Blood of the Moon -- Intro and Part One by, Sora Tsukino 1-9-99 ~*~ Author's Notes: Sailormoon, et. all belongs to Naoko Takeuchi, et. all. The various characters 'borrowed' from the Vampire Chronicles belong to Anne Rice, their creator. I make no claims on either sets of characters - they are the rightful property of these venerable women. However, this story, and everything I make up to go with it, is mine. No parts of it may be used without my express permission - the sole exception being posting this 'Fic in Sailormoon FanFiction Archives (Such as 'A Sailormoon Romace'). I'd like to say thanks to Jade, the wonderful person that you are, for your glowing comments on my previous story, 'Key to the Stars'! Thank you SOOO much! *SMILE* You really made my day a LOT brighter! Everyone, do please read HER stories - they're REALLY good!! Very emotional, staying true to the characters, ooooh! They're just GREAT!! **SMILE** DISCLAIMERS: This FanFic may or may not contain, at the author's discretion, the following: epithets (swearwords), violence, tasteless and/or private jokes, spelling errors, mushy-gushy stuff, plot changes, version mixes (Japanese Anime/DiC Dub/Manga/Mixx), and/or something YOU may consider ojectionable. As I have no way of knowing what you may find to be unacceptable, I disclaim all responsibility of what may occur to you as a result (direct or indirect) of reading this piece of writing. If you d not wish to assume responsibility for your own actions, please delete this file and/or push BACK on your browser without reading further. Thank you for your cooperation. Time Line Info: SM: Alternate Universe; SMS analog VC: Just after 'The Tale of the Body Thief' Be warned.... this *IS* self-edited!!! ************************************************************************ INTRODUCTION I remember when this whole business started. Oh, I'm sorry - I've failed to introduce myself, haven't I? I am the vampire Usagi Tsukino; the blood-drinking rabbit from the Moon. Either half of that statement could be impossible to believe, depending on who you are and whom you're familiar with. If you know, or have heard of, Lestat and Louis, the only others to commit their vampiric knowledge and experiences to paper, then you will not believe that I am from the Moon. I assure you that I am, as surely as the Moon hangs in the sky. I am the reborn Princess from there, but I do not wish to commit *that* long tale to these pages - it would fill several volumes. However, if you know of me, Usagi Tsukino, the pretty sailor-suited soldier Sailormoon, then you won't believe that I now am a vampire. I am, however, and explaining how this transformation took place is the purpose of the text in front of you. It seems rather fitting that I, the warrior princess of the Moon, am now to forever exist beneath its light, does it not? Never again to see the sun, only the silvery Moon and the jewel-toned stars. Walk with me, if you will, into the mists of memory and back to that balmy July night... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ PART ONE As the sun set over Tokyo that day, I was deeply entrenched in a fight for my life. A strange new enemy had appeared, while the Daimon still lurked with their master. Many three-cornered fights had broken out in the last four days, the days since the new evils had arrived. The new Gremalin were much more powerful than the Daimon, humanoid creatures seemingly made of shadow and velvet wrapped around the strongest steel. But as I was saying, I was in a fight for my life. The mistress of the Gremalin herself, Doralin, had joined the battle with many henchmen to protect her person as she wove great magics against us - and me specifically. The Outers, including Pluto, had joined us for this fight, for once needing no encouragement or the lure of a heart crystal. Still, we were losing and at a terrible disadvantage. Doralin had fought us into a corner, as the saying goes. The Senshi, my valiant protectors, arranged themselves in front of me; a human shield armed to the teeth with bristling magic. Jupiter called lightning from the heavens as Venus blasted the Gremalins with her lasers and bound them in chains of burning light. Mercury vainly scanned for disadvantages, occasionally attacking with her ice but never the fog, and rings of fire flew from Mars in such a fury I'm surprised her gloves didn't melt or burn. Uranus and Neptune made a fine pair, blasting them with earthquakes and floods simultaneously, as Pluto laid waste around her with her single attack. My beloved Tuxedo Kamen stood at my side, throwing bouquets of razor-sharp roses like darts to aid the Senshi. I myself had powered up to my Super form already, using my Rainbow attack with a vengeance as Chibimoon blinded the foolish monsters. The monsters were tough, nearly indestructible; taking several hits to destroy each one, only to have us battered with magic emanating from Doralin. Nearby, I watched as Mercury went down to her knees. Gremalin pounced on her at once, Doralin giving the rest of us a bit of a respite to concentrate on our fallen comrade. Mercury screamed shrilly, using the last of her life force to destroy another Gremalin with her icy magic. "No!" I'd shouted, tears flooding my eyes. "Mercury! Oh no, Ami-chan, NO!" My cry was tortured, and the other Inners lent their laments to the call. The Outers ignored us