamoru-kun, get a grip. She *left* you. She doesn't deserve this attention, no matter how much you love her. Mamoru-kun? Do you hear me?" She sighed as I continued to stare at Usako. "Oh goddamit." She swore. I hardly noticed as Rei turned away. Her words were nothing more than wisps of wind brushing past my hair. Nothing there was important anymore, now that she was here. "Excuse me, is there something that I wasn't told?" Said a voice. THAT voice. That cold, sharp voice. That man, no demon's voice. Jad's voice. He stared at me, his eyes dark and narrowed. He wanted answers, and by the looks of it, he wanted them now. "Jad-kun, please don't be like that. Mamo-ch...Mamoru-kun and I are just friends." She looked at me, her aquamarine shining sadly. "Old friends." What! What did she mean by friends? And 'old' friends, what was that supposed mean? I looked at her, my eyes searching her face for an answer, any kind of response, but she turned away before I could find one. Before she could let me. "Oh, did he live by your old place Usa-chan?" Asked Jad, completely ignoring my glances at Usako. She looked at me, a wary look in her eyes, and then turned to Jad, that demon, and smiled. "Yes. Isn't that right, Mamoru-kun?" She asked, her voice sweeter than honey. I swallowed, my pride and my hope. That gleam, that sparkle that once had lived in Usagi's gorgeous eyes was gone. Her face seemed more tired, more worn by the world. She wasn't the same. But still, I loved her. And I still do, and I still will, no matter how much she changes, no matter how she looks. If she never spoke to me again, I would still love her. I will love her, forever. "Sure, that's right. It's been awhile, hasn't it Usak...Usagi-chan." I muttered, staring into her face. My eyes burned as I looked her. It was like staring into the face of an angel, the purity, the beauty, the wisdom, all gleamed from her. "Well isn't that something. Jad-kun, how about we go talk to the minister?" Said Rei grabbling Jad's arm. He looked at her with a confused expression on his face. "Rei..." "So let's go. See you inside Mamoru-kun." Rei said quickly. But her words meant nothing, what she was really trying to say was in her eyes. What she was saying was 'Ask her.' I sighed, and looked at Rei, raising my brow. Now? I mouthed. She merely raised her eyebrows and gave me that look again. Sighing again, I looked to Usagi. Rei was right, I had to, if I ever wanted to be sane again, I had to ask. I nodded, and Rei gave me an awkward smile. She and Jad left, leaving me with Usako. My Princess, my love. I wanted to hold her in my arms and kiss her, embrace her, tell her how much I missed her. I wanted to whisper how much I loved her, I wanted to give her everything that life has ever given me. I wanted her love. Usagi's warm smile faded as Jad and Rei walked away. I soon realized that it wasn't a smile...no, it was a facade. Her sunny face turned dark, and she narrowed her eyes at me. When I saw the look on her face, I could honestly say that I wanted to die. "Mamoru-kun I want nothing to do with you." She said with a steely glint in her eye. Her voice seeped with ice and hatred directed at me, though I didn't know why. "Usako, what are you talking about? I..." "And don't call me that. Call me Usagi-chan, Usa-chan, but NOT Usako. I am not your little bunny Mamoru-chan." She spat. What was the world coming to? The woman I loved, adored didn't even want me around. In fact, I didn't think that she wanted me to exist. "Usako...I mean Usa-chan, is there something I don't know about? Why are you so angry?" She looked at me with those eyes. Those taunting, mesmerizing eyes that had held me under her spell for so long. Her eyes, the color of mystical oceans and rare sapphires, stared at me with a harshness and cold that I didn't think they, that she was capable of. "Oh God Mamoru-kun..." "Mamo-chan." I corrected her. She looked at me with a hint of disgust. "MAMO-chan. Do you know what happened after that night, the night that we met and..." She trailed off and blushed a little, giving her face a lovely rose hue. Oh gods, she's so lovely... "...and fell in love, I suppose. Well, at least I fell in love." She admitted. "I fell in love with a perfect stranger! Oh, how naive I was back then!" Usagi looked up, her face hard and angry. "I fell in love with you! I gave you everything, my trust, my heart..." She trailed off and looked away, a wave of shame painted on her face. "You became a woman that night Usako." I whispered huskily. Her aqua eyes widened and began to brim with diamond tears. "Yes, yes I did. I gave up my purity for you. I gave it all up for you!" Are you interrupting again? Well, I can see why, since I did skip over an important part. But I couldn't tell you that...it was well, special, intimate. With any other woman, I could tell you all the filthy details, from the moment I picked her up to when she left my apartment. But Usako...she's different, so different from other women. She is...oh words