It's Not a Dream By: Silver Star Darien opens his eyes and the sun light blind him. "Mmmm. Valentines Day." He said as he walks into the bathroom. A minute later, he comes out of his bathroom wearing a black T-shirt and jeans. He sits on his bed and opens a drawer. He took out a small picture of a smiling girl with weird hairstyle and smiles at it. On the back, it said 'Serena Tsukino'. He lies down on his bed and looks at the picture. Serena had her usual Meatballs on and she's wearing her school uniform. The top two buttons are undone showing her smooth neck. He move his gazes up and see her soft, full lips. His gaze moves up again and he sees those beautiful sapphire blue eyes. He reverses his gaze back to her lips. Everyone said that those lips are 'kissable'. He sighs as he remembers what Andrew had said to him on the day he found the picture. *Flashback* He was walking home from work and he bumped into Serena around the corner as usual. Then they exchange insults. After she had gone back home, he found a picture of Serena on the ground where she uses to stand. He picked the picture up and put it in his pocket. Then he went to arcade to get something to drink. *At the Arcade* He sits down on a chair and took out the picture. "Hey, Darien!" Andrew said. "Hi!" Darien said not look up. Andrew looks at the back and saw Serena's name. Andrew thought. "You know if you really love her, you shouldn't tease her all the time. Treat her nicely and take her out sometimes." Andrew said to Darien. "I do not LOVE HER!" Darien retorted. *End of Flashback* <...or do I?> He asked himself. "Maybe I should take a walk and clear my mind." He said to himself as he put the picture back in his drawer and stood up. He put on his green jacket as he walks out the door. *********** Serena sighs disappointedly as she walks down the road. She had just sorted out her Valentine Cards. As usual, she got three big bags, full of Valentine Cards, but none were from 'him'. She suddenly bump into someone as she round the corner. "WHY DON'T YOU WATCH WHER- DARIEN?!" Serena yelled surprised. She was sure he'd be somewhere with all his valentines. "Hey, Mea-" He was about to insult her with the nickname again when he suddenly remember what Andrew had said. 'Treat her nicely and take her out sometimes'. "Hey, Serena." They stood silently waiting for the other person to speak. "Willyoucomewithmetothevalentinedacetonight?" Darien suddenly mumbles in one breath. One part of him hoping Serena didn't heard him, but another put whishes she did. Serena ask herself. Her heart beating wildly. "Yes, I will go with you." Serena said looking in his eyes hoping this is real. The silence engulfs them again. They lean toward each other then their lips met in a sweet kiss. Serena thought. After an eternity, Darien broke the kiss for air. "So I'll see you tonight?" He asks. "Yes." Serena said. Then they both turn around and go their own way. Both Wishing that it's not a dream. End Well, what do you think? Any comments, suggestions, flames, are welcome at Visit my home page, too at Bye! ^_^ - Silver Star