and continued their work of wholesale destruction of the creatures that had killed our smart and shy friend. With a renewed will, we set about killing more of them. But more of us fell as well, life forces reduced to nothing. Jupiter was next, diving between a magic bolt and my heart. Again the mourning, the terrible sense of loss enveloping my heart. Then Neptune, then Venus, then Uranus, then Pluto. One by one they cut us down as we reduced their numbers. Grief enveloped my heart as I gazed upon my fallen friends. Finally only Chibimoon, Tuxedo Kamen, Doralin, myself, and one last Gremalin stood in the bloody battlefield. My fuku was torn and ripped, the lovely petal-style sleeves burned off, the lapel scorched, and my neckband was completely missing. Chibimoon fared no better, but used her Pink Sugar hearts to blind the last monster as my Prince charged it, sword drawn and glistening in the starlight. He had made the shift some time during the battle; I never noticed. The Gremalin dropped into the dust, teal blood gushing out of the cleave in its silvery skull. Doralin frowned. "You've killed all of my pets, you naughty brats! For that, you shall pay!" Instantly, she struck out at Prince Endymion, but Chibimoon, my brave daring daughter, selflessly threw herself in between them, screaming, "NO!" Depression and anger erupted out of me as the soft pink hair of my future daughter touched the bloodied earth, her eyes closed and face in an eternal grimace of pain. I turned to Doralin, fury and grief undisguised in my face and voice. "How dare you?!" I demanded tearfully. "You murder my friends, helpless innocents on the streets, and now my daughter?! For the Moon, I will NOT forgive you! For my friends, I will NOT forgive you! For Chibi-Usa, *I*WILL*NOT*FORGIVE* *YOU*!!" Anger roiled through me, boiling hot. Raising my wand, I began a new chant as I swirled through my motions that forced power from me into the rod. "RAINBOW MOON VENGEANCE!" I screamed, forcing the power out and to Doralin. Black rainbows raced towards her, crackling with power and the force of my burning hatred for this woman. At the last possible instant she ducked...behind my beloved. I screamed again as the power ripped through him to get to her. My love, the mate of my soul, fell to the ground, dead before he began the descent. I pulled the ginzuisho out of my brooch, tears streaming down my face. I could do it, bring them back to life. All I had to do was waste this demoness, this evil woman who smiled at me even now as my heart was dead at her feet. If she and I died by the power of the ginzuisho, then my friends and I would be reborn again. All I had to do was use the crystal to the point of death... and beyond. I had done it against Metallia; but I no longer had the Moon Stick. Determined to let nothing hinder me, I grabbed the Spiral Heart Rod and willed it to change into the Moon Stick, the one weapon created to hold this lovely and deadly crystal. The rod melted, sort of, and formed itself into the proper shape. It still was not the true Moon Stick, but it would have to do. Facing Doralin, I gently placed the crystal in the cradle intended for that purpose, willing it to stay there until I removed it. I pointed it towards her as she laughed at me. "Moon Prism Power!" I shouted and the deadly energy began to flow, but not strongly enough, not nearly fast enough. "Moon Crystal Power!" More power flooded into the ginzuisho, about equal to the time I had obliterated Metallia. The bubble of light appeared around me, hypnotizing Doralin who stood there raptly. She was unable to look away, let alone escape. "Moon Cosmic Power!" I added to the forces positively pouring out of the crystal, brilliant beams already sprouting out of the sides and racing towards the bitch who had dared to mess with my family and friends. "CRISIS POWER!" I screamed, the energy pouring like Mako-chan's electricity through my very veins. The bubble around me grew larger and larger, enveloping Doralin. I only heard one scream from her, and then she was gone as if she had never existed, or almost. {Please, Ginzuisho! Restore my friends, my family and I! Please grant this wish!} I pleaded as the power faded slowly, the rod/stick an unrecognizable lump in my hands as I fell to the bloodied ground. It had melted through the force of the power rushing through it. A hazy thought came to me as I lay there on the ground. The crystal was still inside the slag I clutched, and I'd never get it out. Having been morphed and melted, the Rod was now impervious to my magic as it had always been to others'. Softly, I felt the soft thud of footsteps as someone came near to where I lay like a broken doll in the dust, unable to move to live or die. A tall man, about six foot, with softly shining eyes and luminescent skin looked down at me with an expression mixed between awe and curiosity. His blonde hair, so much more vibrant than my own, covered in blood, ashes, and dirt as it was, swayed lightly against his face as he bent down to look at me. "Well, well," he smiled, a trifle regretfully. He had an odd accent, a bit of French and a bit of a Southern drawl. "Poor little justice fighter, killed in her battle with the murderer of her family." I coughed, struggling to talk. I was so weak, just keeping my eyes open seemed a struggle. He blinked in surprise. "But how... I can't even hear the beat of your heart, let alone your thoughts. What a strange being you are, with the power to kill every murderer in this city but unable to rise to walk away from the battle." {*Every* murderer?