8:23 PM Monday 8/06/98 Disclaimers: The characters in this story are not mine. They are owned by Naoko, DiC, Toei animation and many big companies. Thank you to Jade, who editted this story, and to Sailor November, Luna, Artemis, Andrea Hui, and Anthony who post my stories on their great acrhives. BTW, if you want to put any of my stories on your sites, you can, but when you do give me an e-mail. Their Love Was Never Forgotten Part 4. By: Roo. roovel@aol.com "NO! This can't be happening! That wasn't him, it was someone else." cried Serenity on her bed. "Usagi are you there?" asked Ami from behind the door. "Are you okay?" asked Lita. The door opened slightly and Mina's head poked in. "Serena, can we come in?" "Sure. Come in everyone." She sat up, leaning on the head-board of the bed. Everyone came in the spacious guest room with french doors and a balcony. The princesses sat on the edges of the four post bed. Raye sat to the right of her, next to her sat Mina, at the bottom of the bed was Ami and to the right of Serenity was Lita. "What's the matter Usagi?" asked Ami. "You ran right past us crying, and Prince Endymion was worried as to why you ran away from him. Serenity started crying again. "Shhh, shh," said Raye embracing and comforting her. "Look. Tell us your problems, okay? We don't like to see our best friend sad all the time. "H...he looks e...exactly like him." "Who?" asked Lita, worried. "Mamo-chan!" cried Serenity. "It is him! I know it is him!" she said as she beat her fists on the bed. "Get a hold of yourself Usagi!" said Mina grabbing Serenity's shoulders. "I can't!" Ami was quiet, deep in thought. "Ames what are you thinking about now?" "It is stange. Did you say that Mamoru has a resemblence to Endymion?" "Yes. A remarkable resemblence," said Serenity. "Maybe he *is* Mamoru." Everyone gasped. "That's impossible!" said Lita. "But didn't the Prince of Earth fight in the Battle?" said Ami. "And Usagi, you never knew what Endymion looked like, so he must have used an alias just in case the enemy found out who he really was." "Then how come he doesn't remember me?" asked Serenity. "He probably has amnesia." said Mina. "Yes. That's the only explaination." said Ami. "Oh." said Serenity. "Then how come nobody knows about this?" asked Raye. "I mean surely someone in this galaxy had to know about that." "The Earth Kingdom hasn't had very good alliance with the other planets of the universe," said Ami. "They are quite private and like to keep things to themselves." "There is no solid proof that Endymion is Mamoru," Serenity said stubbornly. "Mamoru would have told me he was a prince." "Then why didn't *you* tell *him* that you were a princess?" asked Lita. "I was going to, but it was too late." "There is a way we *could* find out..." said Ami. "How?" asked Raye. "No. It is not a good idea." She shook her head. "We could see the Central Command!" said Serenity. "That is a good idea," said Lita. "It is a bit dangerous..." said Mina. "So? It's been a while since we did something dangerous." said Lita. "We could do it tonight, during the ball." said Raye. "Good idea Raye," said Lita. "Don't you think we will get caught?" asked Ami. "Naah. Don't worry about it Ames." said Serenity. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> In the lounge... Later in the afternoon, Prince Endymion was exhausted after practicing fencing with Jedite, and was still confused as to why Serenity ran away from him like that. "So how was your meeting with the princess?" asked Malachite, taking a seat in one of the four lounges in the room, wearing his grey uniform. "Terrible, absolutly terrible." he said, lying on the four seater couch, wearing a white shirt and black pants. "Oh really? Didn't fall for your charms, hey?" He yawned. "No, no. She just ran away from me like I was a ghost or something." "No use in worrying over women. They never make sense," he said standing up. "The ball to announce the arrival will be in a few hours, so you better get cleaned up." "Yes daddy," he said sarcasitcally. "Don't forget." Malachite walked out of the room. "Yeah, yeah..." he said as he closed his eyes. Serenity walked into the room and just saw Endymion close his eyes. She walked up next to the couch, and stared at his peaceful face. Oh how she wanted to touch him, touch his face, touch his lips with hers. She cleared her throat, to get his attention. "Yeah, yeah Mother I will..." he said rolling onto his left side, facing Serenity, with his eyes still closed. "Endymion?" she asked. She really wanted to talk to him, as soon as possible. "Excuse me?" she asked a little louder; maybe a little *too* loud. "Huh?!" he jumped a little and landed on the floor by Serenity's feet. "Oh, I'm so sorry Prince Endymion," she said kneeling next to him. "Ow, that hurt," he said, rubbing his head. "I'm really, really sorry." She was really worried. "Let me see if you have any injuries." She lifted his bangs up, and checked for any bruising. "No, you don't have any bruises..." She immediantly pulled her hands away from him as she saw his startled expression. "Sorry..." She felt herself blush and looked down. "That's okay. I just get a little *jumpy* if people surprise me." She giggled as she remembered Mamoru's face when she 'booed' him