Serena's Love by Once long ago in a faraway land there lived an orphan, the Princess Serena in the beautiful Moon Kingdom. This kingdom was fantastically green with rolling hills, deep valleys, and light blue waters. Since Serena's parents were acquaintances with the King and Queen of Earth, when they died she was invited to live with them until she was of age to inherit the Moon Kingdom. Serena was an unusual girl, eccentric you could say. She did not participate in any of the activities that normal girls her age did, in fact she was strongly opposed to them. She did not sew, she did not paint, and she did not spend her time talking about clothes or how much something costed. Serena was not shallow or vain (well maybe with the exception of how her hair looked). She was more interested in horse back riding, sword fighting, reading, having intelligent conversations, hunting and plain just having fun. Serena was an honest, caring, assertive and often impish person. She also did not let other people's opinions sway her, she stayed true to what she believed. Serena also defied the rules by wearing black breeches over black boots and a white sleeveless shirt. Though since she was a Princess and had the favor of the King and Queen of Earth, she could go around naked and still be accepted. Serena had many friends because she always acted like herself and didn't let the fact that she was a Princess get in the way. All the servants in the castle loved her. Probably the fact that when she first came to the castle she let no one address her as "Your Grace" or bow in her presence had helped warm their hearts towards her. Serena's most important friend or rather her best friend was the Prince Darien. They had been together through thick and thin and they were always there for each other. They had known each other since they were babies and since Serena enjoyed the same activities the Prince did, they immediately had become inseparable. Darien was a kind, fun loving Prince though at some times he could be extremely arrogant, aloof and act like everything bored him. He also had to be the most handsome man in the kingdom with pitch black hair, stormy blue eyes, and a body like a Greek god. Serena loved Darien along with half the other girls in the kingdom but she felt they didn't know him, they didn't know what hurt him, what made him happy, his secrets, his dreams his soul. She felt they only liked him because he was handsome, had a lot of money, and knew how to charm the ladies. They did not know what was on the inside, only the superficial surface. Serena refrained from telling him that she loved him. Actually she vowed to never tell him because like all other men, he wanted to marry the perfect woman. Elegant, well mannered, and most of all blindingly beautiful. He would always make her heart sick by telling her this. Serena was very lovely but there were many other women who were considered more beautiful. Serena had long hair which looked like pale golden waves rolling down her back, but most of the time she had her hair in her customary odangos in honor of her mother. She had an envious figure, although short, with curves in all the right places. But her best feature was her bewitching blue eyes which glowed like sapphires when happy or flashed with blue fire when mad. It was around the time for the King and Queen to hold one of their annual parties and every one was getting prepared. Meanwhile Darien and Serena, even though he was 20 and Serena was 18, still enjoyed playing pranks. After they got a good laugh they went off to talk. "I don't think I could go through one of my mother's parties," Darien said irritably. "Skip it, I am," replied Serena cheekily. "Can't, mother is always babbling on about how I have to be responsible because one day I will be King," said Darien in his 'everything bored him' voice. "Who cares," retorted Serena. "Little Minx, I am responsible unlike some people I know," replied Darien coolly his blue eyes going stormy. Serena laughed at that and the Prince wondered how her laugh could brighten up his day and sound like a an angels laugh when she acted like imp most of the time. So the Prince went off to his party dressed impeccably and returned a few hours later. He sneaked up to Serena's room to tell her the great news. He shared everything with her and he knew she would be happy for him and would have good advice for him. He opened her window and sneaked inside. She had fallen asleep in her bed reading a book. Her beautiful golden hair was spread around her and her mink lashes rested against her porcelain skin. He thought that she looked like a beautiful angel. He had a sudden mad urge to ravish her sweet red lips with his own. "Whoa man where did that come from, this is Serena we are talking about here," he muttered under his breath. But he was strangely reluctant to wake her up. Before he could do any thing Serena woke up. Her mesmerizing blue eyes were confused, she looked thoroughly adorable thought the Prince. "Shut up," his mind told him. "Who's there?" called Serena. When she saw a shadow moving she immediately jumped up, caught the visitor by surprise, and had him in her death grip. Since the Prince was also a skilled fighter he got out of the grip, grabbed Serena by the shoulders and shouted: "Calm down Serena, It's me, Darien. Hell, who did you think I was, who else comes to your room every night for a talk," shouted Darien. "Calm down there is no need for you to shout like a crazy man," said Serena with a smile, when she had been the one who had almost beaten him senseless. "Me crazy!" the Prince sputtered indignantly, then suddenly he laughed when he