Sailor Moon does not belong to me. I wish it was so but keep on dreaming. Sailor Moon belongs to Naoki Takeuchi/Kodansha, TOEI Animation. I want to say thank you to all those people who encourages me to write to continue writing. Especially to Jade and Fyrechild. I am so sorry that I haven't been updating my page that much or putting up my fanfic. Have to make you wait this long for Chapter 4 when I could have had it up a month ago. I am very busy with school and volleyball practice so I was not able to find time to finish this chapter. I promise you that Chapter Five would be out less than a month. Please visit my page at I usually add my fanfiction there before I submit it. This is a spoiler. It takes place after Sailor Stars. It is a romance if you are looking for action this is not the right place for you. I am using the NA name because it is an alternate reality. Wedding Rehearsal is a copyright of Serena Chiba@1998. Now on with the story. ** means thinking \\ flashback Separation by Serena Chiba Chapter Four Darien called four times Saturday. Three more times on Sunday. Serena didn't answer the phone, even when she heard him irritably argure with the answering machine that he knew she was there, and he wanted to speak with her personally. She spent the weekend wrapped in an afghan and her misery. Wearing comfortable, oversize sweats and thick, cushiony socks, she huddled on the sofa with a box of tissues, a box of chocolate dipped fruit from Valentine Delights, and a book she didn't bother to open. It wasn't like her to indulge in self-pity, but she figured a woman of twenty-five who'd just broken a year-long engagement deserved for forty-eight hours of moping and sulking. She was determined to go on with her life and put this debacle well behind her-but she would start tomorrow. Today she would nurse her broken heart and mourn her lost dreams. *He'd never even told me he loved me*, she thought with a fresh wave of tears. Of course, she hadn't said the words, either. She'd been waiting for him to speak first. He was a wonderful lover-considerate, thorough, and delightfully, rather surprisingly, creative-but he'd never spent the night in her bed. She'd never had the pleasure of sleeping in his arms, or waking with him. He'd always seemed attracted to her, and he'd acted as though he respected her intelligence and was interested in whatever she had to say. He'd always been impeccable courteous to her-except, of course, for those occasions when he'd become so involved with his work that he'd forgotten dates or arrived breathless and flustered anywhere from fifteen minutes to two hours late. She'd made allowances for those lapses on the basis that brilliant scientists were known to lose track of time. It was to be expected and forgiven from someone who had the potential to make the world a better place. Overall, their relationship was comfortable, animcable,sensible-and totally depressing for a woman of twenty-five who had suddenly realized what she was missing. *I deserved more*, she told herself, fetching a dark-chocolate-covered cherry from the half-empty silver box beside her. And she would have it. But today, she would give herself permission to grieve for her broken heart. He showed up on Sunday evening, rapping on her door continiously. "Serena, let me in,"he insisted, a familiar touch of arrogance in his voice that had never really annoyed her-until now. "Go away, Darien," she replied through the wooden door. She knew better than to open it. Darien had a way of manipulating her, giving her rahter endearingly baffled smiles that always made her heart melt. Not this time. If she didn't see him, she wouldn't be swayed by him, she figured. She'd almost convinced herself that most of her attraction to him was purely physical. What else could it be, considering how little else he'd given her? "Serena, we have to talk. This is ridiculous." "I'm sorry, Darien, but there's nothing left to say. It's over." "But why?" Just a touch of his genuine bewilderment came through the door. "What have I done?" "It's what you haven't done," she answered, sheepishly aware how absurd it was to carry on this conversation in shouts through a door. "And if you can't understand that, then there was never any hope for us in the first place." She knew she was being unreasonable to expect him to understand without further explanation, but she was still too hurt and too proud to beg for the affection that he had never shown or offered. She knew he was capable of giving it, if he'd truly wanted to. Darien wasn't a stupid or insensitivie man. He just refused to open up to her, for whatever his reasons. And she was fed up with it. "Serena, I'm worried about you," Darien said, sounding as though he were leaning very close to the door. "This isn't like you. I want to help you." The doctor had apparently diagnosed a sudden emotional breakdown. A chemical imbalance, perhaps. Nothing that couldn't be controlled with modern medicine and a pharmaceutical miracle or two. He knew every centimeter, every funcion, every feature of the human heart. So why was he having such a difficult time identifying a broken one? "I can't talk to you now," she whispered, hoping her words carried to him. "Please go away." "Serena, I insist that you open this door. Talk tome. We can...." The rest of his words faded as she moved farther away from the door. She walked straight into her bedroom and closed herself in, further isolating herself from him. She distantly heard him knock a few more times, heard the irritated chime of the doorbell, and then there was merciful silence as he apparently admitted defeat. She crawled onto bed and curled into a fetal position. She still had twelve hours before she was to report to work the next morning, she reminded herself grimly. Twelve more hours to drown in self-pity. She intended to make the most of every minute. "Yes, Dr. Shields, Serena is at work today, but she's in a meeting now. I'd be happy to take a message for you," the cheery voice at the other end of the line chirped. Although he'd nver met this woman, Darien had spoken with her