can't describe it. But now, you see, I had lied about my first encounter with Usako. But as I said before, I'm a liar. I suppose all men are. That night, the night Usako and I first met...well both you and I know that it was magical. I tried to keep that feeling always, but of course, there is always more to a story then meets the eye. Much more. I had walked Usako out of the ice cream shoppe that night, that wonderfully magnificent night. Both she and I were giggling like a young couple in love. I suppose we were in love, at that moment at least. But instead of just having a kiss outside the shoppe, we did other things, things that I know now I must tell. I have to tell it all... "Mamo-chan...I can't thank you enough for tonight. I haven't had this much fun in ages." Said Usagi. She hung onto my arm as we walked through the cool streets. It was wonderful, having her so close to my side. Words can simply not describe what I felt. "Sure Usako. It was no problem at all." Ahead of me, I remember seeing patches of trees and green peeking through the buildings, and then, an idea hit me. "Usako?" "Hmm?" "Would you like to take a walk through the park...unless you're busy..." She smiled softly, her liquid blue eyes looking into mine. "Of course not, I'd love to go." As we reached our destination, waves of perfumed flowers and freshly cut grass hit our noses. The smell was wonderful, only putting us further on course for what was to happen that night. Usagi directed us to a bench by the pond in the park. Together we sat, just the two of us in the moonlight. She looks so pretty in the moonlight, did you know that? Her hair looks like silver, and her eyes glow as bright as the stars. I swear, I don't think that she could ever look ugly. At least, not to me. So we sat at the bench, staring onto the glassy lake. The moon was full, hanging in the sky like a silver ornament, with the stars surrounding it like tiny diamonds. Usagi stared dreamily up at the sphere, her face becoming soft and thoughtful. I put my arm around her, and we sat staring up at the moon. But by then, we could have been staring at anything, it wouldn't have mattered, as long as she was in my embrace. "Mamo-chan, isn't the moon so pretty?" Asked Usagi, her hot breath sliding over my skin. Usagi was by then leaning onto my body, her hair falling into my lap. Her eyes stared up at me, those eyes, those wonderful, wonderful eyes. I couldn't stand it, she was so perfect, so beautiful, I wanted to take her, have her, make her mine forever. I could picture Usagi in all her glory, her beautiful creamy skin and perfect curves, untainted by unnecessary clothes and garments. Her hair, wild and free, like a golden cloak, spilling over her perfect form. "Yes it is." I whispered hoarsely. A feeling, wild and explosive bombarded my heart as she sighed softly and fell into my chest. Her soft hand laid itself on top of mine, as Usagi murmured those sweet words. "I love it here with you, Mamo-chan." That's all it took. Those words, and that was it. Usagi looked up and stared into my eyes...and we kissed. Her plush red lips pushed themselves on my cold mouth. I was surprised, but I kissed back, hard and feverishly. She tasted of drunken wine and honey. Her lips were as soft as rose petals, and just as delicate, but still they forced themselves hard onto mine, crushing into me. Usagi began to run her fingers through my hair, whispering my name over and over again. Her voice, her sweet voice echoed into the air as I kissed back harder and harder. My breath got quick, and my heart raced out of control, as did my lips. My body began to tense up as arousal burned in my belly. Oh gods, how I needed her! She was so soft and delicate. My hands ran all over her, feeling each smooth curve on Usako. She in turn ran her hands along my back, tracing random figures with her hands. It was growing warmer, and fast. I kissed her more, not caring who saw us, or what would happen. All I cared about was Usako. All I could feel was Usako. Usagi had strategically placed herself onto my lap. I groaned as I felt her soft leg on my thigh and felt the blood on my veins pump at incredible speeds. I just hoped, no more like prayed, that she wouldn't feel *that* crushing into her thigh. My heart was pounding so loud, it felt as though it was going to burst out of my chest. I kissed Usagi eagerly, the taste of her lips more delicious than any feast. I just wanted to kiss her, and kiss her and... "Mommy...look at the lake!" A young boy yelled somewhere. Startled I quickly broke away from the kiss. Usagi blushed a bright red and stared deeply into my eyes, passion and fear crossing over them. Her face was flushed red, and her lips were swollen from crushing themselves onto mine. "Mamo-chan," She whispered, slipping her leg off of mine. "I think we should go somewhere..." I nodded quickly in agreement. It was wonderful here, in the pale moonlight with my Princess. But of course, nothing is perfect. I should know that by now... I