saw that impish look in her eyes. She could always make him laugh he thought with a mental chuckle. "So what's troubling you dear Prince," said Serena jokingly. "Well I met a girl," said the Prince slowly. "Really, are you sure," replied Serena sarcastically. "Oh shut up and let me finish, her name is Brigit and she had to be the most beautiful girl there," Serena rolled her eyes but let the Prince continue, "she was tall and graceful with long black hair and she had the most beautiful green eyes," replied the Prince dreamily, a way he talked that only Serena was allowed to hear. "He's getting mushy on me," she replied cheekily, but Serena's heart was starting to crack, 'I could never measure up to some one like that no wonder Darien has never even looked twice at me' thought Serena. The Prince narrowed his beautiful blue eyes at her then laughed "Your such a dork! Let me finish," retorted the Prince. "Oh no, I'm subjected to more of his rambling," she gasped dramatically then she was hit squarely on the face with a pillow. "Oh you you...," sputtered Serena then they got into a big pillow fight. After about twenty minutes or so they finally stopped and were laughing hysterically. "Will you let me finish, I need your help, sweet angel" replied the Prince, "or else I will hold you in my death grip." "Okay, hit me with your best," she replied tiredly. "Well I know she likes me but she is playing hard to get and I don't know what to do?" said the Prince harshly. "Was she the only one you danced with the whole night?" asked Serena. "Yeah when she wasn't dancing with some other bozo," he replied hotly. "Well there is your problem stupid, you have to make her jealous, next time you are with her dance with other women, in a matter of seconds she will be declaring her self to you," said Serena seriously. "Damn, why couldn't I think of that, it would have saved me a lot of time," said the Prince. "Because your dumb and I'm a genius," said Serena in her cheeky way. "Yeah whatever dork, well I'll try, but I don't think I can stand to dance with other women, I think I love her Serena, when she is mine I will be the happiest man on the earth, bye Angel" replied the Prince with a dazzling smile. Serena was heart broken but some how she managed to plast a smile on her face and wish Darien good luck with his lady. There were many other parties and therefore many chances for the Prince to use Serena's good advice. There were also many times for Serena to meet Brigit after all she had to see the girl that her love was determined to marry. She had hoped it would be someone that could make him happy but when Serena met her as did her other friends they all thought she was the most shallow and cold woman in the world. Then when she was with the Prince she acted like a total flirtatious ditz. If there was any one Serena could not stand it was a fake. After a few more parties of watching Darien looking disgustingly enraptured with Brigit, Serena was insanely jealous, a feeling she wasn't used to. Now Serena spent most of her nights weeping for her Prince to love her, to realize that no one could know him like she did, understand him like she did, or heal his hurts like she could. One night she stopped crying because she was just to exhausted and she had no more tears. She reached for a book, suddenly Darien jumped through her window, swooped up Serena's small frame, and spun her around. He was laughing like a crazy man when he put her down. "Serena, my dream has finally come true! Brigit has agreed to marry me!" the Prince cried happily. Panic shot through Serena, her whole world was crumpling around her. Oh no he can't marry her, he just can't. Maybe If I tell him maybe he will marry me, she thought hopelessly. "Please don't marry her, I love you Darien, marry me!" she cried. "Oh my little minx I'm so sorry but I love Brigit, don't worry Angel, you will find some one who is worthy of you someday. You will probably have many suitors by the time the ball comes around because you are so sweet and beautiful" said Darien sadly. Serena wanted to scream 'Liar!, if I'm so beautiful and sweet why won't you marry me, why don't you love me?' But she refrained and then because she was so upset and angry she said: "Well at least I won't confuse lust with love!" "What did you say?" the Princes eyes became dangerously dark. "You're stupid Brigit is a shallow, selfish bitch!" Serena replied angrily. "Yeah well at least she has manners, acts like a woman and looks like a woman" the Prince said with controlled fury and letting his eyes travel down her long legs encased in leather pants. "And the only bitch here right now is you!" he raged but he immediately felt guilty of what he said. He saw her always lively face crumple and she ran off. The grand ball was fast approaching and Serena had decided she would go and try to forget about Darien. They hadn't talked for weeks and she missed him terribly, missed talking with him, missed fighting with him, she missed everything about him. Many times Darien had also wanted to go and do things with Serena but then he remembered he was angry with her. But he still missed her laughter, talking with her, riding with her, he just plain missed her. It was the night of the of the ball and Serena looked stunning, her golden tresses pulled high, and in a stunning pale blue dress which fit her like a second skin and picked up her beautiful blue eyes. She attracted many men that night and danced so much she felt her feet would fall off. Meanwhile Darien was dancing with Brigit and he couldn't take his eyes off her, Serena was stunning! Ah, what's wrong with me, Brigit is more beautiful thought