} I thought incredulously, at him like I did in my rare moments of telepathy. He blinked in surprise again. "Yes. Every single one died in shimmering orbs of pink and silver light. Yet, you still live." I coughed again, blood flecks appearing on my glove. {I wish I had died by the power of the Silver Crystal.} I moaned mentally. "What? Why? Is your life that meaningless to you?" The man seemed truly puzzled. {If I had died, it would have made my friends and family reborn again. Once more, we would have risen from death.} I explained, the world growing darker in my sight. {Now, there is no hope of that. I shall die this night, but my death will not bring the rebirth with it.} A single tear rolled down my cheek to fall in the dust and disappear. He smiled at that, showing a pair of sharp teeth. I realized he was no mortal man, but a vampire. "You can be reborn, in a fashion. If you want it. You can wait for the ones you love to be reborn again and then make them immortal as well." I was unafraid of him and of his Dark Gift. {I would do anything to be reunited with Endymion. Even become a murderer such as yourself, vampire.} He laughed. "I am no common blood-drinker! I am the vampire Lestat," he flourished a nonexistent cape with another toothy grin. "The Dark Gift can be yours as well, if you wish it." I glared at him as well as I could. {Either work your Dark Trick and save me, or stop your taunting and let me die. I don't care which it is, as long as you decide *now*!} Smiling seductively, he lifted me gently and bent his head to my neck. His sharp teeth pierced my skin, bringing little pain and a wave of ecstasy. I could *feel* my blood pouring into him, the golden commune of the blood connecting us. He moaned against my neck, I think, but I don't remember anything but the overwhelming sensations clearly. In a moment, it seemed, I had lost all I could and he disconnected himself from me. I whimpered with loss, but he quickly used his nail to cut open his neck and gently pressed my lips to the blood that poured out of the wound. I drank, the ecstasy filling me as it hadn't before. I could feel the blood pouring back into me now, being swallowed in draughts down my thirsty throat. Images came with the blood, teachings and cautions. Never stay outside during the day; always sleep in either a cellar or under the earth. How to use the lovely new powers that now belonged to me. That and more was communicated through the ruby blood. Then he gently pushed me away, taking my head from the never-ending fountain of beauty and life. I moaned a little, but understood. Taking too much would hurt him. Lestat grinned at me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I wasn't supposed to make any more, you know. But I love to break rules almost as much as I love the blood." I laughed, already feeling my wounds closing. As Sailormoon I had always been a quick healer; one night was enough to fix most non-mortal wounds. Before his astonished eyes, my fuku repaired itself; petal sleeves sprouting from healed shoulder seams, neckband inching its way around my neck. Before five minutes was up, I was fully healed and my fuku was as perfect as it always was; only a gray tinge to the colors belied my transformation. "My fuku is a part of me, flesh of my flesh woven with substances stronger than steel. It heals when I heal, from odango-gems to the soles of my boots," I grinned at him. "Now you have an idea of the vampiress you have created." Lestat laughed and took my arm. "Shall we stroll through this city, my lady?" I gave a mock-haughty sniff. "Lady? I am no lady! I am Princess Serenity of the Moon, known as Usagi Tsukino in this life." I grinned at him. "Now you are the only person on this earth who knows Sailormoon's secret identity, besides myself, of course." He bowed, smiling. "Forgive me, princess. Shall we hunt?" I nodded; the thirst, as he called it, was not overwhelming but some blood would be welcome. He put his arm around my waist and suddenly we were flying. I laughed with delight, it was so much fun to dive between the clouds and glide on the air currents! He turned to me. "Are you sure you won't regret your immortality? You could live for a thousand years or more and he might not show up." I shrugged as well as I could, considering that I was pressed against him. "Shouldn't you have brought that up before now? I'm not concerned with the passing of the centuries - I was immortal anyway. The Silver Crystal granted my friends and I a better immortality than yours, I'm afraid. But I couldn't use it anyway, even if you had decided not to make me." "Why not?" "It's now trapped inside that shapeless lump. Its magic can never affect anyone again as that lump cannot be broken to extract the ginzuisho and the crystal cannot work through it." I sighed. Below us, the city buzzed with the thoughts of mortals. I sensed a robbery going on. "That way!" I pointed into the night, towards the bank. I grabbed him and willed us to be there. Lestat looked at me in surprise as we landed softly by the doors of the bank, Nijuuban Bank. Pushing him deeper into the shadows, I took a pose in the window. As the robbers began stuffing money into