ࡱ> 453ܥhW e\HeYbjbjjbjbjbjbjb4c4c4c4c4c4c >c 4c]dFHcHcHcHcHcHcHcHc=d?d?d?d?d?d?ddXdM]djbHc/0HcHcHcHc]d^cjbjbHcHc^c^c^cHcjbHcjbHc=d;~bDbrjbjbjbjbHc=d^c^c Love of a Lifetime part 1 By: Sailor Destiny It was a nice sunny day in June. The sun was shining and the birds where singing but there was one girl who was crying. Her name was Serina she was crying sadly because it was like no one cared about her. Serina was a very pretty young lady with hair that looked like gold and eyes that looked as blue as crystal. Whats wrong Serina? asked her best friend Ray. Serina looked up, her eyes where red from so much crying and she looked so skinny. Serina, tell me whats wrong you havent been yourself. Ive never seen you like this. Ray said again. I dont feel good Ray. Serina said right before she passed out. Someone call an ambulance now! Ray yelled. When Serina woke up she found herself in a hospital room. Where am I? she said when she looked around the room and saw a doctor walk into her room. Well its nice to see your awake Miss Tsukino. Said the doctor. Your friend almost had a heart attack. He said again. Excuse me sir but who are you? Serina asked the doctor. Oh, how silly of me to forget to introduce myself. I am Doctor Chiba. He told her. Miss Tsukino Im sorry to report to you some bad news. You are severally malnourished. What have you been eating? Dr. Chiba asked Serina. Nothing. She told him. May I ask why Miss Tsukino? Dr. Chiba asked her. Serinas fine Dr. Chiba, and because no one cares about me especially him. She said looking up into his face. Who is he? Dr. Chiba asked. My ex-boyfriend, Travis. He left me for another girl and he didnt even give me a reason. She said as she began crying again. Hey dont cry I didnt mean to make you cry. Dr. Chiba said Its okay Dr. Chiba. Its not your fault your just doing your job. Serina said to him. Look Serina Ill bring you up some ice cream if you eat something, and you cant stuff it down or youll make yourself sick ok? Dr. Chiba told Serina. Ok. She said and she smiled for the first time in weeks. After a few days in the hospital Serina was allowed to go home. Serina dont ever scare us like that again. You had us all so worried Mina told her. Im sorry I didnt mean to scare anyone. Really I didnt. Serina said softly to Mina as she hugged her tightly. I know Serina I know. Mina said as she hugged back. The drive back to the apartment to the apartment Mina and Serina shared was a quiet on because Serina was fast asleep in the back seat of the car. When they got to the apartment Serina went inside and to her room. She went right to sleep and didnt wake till the next morning. The next morning Serina woke up at 6 am and noticed the time. Since she couldnt get back to sleep she went and got dressed for school. She walked down the stairs. Morning Mina. Serina said to a surprised Mina who stared at her in amazement. Serina why are you up so early? Mina asked. I couldnt get back to sleep and being in the hospital the way I was made me realize that life is too short and that guys will come and go besides I deiced to volunteer at the hospital now. Serina said as she watched her mom fix her a plate of food. Serina by this time was back to her almost normal self. She gulped down breakfast and was gone. Serina walked down the street to school when she noticed Dr. Chiba walking towards her. Good Morning Dr. Chiba Serina said to him when he looked up. Why good morning Serina. I see your better. And when Im not in the hospital its just Darien ok? he told her. Ok. And yes Im doing much better Darien thank you. Well I better get going or Ill be late for school see ya! Serina said as she skipped to school. *Man shes so beautiful and vibrant when shes not in the hospital.* Darien thought to himself. Darien walked over to the arcade where he went when he wasnt on duty. Hey Andrew whats going on today? Darien asked his best friend Andrew. Nothing much Darien. How bout you any good looking patients since last week? Andrew asked him casually. No but I saw that one girl I was looking after last week skipping to school. Darien told Andrew. Oh you mean the one you didnt stop talking about? Andrew asked Darien with a wide grin on his face. Yeah her. Man shes totally different when shes not in the hospital, shes so vibrant and lively Darien said as he began to stare off into space. Serina Im glad your back to school already. Now I want you to write me an essay on what happened that put you in the hospital. Said Mr. Holland, Serinas English teacher. Yes Mr. Holland. Serina replied to her teacher and began writing about the events that happened to her to put her in the hospital. *Man Darien is way cute. But it would be strange if I had a relationship with my doctor oh well I start volunteering at Tokyo Hospital so this will be fun.