A Broken Promise Chapter 1- Resistance Authors Note: Hello! My name is Moon Bunny, and this is my first fan fiction! I would really appreciate comments, so that I know how I'm doing! Thanks! "Oh Darien, isn't it beautiful here? " Serena exclaimed. The bright pink cherry blossoms rained on the couple. "Its even better because I'm here with you." Darien replied affectionately. Serena blushed slightly and looked down. Darien tilted Serena's face toward his and lightly kissed her. Serena sighed. Their relationship had been through many bumps and bruises the last few years, but that had just caused their love to grow stronger. Serena sighed again. Things can't get much better then this, no more evil. No more risking my life to save the world, just quality time with the ones I truly love, Serena thought as she hugged Darien tighter. Serena looked up into Darien's dark blue eyes happily, her own sapphire eyes radiating love. "I love you Darien." Serena confessed softly. "I love you too Meatball Head." Darien replied. Serena laid her head on Darien's shoulder. The loving couple continued walking through the park hand in hand, oblivious of anyone else. The wind picked up slightly and blew around Serena's golden hair. Yet, the couple walked on, unaware of the jealous eyes that would soon end this time of happiness *~*~*~*~* A man with light blue hair, sat on his throne, watching this scene closely in his crystal ball. He was particularly interested in Serena. The young man burrowed his eyebrows then got up and began to pace around his throne room. "What does she see in that guy anyway?" he muttered. If only I could bring her here... but the main question is HOW, he thought. "Black Wisdom! Come forth!" A wind picked up and within a matter of seconds a dark shape formed in front of the young man. His black cape billowed in the slight breeze. He stood tall and powerful. His very presence dispersed evil. "Hello Diamond." A low voice spoke. Prince Diamond nodded a hello. "Yes, yes. Now, I brought you here to ask you about certain... affairs." Diamond paused. He pointed to the image in his crystal ball. "This young women is the one I told you about after you revived me a few years back. This young women is the future Queen of Crystal Tokyo, but I want her as my queen, standing eternally beside me." The figure nodded. "Yes, I see why you care for this young women. Beautiful, elegant... not only would she make a perfect queen for your highness, but she would also make a powerful ally, because as you have told me she possesses the imperium silver crystal. Diamond, the future queen and her court defeated you in the past, but with my power, and wisdom you will get everything your heart desires." Black Wisdom turned back toward the image of Serena. "Everything..." *~*~*~*~* Serena opened the door to her apartment and walked in. "Luna? Luna!" she called out. "Serena? I'm in the living room." Luna called back. Serena hung up her coat and plopped down in her leather recliner. Luna was sitting in the corner of the room, curled up into a ball watching a cat detective movie on TV. Serena let out a deep breath, she was dead tired, she and Darien had walked around town ALL evening window shopping. "Ahhh..." she sighed as she sank into her favorite recliner. The TV was turned up loudly, but something seemed off to Serena. She didn't know exactly what, but her instincts picked up something unusual. She glanced around, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. She sighed, and returned her gaze to the TV. Serena picked up the remote as if to change the channel, but Luna gave her a look to as if to say, Don't even THINK about it. She stuck out her tongue at the blue cat then grabbed the yellow legal pad of paper in front of her and began to doodle. "Serena..." a male voice was calling to her. She glanced around but saw nothing. She shook her head and went back to doodling on the pad. "Serena..." she heard the deep voice again, this time a bit louder. "Luna, did you hear something?" Serena asked cautiously. She bit her lip and waited for Luna to reply. "No," Luna shook her head side to side, her crescent moon flashed. "It's probably just your imagination acting up." Luna answered as she smiled at Serena reassuringly. Serena shook her head again. Boy do I have a headache she thought. Serena started to get up when she felt a hand clamp down on her shoulder. Her body went cold. She slowly turned around, "Diamond!" Serena gasped, unable to believe her eyes. In the corner Luna froze, she thought quickly; then crept towards her cat door and ran quickly outside. She dashed straight