once, long ago. "I don't find that funny, princess." He stood up as Serenity stood up. "Oh I'm sorry!" She smiled. "You, you just reminded me of someone. Anyway, I came to apologise about my behaviour this morning. You just remind me of someone." "You don't have to run away from me if..." "He's dead." "Oh, I'm sorry," he said softly. "Hey, that's okay." She sighed "We haven't been introduced properly." She smiled. "It's nice to finally meet you Prince Endymion," she said as she did a curtsy. "It's a pleasure meeting you Princess Serenity." He kissed her hand and looked deep into her eyes. She couldn't help but drown in the depths of his blue eyes. "I...I think I hear my mother calling." She gulpled and took her hand away from him, and left. thought Endymion. <>><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> In the ballroom... The ballroom was a big high ceiling hall with pillars at the entrance of the big balcony doors that were left opened. There was a string quartet playing music at the end of the hall. The ball was being held and many people from the planet Earth had come to see the Moon Family and their court. Endymion (wearing a tuxedo) was in conversation with one of the Earth ambasedors, and couldn't keep his eyes off Serenity who was wearing a long peach dress with many layers, long sleeves, but her shoulders were bare. She was being introduced by her mother to some of the important people in the room, and also couldn't keep her eyes off Endymion. At times their eyes met, but when they did, they looked away again. "Nice to meet you Lord Wentworth," Serenity said as she curtsied. She was very bored meeting these people and always curtsying. "It's my pleasure meeting you," said the plump old man. She walked away with her mother. "Mother, I'm really bored of this. Could I please have a rest?" "I guess I could have a rest to. Now go on and dance with a handsome man, Serenity." "Mother!" "Okay, okay you don't have too." She then left her. Serenity went around looking for any of her friends, but she couldn't spot them anywhere. she thought. "Excuse me Princess?" She turned around to see a handsome man with blonde hair and green eyes. "Would you like to dance?" asked Lord Andrew, one of the younger lords of Earth. "Erm...um no thank you Lord Andrew. Maybe later?" "As you wish." He left her. She didn't want another man to have sore feet. Serenity's dance skills weren't as good as they used to be, and she just sat on one of the lounges at the corner of the room. "Would you like to dance?" asked a man in a black tuxedo. "No thanks," she said, not looking up. "Oh, come on, it will be fun," he said, sitting beside her. She turned her head, and was face to face with Endymion. He saw her eyes and could see the longing for something again. "Endymion!" "Come on, get up," he said, standing up. "I'll teach you how to dance." "I *can* dance thank you very much!" she said yanking her arm away from him. "Come on Serenity, I know you have been avoiding all the chances to dance, because you can't dance." "Alright, alright. But don't tell me if you have sore feet after." He took her hand in his, and led them onto the dance floor. A waltz was being played by the quartet. "Now. Just follow my lead, okay?" he said placing a hand onto her waist and held her other hand. "Okay. Why is everyone watching us?" she whispered. "Because your beautiful." He smirked as she looked down and blushed. She was looking down, trying to follow his lead, and got the hang of it. "Hey, this *is* fun!" she whispered. He was very easy to dance with. "Told you." Once the song ended, the audience clapped loudly for the couple. Serenity just realised that there was no one on the dance floor except her and Endymion. "Everyone loves you," he whispered into her ear. She looked down again as she blushed. The quartet started another song, this time everyone went on the dance floor. "Are you okay princess? You look red," Endymion asked concerned. "I'm just a little hot. It's a bit stuffy in here." "Would you like to step outside onto the balcony?" "Yes, that would be nice." She was led by Endymion onto the balcony, and took a seat on one of the benches, looking at the breath taking scene of the Earth Royal Gardens. Endymion sat beside her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath of the fresh air, and the cool breeze. "That's better." "Did you have fun?" he asked. "Hmm mm. But I'm a bit tired." She felt the presence him and thought it was Mamoru. She sighed as she placed her head on his shoulder. He was surprised as she snuggled closer to him. Two hours later... "Serenity, Serenity wake up!" said Queen Serenity. "Mamo-chan..." mumbled Serenity. "Serenity, wake up honey. It's time to go to bed." "Huh...?" She opened up her eyes, and was startled that she was still on the balcony. "Where am I?" "Honey, you fell asleep on the balony, and the ball has ended. It's time to go to bed." "Okay. Good night Mother." "Good night Serenity." Serenity made her way up the stair case and into the guest room she was staying in. She let her hair down and changed into a pink night gown, that went to her ankles and got into bed. She tried to go to sleep, but was to hungry too. She got up and threw on a house coat and went to the kitchen