* Serina thought as Mr. Holland began to call the roll. Molly Brown. Hear said Molly, Serinas best friend. Finally she heard her name called. Serina Tsukino. Mr. Holland said Hear She replied as the whole class turned around to look at her. Serina looked healthy once again but she was also on time which surprised everyone. Bye Molly! Serina yelled as she walked into the hospital and got her candy striper uniform from the nurses section. Hello Serina. Its nice to see youll be a volunteer hear. Said Dr. Anderson. Thank you Dr. Anderson Serina said happily as she put the uniform on. Youre first task is a little girl in room 207 she has a sprained ankle and is going in for surgery today. I heard how well you are with cheering up people so your job is to cheer her up before she goes in. Dr. Anderson told Serina. Ok I can do that. Serina said as she walked down the hall to room 207. She smoothed out her uniform and entered the room and saw the little girl crying. Whats wrong sweety? She asked the little girl. I gotta go into surgery for my ankle and Im scared. The little girl told Serina. Dont be scared. Let me tell you a story about a girl I knew who was scared to go into her own surgery for her broken arm. Lets see, she was about your age with blond hair and big blue eyes. Her hair was always done in two buns with hair sticking out of them like mine. She broke her arm and was scared of having to have surgery. Then her nice doctor told her that she shouldnt be scared because it wasnt going to hurt. She was going to be asleep. Well a few minuets later she was asleep and when she woke up a few hours later she had a cast on her arm and her doctor came in with a lollipop and some ice cream for her. Serina told the little girl. Wow I guess I shouldnt be scared huh? The little girl asked Serina. No way you shouldnt and when you get out of that surgery for your ankle Ill bring you a lollipop and some ice cream ok? Serina said to the little girl. Ok said the little girl as the door opened behind Serina. Is my patient ready? Came a familiar voice. Yes she is Dr. Chiba. Serina said. Good thank you Miss, whats your last name? Darien asked Serina. *That voice sounds familiar to me where have I heard it before?* Tsukino. If youll excuse me I have something else to do ok Ill be back with your ice cream after the surgery ok? Serina said to the little girl. Ok. Bye. The little girl said as Serina walked out the door. *SERINA* After the surgery Serina kept her promise to the little girl and they sat in her room and ate ice cream together. Dr. Anderson when did Serina start volunteering hear and why wasnt I introduced to her since she is working on my floor? Darien asked Dr. Anderson She started today and I didnt know you knew her Dr. Chiba. And because I have been to busy and I gave her the first assignment I had at the moment. Dr. Anderson told Darien. Yeah I know her she was my patient last week. She was malnourished from not eating do to a break up with her ex boyfriend and she thought no one cared for her. She passed out in the park. Darien told Dr. Anderson. Oh ok I understand. Well if youll excuse me I have patient to attend to. Dr. Anderson said as she left the room. Bye Dr. Anderson, Ill see you tomorrow. Serina said as she walked out the door of the hospital. A red Benz pulled up in the driveway as Serina walked out of the hospital. Hey Serina you wanna ride home? Darien asked her. I dont think I should Darien. Serina said. Why not? Darien asked with a sly grin on his face. Because Mina would have a fit. She told him. Why because I look good? Come on Serina its late and I dont want you getting hurt again. Darien said to her. Well all right I do live pretty far from hear anyway. This is a nice car. Serina told Darien as she got into the car. The car ride was quiet and peaceful, *Man Serina is such a nice looking girl I wonder how old she is. She cant be more than 16.