toward Darien's apartment a few blocks away. *~*~*~*~* "Diamond!" Serena gasped again. He laughed darkly. The apartment shook with his dreaded laughter. So glad you remember me Princess Serena," he laughed again. "But..." Serena started thinking of something to buy some time, "I saw you die years ago!" Serena reached into the cracks of the sofa and gripped a pen. She held the pen between her thumb and fore finger. Slowly, and inconspicuously drew a figure on the legal pad, she dropped the piece of paper on the floor. "Appearances can be quite conceiving... I've told you once princess," he drew closer to Serena, "I ALWAYS get what I want..." His hot breath tickled Serena's face. Diamond waved his hand in the air and began to drain the air out of the room. Serena could feel a sucking sensation in the room as if she was in a whirlpool. She began to feel faint. She struggled to remain conscious, fighting an inward battle against her body to stay alert. Yet finally collapsed in a heap on the floor, unconscious.Diamond laughed, and gently bent down to pick up the unconscious form of Serena. *~*~*~*~* Luna ran as fast as her paws would allow her to go. They burned with the sensation of moving so quickly, yet she did not slow her pace. As long as Serena was in trouble she had to keep running. Finally reaching Darien's apartment, Luna clawed at the door, until Darien opened it. He stretched lazily and grinned at the panting Luna. "Hi Luna! Decide to pay me a visit?" he yawned slightly as he raised his arms over his head. He began to invite Luna in, when he finally saw Luna's panic stricken face. "Luna, what's wrong?" he asked with concern. Luna took a deep breath, and tried desperately to remain in control. "It's Serena," she managed to choke out, "she's in trouble! You've got to help!" Darien stared at Luna wide eyed. "What's wrong with her?" he asked quickly. Luna closed her eyes, trying to regain her thoughts. "It's Diamond... he's back." *~*~*~*~* Darien hopped on his motorcycle and sped toward Serena's place. Hold on Serena. I'm coming... He placed Luna in the small storage space in the back of his cycle, Darien hopped on his large black bike and sped toward Serena's apartment. Luna sat in the small storage compartment of Darien's motorcycle. She held up her paw to reveal a mini communicator that she kept with her at all times. She yelled into it. "Rei! Mina! Lita! Amy!! Hurry to Serena's house! She's been kidnapped!" "What do you mean kidnapped?" Lita's worried face appeared on the communicator. "I'll explain it all there, just hurry girls, there's no time to lose!" Luna switched off her communicator and anxiously sat, waiting for the motorcycle to reach its destination. I only hope that were not to late. Luna thought to herself. *~*~*~*~* Back at Diamond's palace. Serena lay asleep on a soft surface, she forced open her eyes to look around at her surroundings. The new surroundings confused her immensely. Where am I? She sat up. Oh no! The incidents of just an hour before flooded back to her. I'm in Diamond's palace. Why do my legs feel so heavy? She looked down at her legs and saw that she was wearing a beautiful, yet long dress. Small beads were sewn into its hem and flashed as Serena moved about. Serena looked at it more closely, and realized that it was a gown that sooner or later she would be forced to become familiar with, the gown of Neo-Queen Serenity. Almost. A few alterations had been made here and there to make the dress more revealing. A slit, Serena noticed, ran up to her thigh. The top of the dress was low cut, to show a little more then Serena cared to show. The dress had no back, and the material clung to Serena, showing her delicate curves. She sighed unhappily. "Ahhh... Princess Serenity, you've awaken." Diamond stood under the door way grinning evilly. His light blue hair brushed behind his ears. He moved toward Serena and his white cape swayed slightly from side to side. "Diamond! Why did you bring me here?" Serena asked sharply. She then blushed as Diamond stood admiring her. Diamond smiled, "Because I am completely enthralled by your charm, grace, beauty, and poise. In simpler terms, I am in love with you. I want you as my queen." He finished. Serena's mouth dropped open, her blue eyes wide with surprise. She felt as if she had been struck by him. She had in fact, but by his words, not by his hand. She didn't think Diamond had ever actually loved her. She thought that before it had been only the influence of the Wise Man. Yet, Diamond did love her, and that made him all the more dangerous to her. She shook her head to clear these