several times when he'd had to call Serena at work, and h'd always thought she sounded exactly like what she was- Serena's private secretary. Although he was beginning to suspect that he was wasting his time, Darien sighed and said, "Please tell her I called and I would like her to call me back. As soon as possible," he added. "Of course, Dr. Shields. I'll send her this message to her immediately." Darien started to hang up, but something made him ask, "Have you-er-spoken with Serena today?" "Why yes. We shared a cup of coffee during lunch hour." "Did she seem all right to you?" he asked awkwardly, uncertain how to word the question. The secretary seemed taken aback. "I'm not sure what you mean. She seemed fine an hour ago, no different from any other day. Why? Has she been ill recently?" she asked in concern. "No, no," Darien assured her hastily. "I was just, uh, checking." "Oh." She still sounded a bit confused. "Is there anything else you want me to tell her, Dr. Shields?" "No. Just tell her I called, please." He hung up the phone with the unpleasant suspicion that Serena wouldn't be calling him back. It took quite an effort for him to focus on his work that day. He wasn't accustomed to anything interfering with his concentration. He wasn't sure whether to be irritated with Serena for doing so now- or seriously concerned about her. He only wished women were as easy to comprehend as his chemical and mathematical calculations. "You've broken up with Darien?" Serena's friend, Raye Hino, asked that afternoon. "For real?" Serena began to pack up her files, which gave her an excuse to avoid Raye's intense gaze. "Yes. For real. I gave him back his ring." "Well, paint a white stripe down my back and call me a skuck," the irrespressible shinto priestess marveled. Serena rolled her eyes. "Wwas that colorful outburst supposed to convey sympathy or surprise?" "A little bit of both, I guess." Rayed dropped the dramatics and looked at her friend with concern. "How are you? Are you okay?" "Yes, I'm fine. I spent the weekend indulging in an award-winning display of pouting, but now I've gotten that out of my system." Raye propped one amly rounded hip against a corner of Serena's desk. "I've been expecting this," she confessed. Serena grimaced. "You have? I wish I could say the same. To be honest, the breakup was totally impulsive on my part. There was absolutely no planning or forethought. I just snapped." "Was it something he said or did?" "More like something he didn't say or do." Raye nodded thoughtfully. "That makes sense. Especially to anyone who's met Darien." Serena found herself getting defensive on Darien's behalf- maybe just out of long habit. "He's a brilliant man." "Of course he is. But I've always thought he'd make a lousy husband. Doctors generally are, I understand." "You never said anything before." Raye shrugged. "It was your business. If you loved him, I hoped you'd be happy with him. I just always wondered if you didn't secretly crave a bit more than you got from him. After all, you've been engaged for over a year now and I've still never heard mention of a wedding date." "I know," Serena muttered. "Darien never seemed to find the right time to set one." "Maybe he didn't really want to get married." Blunt as always, Raye didn't bother presenting the possibility tactfully. Serena winced. "Trust me, that thought has occurred to me on several occasions lately. It just took me a while to figure it out. Which says something about my intelligence, doesn't it?" Again, Raye shrugged. "Love tends to cloud a woman's judgement," she pronounced. "Trust me, you're talking to an expert on the subject. Remember Jediate?" Serena managed not to shudder at the mention of Raye's former and utterly unlamented boyfriend. "Er-yeah. I remember." "Weren't you the one who assured me then that anyone could make a mistake? That the best thing to do is acknowledge it and get on with you life? I'm returing that advice to you know." Serena nodded. "I've already decided to do just that. I just....wish it didn't hurt quiet so much," she added in a small voice. Raye touched her hand. "I know. Believe me, I know." There was a moment of silent, feminine commiseration. And then Serena drew a deep breath. "Well," she said, closing her desk drawer and picking up her briefcase. "Thanks for the support, Raye. But don't worry about me. I'll be fine." "Hey, I know that. You're a survivor, kid. Takes one to know one. So how would you like to meet and attractive gy with dimples to die for? He's a friend of Chad's, and he's looking to settle down. Makes a good living at the music department, sings in a band, and dress casually. He's the exact opposite of Darien. Just what you need to get over him." It wasn't easy, but Serena managed a smile. "He sounds....interesting, but I'm not really ready to start dating again, Raye. Not yet." "You know what they say about being thrown off a horse. Gotta climb right back on before you forget how to ride." "Yes, but I think I'll soak my bruises a little while before climbing back into the sattle. And that's all I can stand of that metaphor." Raye grinned. "Me, too. Still, think about it, okay? You and Stan might actually get along great. He's a really nice guy." "I'm sure he is. Andif I decide I've got a hankering for a singer, I'll be sure to let you know, okay? In the mean time, I have to run if I'm going to have time to eat and finish my designs." Raye glanced a her watch. "Yeah,me, too. But not designs. See you later." Clutching her briefcase, Serena headed for the door. "Later," she promised. *It was amazing*, Serena thought, *how much better it felt to share my pain with someone who isn't afraid of the honest emotion, who knew and understood the foibles of the heart. I still hurt-and I suspect that I would for some time to come-but it helps. And I am grateful.* Author's Note So how do you like this?? Is it good, bad, or I could have done better?? Please send your comments, flames, and critisism to me at Ja ne. Character List Tsukino Usagi Serena Moon Chiba Mamoru Darien Shields Hino Rei Raye Hino Kou Seiya Stan Yuuchirou Chad