Darien. He was a little bored, he wanted to go play a prank, have some fun but every time he mentioned it to Brigit she would give him a strange look. He would be having so much fun if he were with Serena. "Oh, just stop thinking about her. You love Brigit," he kept on telling himself in his mind. The guy she was dancing with was holding her too close in Darien's opinion. He didn't like how his hand was almost touching her cute little butt or how he looked at her lustfully when she wasn't looking. "What am I thinking just stop!" his mind screamed. Then the guy she was dancing with took her behind a curtain in the dance hall, and kissed her. Darien almost exploded, his face turned red with effort not to howl his fury. He went insane with the idea that someone was kissing her lush red lips and holding her sweet body next to his. She is mine, he thought savagely, no one can touch her but me! "Oh God, what's wrong with me, I'm getting married tomorrow," he muttered under his breath. "Honey what's the matter?" said Brigit in a disgustingly sweet voice. "Nothing, I have to leave, have a good time with out me," he left with a kiss on her cheek. Today was the wedding, Serena had decided not to go she didn't want everyone to see her crying. She decided to go to her favorite place in the woods and cry her heart out. Back at the wedding everyone was quiet while the priest was talking, everything looked so beautiful. Though everything looked all right on the outside the Prince had strange feelings going through his body. He looked at Brigit, she was indescribably beautiful but she did not warm his soul like another little Angel did. She did not hold him close and stroke his hair and make him feel loved when he was in despair, hell, she probably hadn't ever seen him in despair. She did not talk to him about silly things or sad things, they probably never had a heart to heart conversation. She didn't make him laugh and now that he thought about it she seemed rather cold. And after a few moments the thought of kissing her made him sick. He only wanted to kiss Serena's sweet red lips, he only wanted to hold Serena's lush body against his, and he only wanted to lose himself in Serena's brilliant azure eyes. He was about to say I do when instead he blurted out : "I love Serena!" he said in amazement. "What did you say," Brigit said shakily. "I love Serena," Darien said again, he was in total shock. 'How come I never realized It before?' he thought. "Because," his brain replied, "Serena was right about you letting someone's looks sway you." "Sorry ladies and gentlemen but I have to go" and the Prince simply walked out of the church leaving everyone one with their mouths gaping open. "Damn I could have been rich, oh well I guess I will just have to find another gullible Prince to marry," replied Brigit and she too walked out of the church. Serena was sitting in a clearing in the woods. She was wearing a beautiful olive dress that had been picked out for the wedding. The sunlight shining through the trees illuminated her hair making it look like platinum, and the tears in her eyes made them look like silvery-blue diamonds. A person passing by could have confused her for a beautiful tree nymph. After a while Serena felt a presence behind her. "Hey Angel what are you doing out here," the Prince said lightheartedly but there was sadness and fear in his eyes. Serena spun around "W...what are you d...doing out here?" Serena said in astonishment. "I came to see you, my sweet minx," said the Prince amusement in his eyes from her stuttering. " B...but your wedding?" she said embarrassed that she was stuttering, embarrassed that he knew she loved him, and that she would do anything for him. "Oh that, went there, it was quite boring you know, actually it got so bad I left in the middle of it," he said with a laugh. Why is he laughing? She thought. Does he purposely want to torture me, why is making a joke out of the fact that Brigit is his wife? Serena got so mad at his cruelty that she burst out: "How can you do this, how can you tease me when you know I love you, that I would do anything for you, does it make you happy to be so cruel, does it make you happy to twist my heart and rip to shreds, whatever's left of it!" she cried. "No, no. Serena you do not understand, I did not marry Brigit!" Darien said, scared that she might cry more, scared that he was causing her so much pain that she could not bear it, scared that she would not forgive him and scared that she would hate him. "What?" she said confusion filling her eyes. "I did not marry Brigit, Serena," the Prince said quietly staring intently into Serena's eyes. "I do not understand," Serena said turning around because she could not think when he looked at her with those beautiful blue eyes. "There isn't much to understand Serena, I don't love Brigit, so I didn't marry her," he said again seriously. "Turn around and look at me Serena," his voice becoming gruff with emotion. Helplessly she turned around and looked at him her cerulean eyes awash with tears. "God you are so beautiful, you drive me crazy" he said roughly then he pulled her into his arms and kissed her with all the emotions he felt for her and with all the passion he had in him. She left him breathless, he could lose himself kissing her soft rosebud mouth. And the feel of her small hands all over his body made him insane. "I love you," he whispered throatily in her ear. "Are you sure" she whispered back saucily. He laughed a full deep beautiful laugh, tears of happiness streaming down his face, and he kissed her again showing her all the love he felt for her. By please e-mail me with your comments