* During the ride Darien kept sneaking peaks at Serina. About 10 minutes later they where at the apartment Serina and Mina shared. Well this is it. Thanks for the ride Darien. I owe you big time. Serina said as she unfasten her seat belt. Darien looked at her long legs encased in the uniform of the volunteer nurses. Serina I want to tell you that anytime you need someone to talk to and you cant talk to anyone else about it you can always come to me. Darien said to her with out thinking. Thanks Darien Ill take the advice when I need it. Serina said to him. She looked at Darien and smiled softly. *Hes so handsome.* Serina turned to get out of the car when she felt a hand grab hers. how old are you Serina? Darien asked her. Im 20 Serina said as she left the car. Good night Darien see you tomorrow. Serina turned and walked up the stairs. The minute Serina opened the door to the apartment she was bombarded with questions from Mina. Whose car was that you just got out of? One of the doctors at the hospitals. He gave me a ride home from work because we got off late.: Serina told Mina. Before Mina could ask another question Serina was in her room with the door closed and locked. When Serina awoke then next morning she was ready for a weekend of nothing but fun because today was February 18th her birthday. Im now 21 I cant believe it. What should I do today Mina? Serina asked Mina excitedly. Shopping! After you go to work. Mina said to Serina who was bursting with happiness. oh yeah forgot I had to work today. Well later Mina catch ya after work. Serina said as she raced out the door to the bus stop. * oh no the bus is late again.* Serina stood at the bus stop impatiently when a red sports car drove up. Need a ride miss? the man in the car said to Serina. No thanks sir I dont take rides from strangers. But Im not a stranger Serina. Darien said to her as he began to chuckle. Darien I didnt know that was you please forgive me. Serina said as she began to giggle from being embarrassed. Serina got into the car and Darien drove off. Wanna get some coffee? Darien asked her. No thanks. I dont need anything with caffeine in it today Im hyper enough as it is. Serina told Darien as he pulled into the coffee shop. You sure you dont need anything Serina? Darien asked to be sure. Positive Darien. Serina said to Darien a smile crossing her face but not reaching her eyes as he had seen before. *Somethings wrong with Serina and I dont like that I wonder what it was.* Darien thought to himself. A few minutes later Darien and Serina where on their way to work. Thanks for the ride Darien. Serina said as she got out of the car and ran into the hospital with her uniform in hand. Serina there you are. Look I have a patient in room 101 that needs some cheering up think you could handle it? Dr. Anderson asked. Yes mam. Serina said as she took off for the room. Hi. How are you doing today? Serina asked the kid who was in the bed. Fine. Said the kid. My name is Serina whats yours? Serina asked him. My name is Sisqo. The little boy said. well its a pleasure to meet you Sisqo. Why are you in hear? She asked him. well I fell and got a bump on my head and it had blood coming from it. Sisqo said as he pointed to the bump on his head. Owie that must have hurt. Serina said as she winced. No it didnt hurt I didnt feel a thing when it happened. Sisqo said to Serina. Well Im glad to see your feeling better Sisqo I hope to see you again soon ok? Serina said to him as she began to leave the room. Ok. Thanks for cheering me up. BYE Sisqo said as Serina left the room for the meeting that was due to take place in a few minutes. Ok now that everyones here I want to introduce the newest member of our staff. Dr. Pepsi said. This is Serina Tsukino. Shes a volunteer hear and has already had many good stories in the childrens ward where shes cheering them up. He said as Serina stood up and bowed to everyone. If youll excuse me all my shift for the day is over and Ill see everyone tomorrow good bye. Serina said as she left the room and ran to the bus stop to find the bus was there. In about 2 min she was home. She rushed up the stairs and into the apartment. Mina Im home! Serina called out. But she heard no answer. Mina are you hear?!? Serina yelled again as she ran into Minas room. When Serina opened the door she saw the bloody figure of Mina spread across the bed. NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Serina yelled as she walked over to Minas body. She picked up the head and began to cry. She then put the head down and walked over to the phone in her room. She picked up the phone and called ray. Hi Ray Hino speaking whose calling? Ray answered. Ray this is Serina. Serina said in a shaky voice. Serina whats wrong? Ray asked. Its