downstairs. She went to the kitchen and didn't put the light on. She opened the fridge and took out a piece of left over chicken, lettuce and mayonaise and decided to make a sandwich. "Now who do we have here?" asked someone who turned the light on. Serenity gasped. "Endymion!" He studied her attire, that was *very* interesting to him. She immediantly took the belt of the house coat and tied it up. "So what are you doing here?" she asked. "I could ask you the same thing," he said with a smirk formed on his lips. He walked up to her, wearing blue cotton pyjamas. "I..I didn't have anything to eat at the ball, and I am hungry." "Well why don't we go to the living room? I'm kind of hungry too." "Okay." They made a few sandwiches and took it to the living room with orange juice and two glasses, and sat on the rug. "Mmm...I'm starved." she said as she bit into a sandwich. "So why didn't you eat at the ball?" He took a sandwich. "I guess I forgot to." she said as she took another sandwich. They sat in an uncomfortable silence for a while. "So...how's the Moon like?" he asked her. "Nearly like the Earth, I guess," taking a sip of orange juice from her glass. "So...tell me something about yourself, I mean beside the fact that *nearly* every girl has fallen for you charms." He chuckled. "What do you mean *nearly* every girl," he said with a smile that could melt an iceberg. "Do you really think *I* will fall for you?" Oh but deep inside she knew she already had. He wanted to change the subject. "Are you bethrothed?" he thought. She smiled. "Nope." "Oh really?" "How 'bout you?" "No. But when I do, I want to be bethrothed for love, not alliance with other planets and politics. I was bethrothed to someone for alliance, but I refused, and it was put off. I wasn't in love with her, but I will only do it for love, even if it takes me forever to find *true* love. Do you know what I mean?" "Yeah, I do," she said as she looked down. "Have you been bethrothed?" She smiled a sad smile. "Yeah, it was something like that." "Oh?" He was surprised. "I visited Jupiter at the time of the battle, when I was thirteen, and fell in love with a warrior." "Did he love you?" he asked. "Yes. We loved each other very much. He said after the battle is over that we would get married and raise a family." "He didn't survive did he?" he interrupted. "It was a while after the last time I saw him and the end of the battle. He..." she said as tears that weren't notice by Endymion rolled down her face. "He what?" "He forgot me." "He what!?" "He forgot me!" She let out a choked sob. "Oh Serenity. You shouldn't have told me if it hurt that much." he said placing an arm around her shoulder. She snuggled up close to his chest and he was surprised. he thought. She cried openly in his arms as he comforted her. thought Serena. She then realised that it was Endymion, and immedeiantly moved away from him. "I-I'm sorry. I-I wasn't t-thinking." "Hey it's okay. I would do the same if someone I loved forgot me." he smiled. It felt good to finaly talk someone openly about Mamoru. "Thank you Endymion." "Come on, it's getting late. We better get some sleep." <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> The next day... Knock knock! The princesses knocked on Serenity's door. "What..." mumbled Serenity from her bed. "It's us!" said Mina. "We have found out who Endymion is." "Yeah, yeah..." Serenity said while yawning. "Get up Usagi! It's nine o'clock! A princess shouldn't sleep in this late!" She opened the door. The princesses walked in to find Serenity sleeping in her bed. "WAKE UP!" yelled Rei. "How many times do we have to tell you! I sound like a broken record player!" "Huh? Oh good morning." She smiled. "What are you doing here?" They sat down on the edges of the bed. "We found out who Endymion is," said Lita. "You did? Is he Mamo-chan?" Serenity got up into a sitting position. "Well according to the data on Central Command, he is. Endymion went to the Battle of Jupiter three years ago, and lost his memory of who is was when he came back. His family had tried to recover his memories, but he only had recovered some, some of he important memories." "And what were the important memories?" asked Serenity. "Remembering his family, court and Earth." "Oh Mamo-chan..." whispered Serenity. "Don't you try anything to get his memory back okay?" said Mina. "What? Why not?" "He will think that you are crazy or something, and he will embaress you and your family if he tells anyone." "That's right," said Amy. "Be careful what you tell him." <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> The next day... "Hiiyyaa!" said Mars in the training room filled with gym and fighting equipment. "You missed!" said Venus. "Stay a little more alert okay?" "Her mind is somewhere else," said Serenity, wearing a plain white dress that went down to her ankles, with straps over her shoulders. She was sitting on one of the benches the big room provided, watching the scouts train. "What do you mean?" asked Jupiter who was busy punching a punching bag. "Did you see the way she looked at General Jedite? The way she was *flickering* her eye lids like this." Serenity flickered her eyes. "And the way she *swayed* around him?" Everyone laughed (except Mars who was fuming) as