grabbed Usagi's hand and we left the park quickly before someone could see us. She giggled as we ran, a sound that I could listen to over and over again. Her laugh is like a symphony, and is more tantalizing than a siren's song. I don't remember how we got to my place, nor do I care. We could have flown for all I know. But somehow we had gotten into my place, alone. Usagi was so shy, so chaste when she walked in. Her eyes were wide and fearful as she looked into my humble place, her ocean eyes scanning over each piece of furniture, each picture in it. She bit her red lip as she looked around, looking like a child when they are somewhere they know that they shouldn't be. "Uh...nice place Mamo-chan." She muttered. "Thanks. Would you like a coffee or something?" I asked, though really, that wasn't what I wanted to ask. "Uh...I'll have a Coke or something." She muttered. Shame still sat in her voice, like she was embarrassed to be alone with me. Or maybe it was something else, because I swear I saw her sneak some glances at my bedroom. I was right. As I went to find something other than alcohol in my fridge, Usagi had stumbled into my room. I wouldn't have noticed until I heard a squeal that didn't come from my living room. "Mamo-chan! You-you have a poster of the Three Lights!" She exclaimed. Oh. So that was it. Hiding my disappointment, I smiled and went over to Usagi, sneaking glances from her to the bed. "Uh..yeah. It's for my friend Rei actually. She has a thing for their music." I answered. Usagi traced her hand over the poster and sighed as her hand dawdled on one of the trio in particular. I looked down tried to read the name...ah there it was...Kou Seiya. "You like him?" I asked. I tried to sound happy, but I wasn't. I admit it, I was jealous that she was looking dreamily at this man, that gleam of love in her eyes as she stared into the poster. "Hmm...yeah I guess so. They go to my school you know." She said, her hand still tracing over his face. I cringed as I saw her continue to stare at him, a stare that I wished for myself. "Oh really...how...nice." I muttered. "Yeah. We've actually gone out a couple of ti..." Usako stopped as she saw the look on my face. No doubt that I looked more than unpleased. "Bu-but he's gone out with all the other girls." She said quickly, dropping the poster. They went out! No...and he hadn't already claimed her for himself? I had begun to doubt the manhood of this man, Kou Seiya. But the way Usagi looked at him, the way she stared, it had to be more than she insisted it was. If only I had listened to myself, maybe, though it was probably unlikely, I wouldn't have done those things to Usagi. Usako looked around my bedroom, wonderment filled in her eyes. She looked at me with a smile as she pointed to my bed. "Mamo-chan..." She purred. Oh gods, when she said that, I felt that fire burn in my stomach again, this time larger and more hot. "Yes?" I asked meekly. "You didn't make your bed!" She laughed. Usagi jumped on top of it and laid herself on the sheets. Her long legs spread down the bed, two perfect pillars. I gulped hard as I felt my pants grow uncomfortably tight. I walked towards the bed and sat down beside Usagi who was still in that lovely position. She looked so soft, so warm. I touched her cheek and the smile disappeared from her face. "Mamo-chan..." She said as I inched closer to her face. If I thought that there was anything sexual in that kiss at the park, then I think I was wrong. My lips brutally crushed onto Usagi's. This time, no one around us to bother or deny me of my love for Tsukino Usagi. I began to climb on top of her, my lips still kissing hers passionately. My tongue drew into her mouth, exploring it expertly. Usagi moaned and wrapped her hands around me as we fell deeper and deeper into my bed. Usagi broke away long enough to start taking off her shirt and skirt. When she threw them off, Usagi was left in a simple pair of white panties and a white lace bra, but to me, she never looked more elegant and serene. Through our tumbling, her hair had fallen out of the buns and now pooled around her like a lake of sunshine. "Mamoru..." She said as she began to unbutton my shirt. Her hand ran down my stomach, as though she were savoring the feeling of my skin. Usagi's touch only added more fuel to my fire, and now, it was burning out of control. I kissed her cheek as she quickly unbuckled my ever growing tight pants. The black slacks fell off onto my bed as I kissed Usagi's neck. She moaned softly and whispered my name, her voice now low and raspy. I was like a madman. My hands ran all over her, trying to touch as much of my darling Usako as I could. She unclasped her bra, to reveal two perfect globes, hard and swollen. Eagerly, I looked at them, as a child does when they open their Christmas presents for the first time. I looked at my Usako, my love, her eyes dripping with ecstasy. "Please." She whispered. I placed my lips onto the mound white flesh that was before me. Her skin