Mina. Shesshes dead Ray. Serina said as she broke down into tears. Im on my way Serina and Im going to pick up Amy and Lita. Ray said as they got off the phone. Twenty minutes later Serina heard a knock on her door. Who is it? She asked. Its us Serina. Ray said. Serina opened the door and Ray saw Serinas red eyes from crying. Serina and Mina where close like the sisters they where. Serina Im sorry to hear about Minas death. Ray said. Serina walked over to Minas room and opened the door so they could see Minas body. Gasp where heard when they saw Minas bloody body. oh my god what happened Serina? Amy asked when she saw Minas body. I. . . I. . . dont know Amy she was dead when I got hear around 4:30. We where going to go to the mall to go shopping and to celebrate my birthday. Serina said as she began to cry again. Lita ran to the stunned Serina and held her close. Its just not fair that this had to happen. Why did they have to take my sister. Serina cried into Litas arms. Amy by that time had all ready got her cell out of her purse and called her mom at the hospital. Mom I dont think Serinas going to be able to come into the hospital for a while. Her sister is dead and we dont know how she died. Ok Ill bring Serina down now. Ok bye mom. Amy said to her mom. Serina my mom wants to see you right now. Amy told her. I cant go Amy I dont feel to good. When Ray heard this she ran behind Serina and caught her when she passed out. Amy tell your mom to send an ambulance down hear now. Serinas sick again. Ray said to Amy. Amy got her phone and told her mom what happened once more. About 2 minuets later Serina was in the hospital hooked to wires. Will she be ok Dr. Chiba? Ray asked. Its hard to tell at the moment Miss Hino. Shes been this way for the past two days I cant really say. Darien said to Ray. *Serina please pull through.* Ray thought to herself. The seconds became minutes and the minuets became hours and the hours became days. Serinas condition had not improved. Everyone was worried about her and if she was going to pull out of it. The one who was worried the most about Serina was her doctor. Everyday Darien would visit Serinas room and leave roses by her bed side. Then one day 2 weeks Minas death Darien was in the room when Serina began to open her eyes. Where am I? Whats going on? Is that you Dr. Chiba? Serina began shooting questions at him. Miss. Tsukino Im happy youve come out of your coma. Everyones been worried sick. Especially me. Darien told Serina. How long have I been in the coma? Serina asked. Its been 2 weeks. You remember your sister Minas death? Darien asked her Yeah I remember that. Serina said sadly as she began to cry again. Darien went over to Serina and pulled her into his embrace. They have figured out how Mina died. They said she was shot at close range in her head and chest. Darien said to her as he tried to comfort Serina. Why would someone want to kill Mina? She never did anything to anyone. Serina began to cry again. *No why did she have to die like that why?* Serina thought to herself. I have more startling news Serina. Darien said and Serina stopped crying as she looked up to Darien. What is it Dr. Chiba? Serina said Well Serina we ran a few test on you while you where out to see if you where malnourished again but this time that wasnt that case. Answer me this one question will you? Darien said to her. Sure whats the question? Serina asked having no idea about what she was going to hear. Serina where you raped recently say about 3 months ago? Darien asked her. Serinas face went pale as she nodded. *Whats wrong with me now. This isnt funny something is seriously wrong.* Serina thought to herself. I figured that. Well I know this is coming at a bad time and this will just make it worse. Serina your three months pregnant. Darien said to her Thats not possible its cant be true Im not pregnant. Serina yelled out loud. *Dont lie to yourself you know it youve missed your period for that last three months you know it and except it!