unmarked bags, I shouted, "Stop right there! How dare you steal money from the innocent people of Tokyo? For Love and Justice," I let my silhouette fall into the room. "I am the sailor-suited pretty girl soldier, Sailormoon! On behalf of the Moon, I'll punish you!" I heard one of the robbers curse, softly but colorfully. Slowly they set the bags down and one reached for his gun. "No way, sleaze! Moon Tiara Star!" I threw my tiara at him as it became a boomerang of silver light. The gun flew out of his hand and onto the floor. Outside, I could hear police sirens, but no one gave any sign that they heard them. I grabbed the nearest crook of the four and Lestat took another. The other two ran out the door and down the street that the cops were coming up. I laughed and flew out the door, Lestat close behind. It was a simple matter of willing myself into the air and dragging the gibbering man with me. I gave him a shake. "Hey you! If you don't shut up, I swear I'll drop you to the asphalt!" He gave a small squeal and fainted. Lestat laughed and pointed to a rooftop. "Let's eat there." The man Lestat was holding screamed shrilly as we started to descend, but his mouth was covered almost before he started. My captive woke by the time we landed a few seconds later. Smiling at him, I held his head to the side as Lestat did with the other and ever so gently sank my teeth into the artery of his neck. The blood rushed into my mouth, so very different from that of Lestat. It filled me with images of this man's life, but I ignored them and they went away. Only the blood existed and I drank it slowly to draw out the ecstasy. Before long though, he died in my arms. I sighed and kicked the body over the edge of the roof. I knew the police would find him, but for once I honestly didn't care. Lestat was done already, looking at me with an odd expression. "Come on, I have to write a going-away note," I told him and dragged him into the air. We came down at my house a few moments later, it was dark inside and my family was asleep. We snuck inside, making less noise than a mouse. I grabbed two sheets of paper and a pen and began to write. 'Dear Mom, Dad, Shingo, and Luna,' one began. 'I have to leave Tokyo, I'm afraid. I won't be coming back any time soon, so don't hold your breath. Luna, you are going to be so angry with me, but I think that the others ought to know. Mom, Dad, Shingo, I'm Sailormoon. If you think I've lost it, just ask Luna - if she's not being sulky, she'll tell you straight out. 'The others are dead. Even Endymion, Mamoru, my love. Dad, don't have a heart attack. I've known him for a thousand years, give or take. I think I know that his intentions were honorable. Chibi-Usa is dead, I hate to say. My poor little girl, my daughter. Yes, *my* daughter. She wasn't a cousin; she was my mischievous time-traveling little girl. 'Mako-chan, Ami-chan, Rei, Minako-chan, Haruka Ten'oh-san, Michiru Kaioh-san, and Setsuna Meioh-san were the Senshi, now all are dead. Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto respectively. Don't let the cops give them autopsies - just have them decently buried in some nice cemetery. They can be found in the parking lot between Kage St. and Nijuuban Ave. 'I love you all, yes, even Shingo. 'Usagi' The other was a letter to the police. 'Dear Police, 'I am Sailormoon, the last remaining Senshi. I must leave Tokyo, so you'll have to fight the crime around here rather than leaving it up to me. Don't you *dare* give autopsies to the other Senshi - if I hear you have, I'll hunt you down like rabbits. They deserve to have decent burials, not scientists rummaging through them. 'Sincerely, 'Sailormoon, the Moon Princess' I had written the police many times, always signing them the same way. They would believe and follow my orders as they had before. "Are you ready yet?" Lestat whispered so softly I barely heard him. "Yes," I whispered back. I went upstairs and put the note to my family next to Luna on my pillow, then jumped out the window. Lestat was waiting for me, and we walked arm in arm to the police station. "Do you really have to give the letter to the police?" Lestat asked outside the police building. "Yes. I don't want them desecrating my friends." I left him outside and walked inside, still wearing my fuku. At once, I had the attention of every single being in there. They rushed towards me, but I jumped over their heads and placed the letter on the desk I always placed them on. "Do not disobey me." I growled at them as I left them there to wonder why I had come. ************************************************************************ 3,495 words... yeesh... Well, Part Two will be coming out someday - to say soon wouldn't be entirely truthful as I have no idea how long it will take me. I hope you enjoyed this little addition to the vast universe of Sailormoon... Feel free to send me mail regarding this, or any, of my stories. *smile* If you didn't like something, that's fine. I'm open to constructive criticism, but please don't flame me. _____ _____ _____ _____ __________________________ /@ @\ | ___| / _ \ | __ \ / _ \ | "Moonlight is the | //^_^\\ | |__ | | | | | |_|| | |_| | | Message of Love!" | // \\ |___ | | | | | | __/\ | ___ | | ~*Tsukino Usagi at the | // \\ __| | | |_| | | | \ \ | | | | | end of each epp. intro | // \\|____| \_____/ | | \ \ |_| |_| |________________________|