was sweet and soft. She moaned loudly as I continued to feast on my darling love. Slowly, my tongue crossed over nipple, and she squealed, a wonderfully potent noise. The heat had risen considerably as I feasted like a king on my beloved. She began to pant and moan as my hungry mouth suckled on her warm breast. A cloud of exotic perfume filled the room, it smelled of musk and roses, and then I realized it was Usagi. Slowly, I raised my head from her beautiful breast, much to her disappointment. "Mamo-chan..." She breathed, as I slipped my hand down her flat stomach. I then proceeded farther till I got to a moist piece of cloth. My hand dug itself underneath, finding a mass of golden curls under the white material. I pulled at the garment to reveal more of her womanhood. Musk was filling the room rapidly, the air thick with my and Usako's lust. Her nectar had begun to pour down her shapely thigh, and Usagi moaned softly as I touched her delicate flower. She didn't need to speak anymore. My boxers rubbed uncomfortably onto my erection as I ran my finger across Usagi's flower. She was breathing heavily and her moans were becoming louder and more frequent as honey dripped from between her thighs. I withdrew my finger as I felt the fire grow dangerously large. Usagi groaned as I began to search my room for a rubber. Fear was inching into me as I fumbled through my drawers, but finally I found one. Not even asking Usagi, I pulled down my boxers and put on the rubber. Usagi's eyes went wide as she saw my erection. She looked nervous, but didn't say a word as I slowly inserted myself into her womanhood. Perhaps her lust was more hungry than her fear. If I had only looked at her face. If only I saw the fear in her eyes as I buried myself deeper into her. If only I had known... Usagi moaned as I dug deeper into her. I didn't even think, I just forced myself harder into her, not even assuming that she was... well a virgin. But as soon as I felt that tear, and saw those tears in her eyes, the world around me began to spin out of control. Usagi cried in pain as I buried myself into her. I wanted to stop, but that wouldn't help her pain. So I continued, but it wasn't the same anymore. All the love I felt drained away. I tried to make it special after that, but by then, guilt was hanging around my neck like a noose. Everything after that moment was a blur. I hazily remember Usagi picking up her clothes from the floor. I remember walking her out the door, back to the ice cream shoppe. I remember looking at her, with guilt streaming through my veins. I remember tears pooling in her eyes as she said she had to do her homework. I remember seeing the pain in her eyes as I kissed her again. I remember her running from my arms. I remember my grief. "All that pain you caused me, you didn't even think of me that night. You thought only of yourself." Usako said, pointing an accusing finger at me. "You thought only of your dammed lust!" "Usako...I love you!" I blurted out. I didn't know what else to say. She looked at me, her face dark and angry. "You love me? Then I wish that you would never hate me! I gave up everything for you!" She clenched her fists and stared into the ground. "I loved Kou Seiya. I loved HIM and he loved me, with all his heart. And he still loves me, but I can't...I can't when I love you...I love you." Her fists clenched so hard that Usagi's knuckles began to grow white. Usagi's face was red and angry as she stared at me with accusing eyes, but all I could do was frown. "You loved...Kou Seiya. Why didn't you tell me?" Her brow went up, make her already big blue eyes grow larger. "Why? Because I didn't know back then that he loved me. He was always surrounded by other girls...I didn't think that I was special enough." Did she really say that? This golden goddess, eternal princess, beautiful angel thought she wasn't special enough? Oh Lord, say it wasn't so! "Mamo-chan, he told me he loved me the day after we met." Usagi said quietly, looking away from my face. She then looked to Rei and Jad, talking to the minister. I could hear the echo of laughter from them as Rei and Jad giggled like children, their faces broad with smiles. They looked so happy...so in love. Usagi looked back to me, with a look in her eyes, a very familiar look. The same look in her blue eyes that she gave me that night before she left. The sapphires in her eyes sparkled sadly, still enveloped in that look. A long, regretful look. "He's asked me to marry him..." Until Part Four. So here you all go, some hentai. Boy, it is REALLY hard to write hentai from a person's point of view, so sorry if it's a little choppy. And if you all want to know, yes, I was planning to do this little backtrack thing, I didn't just think it up on sort notice. Anyhoo, next chapter will be better. I promise. Thanks to all my supporters such as Kat, Melissa, Lunar Rose, Sailor Mac, Jade and everybody else. Oh yeah, and these characters belong to whoever you think they belong too. See ya...hahaha!