thoughts. "Diamond! I've said this before. I can’t and don't love you, I can't and won’t be your Queen. Destiny has decided for me, and my heart already belongs to another. Even if I could decide, I would never marry a piece of Nega-trash like you." Diamond appeared unaffected by her words, he kneeled on the bed in front of Serena, and pulled Serena off the bed to her feet, "You will see things my way shortly, Princess." He took hold of Serena's bare shoulders and brought her up to him. His black crescent moon transformed into a hypnotic third eye. Serena narrowed her eyes and refused to look into his eyes. She knew this trick all too well, he had pulled the same thing before. Diamond pulled Serena's chin up roughly. "Look in my eyes Serena. Let me see yours. Your beautiful sapphire eyes, let me into the warmth they offer.” Serena couldn't resist. Her head began to spin, and the only thing that she could make out were Diamond's cold blue eyes. Diamond spoke, "You can't resist me Serena, not this time." He began to hypnotize her, feeding her with dark energy. He told her lies, things he knew would hurt Serena. "Serena, Darien doesn't love you, he never has, and he never will. He's been using you for your silver imperium crystal. Give someone who does love you a chance! Give up those foolish scouts! The only reason they protect you is because you are the Princess of the Moon, and their future Queen. Join forces with the winning side! Join forces with me! Prince Diamond of the Black Moon Family!" Serena tried with all her might to break free of this evil power. Two voices echoed in her head. One, Serena in all her goodness, the other, what Serena had been fighting against ever since she was fourteen. Evil. The voices of good and evil screamed in her head. Arguing back and forth. *They do love me!* The good voice screamed. *Sure, they do,* the evil one mocked. *Great friends, especially Raye. What is it she always calls you? Oh yes, an airhead. Yes, she really does love you.* *She only does that to push me a long!* the good voice argued back, a bit weaker. *Oh yes and your beloved Darien. Calling you Meatball Head left and right! Hmph, if you weren't destined to be the future queen, he'd probably be dating Raye.* *NO! NO! That’s not true!* The voice screamed. The evil one began to laugh, its laugh ringing through her mind, weakening her body and soul even more. The arguments flew back and forth, the evil one gaining strength while the good in Serena grew weaker, barely audible. It grew even weaker till Serena her self couldn't understand what was happening. Serena's crescent moon gleamed on her forehead, but it wasn't the beautiful platinum color. Instead there was a slight tint of black in it. The crescent moon reversed, turned around as the voices in Serena died down. The evil one calling out, to her. Insulting her friends and loved ones, convincing her that she had never been loved. Serena's deep blue eyes went blank, they held no expression at all. "Serena," Diamond whispered, "pledge loyalty to your Prince." Serena opened her mouth to speak, her blue eyes gazing into an unknown oblivion. In an expressionless voice she spoke, "I swear to be true and loyal to no one but, but..." her voice trailed off. "Go on! Go on!" Diamond yelled eagerly. When Serena didn't finish, Diamond grabbed her and kissed her deeply, running his hands all over her bare back. When he pulled back he saw that Serena's crescent moon was as dark as his own. Serena continued her oath, "...to none but my prince, Prince Diamond." He let out a yell of joy, breaking the trance. Serena narrowed her eyes evilly and her lips curved into an evil smile. A voice, strained and weak echoed in her head, "Darien... " it whispered. She shuddered at the name, to herself she vowed, I will get even with them. Those b*itches who call themselves my friends. And that jerk, who used me. They'll be sorry they ever messed with me. Serena didn't remember being friends with the scouts. She didn't even remember her promise to never to kiss anyone but Darien. Diamond held out his arms, which Serena gladly walked into. They looked into each others eyes. Diamond looked Serena over, I’m goning to have fun with her, Diamond thought, And she’s all mine... Diamond leaned down closer and closer to Serena and pressed his lips against hers. He kissed her deeply, expecting only from Serena to stand there and be included in the kiss. He was greatly surprised when indeed, Serena kissed him back. To be continued in Chapter 2... New and Improved Name: Moon Bunny E-mail: M27soccer@aol.com Title: A Broken Promise Chapter: One Rating: PG-13