Serenity swayed her hips, walking around the room. "Why YOU!!! I did *not* do that!" said Mars as she charged to Serenity and tried to punch her, but Serenity got away easily. Then all of a sudden a hand to hand combat between the laughing one and the fuming one began. "Girls! Stop this this instant!" shouted Venus, but it was no use. Then walked in Endymion and his guards, and hw was surprised to see Serenity practicng karate and combat skills with Mars. Endymion was wearing blue pants and a white shirt and the guards were wearing the grey uniforms. The prince and the guards weren't noticed by the two fighting. Serenity was laughing all the way through. Mars prevented Serenity from hitting her, using her hands. Then Serenity suddenly twisted Mars' arm a little, kicked her leg and Mars was lying on the floor. In the process, her dressed ripped on the left side from her ankle up to her thigh. "One..." said Serenity. "Two...three! Ha-he-ha-he I win. I guess you had to much *Jedite* in your brain," she laughed. "Usagi get off of me!" shouted Mars. Serenity got off her and just realised the Endymion and his guards were watching them. "Thank you Usagi." She got up, and dusted off her skirt. "Next time..." she saw the prince and the guards and flushed bright red. "What are you doing here?" "Well this *is* my family's palace," said Endymion. "I didn't know you knew martial arts, Serenity?" "Yeah well...a girl has got to look after herself. And it is much easier if someone's got Jadite in the brain," she said looking at Raye. Jedite blushed bright red like Mars. "Why YOU USAGI!" "Girls! Settle down," said Venus standing in between Serenity and Raye. "Temper, temper." said Serenity, waving her index finger. "You are going to pay big time." hissed Mars. "We'll be going now..." said Venus. "No, no. Stay a while. It'll be nice to train with some other people for a change," said Malachite in a very friendly way to Venus. "Okay then." Venus smiled. Each scout paired up with a general. Jupiter paired with Neprite, Mars paired up with Jadite, Mercury paired up with Zoizite and Venus paired up with Malachite. "I guess that leaves you and me," said Endymion to Serenity. "Mmm?" she said looking up from her ripped part of her dress. "Oh, I don't train." "Then how did you know all those moves?" "I *used* to train but I can't be bothered now." she said simply. "Really. Well I dare you." "Excuse me?" she asked confused. "I dare you to train with me." he said as he took her hand. "But my dress is ripped." she protested. "It might cause a little disraction to the generals and I, but..." he said looking at the rip. She cleared her throat and covered her leg. "Oh come on. I'll buy you another dress, I promise." "But... "I need somebody to train with," he said with puppy eyes. she thought. "Okay, okay then." 1 and a half hours later... "Ha ha-ha ha ha!" laughed Serenity. "I beat you three times in a row!" "Endymion is that true?" Malachite asked the man lying on the mats. The scouts and the generals gathered around Endymion and Serenity to see what the commotion was all about. "Yeah." "A princess with half your skills beat you?!" said Malachite "Hey! Watch your tounge mister!" said Serenity with a smile. "Oh I'm sorry Princess." He bowed deeply. "That's okay," she said as she giggled. "I was just being nice and and giving her a chance," said Endymion as he stood up. "Or maybe he had his mind on something?" said Nephrite. "Or should I say *someone*?" He chuckled. "Shut up Nephrite." snapped Endymion under his breath. "What?" said Serenity. "What did you say General Nephrite?" "Nothing, Princess." He smiled. "Everyone," called her mother from the entrance of the room. "Lunch is ready in the dinning room, but gte cleaned uo first. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> In the Royal Gardens... After lunch, Serenity decided to take a walk in the Royal Gardens. She took a seat by the pond and stared at the beautiful scenery. "May I sit down?" asked Endymion. She looked up. "Yes, you may." "Don't look so sad, princess. Here." He handed her a rose. When she looked at the gift, she remembered things she wanted to forget, but then remember at the same time. "Thank you." She took the rose and smiled to him. "Your welcome." Again he saw some longing in her eyes. "I was wondering. When Mars was fuming at you, she called you...Usagi?" "Yes. That's my middle name. It is much easier than to say Serenity. Oh look! A bunny!" She pointed to a rabbit, and called it to come to her. Surprisingly it did. thought Endymion. She picked the rabbit up. "Oh it's so cute! And it's white too!" She giggled. "Look!" She moved it in front of Endymion. "Ah! Keep them away from me!" he said moving back a little. "Why? Don't you like them?" "No. I hate them." "Oh." She placed the rabbit on her lap and patted it. He moved back to the place he was sitting. "It's really cute when it's white." "Don't you have white rabbits on the Moon?" "No. We only have grey and black. My middle name is bunny." "What? You mean Usagi means bunny?" "Yes." "Well I guess there is one bunny I like." He smiled. She blushed. To be continued.... Well? How do you like it? E-mail me on roovel@aol.com Please let me know if you like it or not. Thanks. Have a nice day!