This is my first fanfic. Sailor Moon does not belong to me. I wish it was so but keep on dreaming. Sailor Moon belongs to Naoki Takeuchi/Kodansha, TOEI Animation. I want to say thank you to Fyrechild who encourages me to write to fanfic. Please if you have any flames, comment, or criticism please email me at This is a spoiler. It takes place after Sailor Stars. It is a romance if you are looking for action this is not the right place for you. I am using Japanese names right, I think it is much better than the NA(North American). The Starlights' name stay the same because I couldn't think of any for them. Now on with the story. * means thinking The Wedding Rehearsal by Serena Chiba Chapter One Seiya Kou, her dear friend, is the best man at the wedding. Motoki Furuhata should had been the best man, but his wife Reika needed him in Africa where she was working. But Seiya was not a real best man. He hadn't wanted Usagi to marry Mamoru. He'd wanted Usagi to marry him. "I'm telling you, Odango, this guy isn't the for you. You shouldn't marry for destiny. You should marry for love! You don't love Mamoru-kun. You love Endymion! It is not too late to change your mind," Seiya had pleaded the night before the wedding. They were at the temple for the rehearsal; the two had been early (yes, Usagi was early) and were waiting for everyone else to arrive. Except for Rei, of course, she was too busy chasing Yuuchirou (Chad) around the temple to notice Seiya and Usagi talking. "Seiya, I'm nervous enough as it is!" Usagi scowled furiously at him. "Odango, please think this over. Mamoru-kun doesn't love you, he loves the princess that you use to be in the Silver Millinium. He doesn't love you, but I do!" "Shh!" Usagi looked around to see if anyone had heard, but they were still alone. She wished she was already married. By this time tomorrow she would be, and then- "What's the matter? Afraid your precious Mamo-chan might not approve of your talking to me?" "It's not that-" "Of course it is." Seiya paced the floor of the temple. "I still can't believe he allowed me to be in the wedding party." "He's an orphan. You know that. He is not as lucky as you to have full memory of your childhood and have two brothers." "Oh, I would gladly trade my brothers for you. You must have threaten to use the ginzuishou (Silver Imperial Crystal) to even get me an invitation, let alone serve me as his backup best man." "Mamo-chan was more than happy to include you," Usagi said, wincing at the lie. She hated lies. "Oh, he's happy all right. He knows that I think you are making the biggest mistake or your whole life. Which you are." "Seiya, please!" Usagi was nearly in tears. "Tomorrow is my wedding day!" Seiya's jaw set in an ugly line. "Don't you think I know that? I know you will never marry me. I know you love me like a brother. That part's bad enough. But if you are going to get married, at least marry someone who loves you the way you are, not the way you was!" Usagi reached for Seiya's hands. "Mamo-chan will." Seiya shook his head. "He won't. Mamoru-kun doesn't even know the word 'compromise'. By this time next year, you'll be miserable. He's an arrogant, conceited, selfish son of a -" "Seiya! We're in a church!" Seiya sighed. "He's the kind of man who sets women's right back fifty years. First he'll make you spend less time with your friends, starting with me. Then he'll make you give up your job as interior designer. Then it will be your family, and who knows what's next. Odango, don't you see? The man doesn't know how to share. What's his is his, and you're about to become another possession. You can't live that kind of life. You'll wither and die! I know you! You need to be free! Free to go anywhere you want! Free to have any friends you want to have!" "You're wrong." Usagi looked him straight into the eyes of her friend. "And even if you are right, I'd marry him anyway. I love him, Seiya. I love him so much that it hurts." Seiya exhaled slowly and heavily. "Don't I know it." He closed his eyes, then opened it again. "Well, you're a big Odango Atama now. But mark my words. You won't make it up to your first anniversary without battle scars. One year and you'll be begging for a divorce." Usagi pushed aside her friend's dire warning. "Mamo-chan and I love each other. Not as Endymion and Serenity nor as Tuxedo Kamen or Sailor Moon. Everything will be find. You wait and see." But her words sounded forced, even to her. Oh, where was everyone? "You and Mamoru-kun- you're both too different! Twelve months, Odango. That's all I give you." The two friends had stared at each other in silence until there was a loud noise just outside the door, and they both had turned to see her future husband walk in. His eyes narrowed as he noted how close Seiya was standing next to his beloved. "If you ever need me, I'm here for you," Seiya whispered into her ear. "Call me, and I'll come running to you." She'd nodded and squeezed his hand, hating the pain she was causing him. Then she turned away from him to her lifelong companion, friend, and lover. Serena just hope that Seiya would not do anything to ruin the wedding. To be continued. So how do you like this?? Is it good, bad, or I could have done better?? Please send you comment to me at Ja ne.