* Serinas mind shouted at her. I have to check on my other patients Ill be back to see you when I finish Serina. Miss. Hino and Miss. Anderson and Dr. Anderson will be around to see you shortly. Darien said as he left the room. Serina sat in her bed staring at the wall. *Why is my life a living hell. Its all Travis fault its like that. * Serina thought to herself as Amy and Ray came in. Hi Serina. Its nice to see your woke. Amy said cautiously as she saw the look in Serinas eyes. Serina whats wrong? Ray said. From previous occasions when Serina fainted she knew something was still wrong with her best friend. Serina sat in her bed and burst into tears. Ray and Amy ran up to her and tried to comfort her. Serina everything will be ok we promise we wont let anything else wrong happen to you. Amy said looking into Serinas. Well then kill me now. Serina said through her tears. Why would you want to be dead Serina? Ray asked her. Because I dont like life without my sister and I dont want to be three months pregnant with a child I dont want. Serina said as she began to cry even harder. Your What! Ray yelled at the top of her lungs. Im three months pregnant and I would rather be dead! Serina said at the top of her lungs. We will not let you die Serina. Amy said softly But I dont want this child thats growing inside me right now Amy I dont. Serina said softly now sobbing. Well if you havent grown to it by the time the child is borne you an put it up for adoption. Ray said logically. Thanks guys I wouldnt know what to do without you. Serina smiled at two of her best friends. Just then a guy walked in his face hidden by some flowers but his blond hair very noticeable. Well how are we feeling today Serina? Said Travis. Its your fault Im in this mess leave me alone Travis. Serina said to him as she saw the strange look in his eye. I heard about your loss and Im sorry that Mina was murdered. Serina saw a look in his eyes that scared her. *Hes the one responsible for Minas death.* Serina thought to herself. Well hear I just cam to drop these off and say hi. So Its time for me to depart. Farewell Serina for we will meet again. Oh and congratulations on the pregnancy I do hope it is going well. Travis said with a smirk on his face as he left the room dropping the flowers on the dresser. Serinas face was as pale as a ghost when she heard that he knew about her pregnancy. Serina are you ok? Amy asked. No Amy. Its his child that Im pregnant with. Serina said as the tears began to roll down her face. Ray ran over to comfort Serina and try to tell her everything will be ok. Two minuets after Travis left the room they heard a gunshot and a scream. Thats Litas voice. Amy stay hear with Serina Im going to see what happened. Ray said as she turned to the door. Just then Lita came through the door holding her arm. Hi guys. Can someone get me a doctor? Lita asked right before she collapsed from a loss of blood. Serina began paging Darien and he came running in. Whats wrong Serina? He asked as he saw Lita lying on the floor still bleeding from her arm. Dr. Anderson! You have anew patient. Darien yelled out the door as Dr. Anderson ran into the room. I need a stretcher and an emergency surgery room now! Dr. Anderson yelled out as a few nurses got there with the stretcher. Get her on the stretcher now and into an operating room now. Dr. Anderson said as she rushed to perform the surgery that would hopefully save Litas life. Serina are you ok. Did anyone try to hurt you? Darien asked her worriedly. No but the one person I wished never to see again has now shown up and hes the one responsible for Minas death. Serina said almost in tears. Amy tried to comfort her but to no avail. Amy come on I think Serina and Dr. Chiba need to talk about something important. Ray said as she and Amy walked out of the room. Serina listen to me. I know that right now youre a mess. You need to calm down. How bout I take you to the Christmas ball the hospital is throwing. Ill buy you a new dress and everything. How does that sound? Darien asked Serina. Really? she said surprised. Yes Serina. He said with a genuine smile spreading across his face reaching his lips. One it will help you with the death of your sister and get you out to have some fun. You know Mina would want this for you even after her death. Darien said to Serina as he looked into her crystal blue eyes. *Why do I always get so lost in her eyes?* Darien asked himself. Ok since I know Mina wouldnt want to see me like this especially. Serina said her face brightening. Thats better. You have exactly 10 months to get ready. Your child is due in August. After that you have 4 months. Should we start getting everything ready now or wait till after the baby is born? Darien asked her with a grin on his face. *This is one girl I want to spend the rest of my life with even if she has had a hard life so far I think I can make it all better for her.* Darien thought to himself. /=**\\]u V]chV]c@A - -")N4n9