Konnichi-wa, minna-san!! Looks like I made it just in time for Valentine's weekend! ^_~ After being trapped in the brick box of writer's block for so long, I'm finally free! I'm also celebrating the one year anniversary of when I first started writing fanfiction (Yea for me!!) Since it's been so long since I began this journey, I felt it was high time to expand into bigger and better places. (that, and I bought myself a japanese dictionary!) So ladies and gents, I am using the japanese names and phrases in this piece of work! ^_^ Hopefully I won't botch it up too badly . . . Wondering why this piece isn't really based around Valentine's? Well, to tell you the truth, since this author is one very deprived person in the department of that kind of stuff, there are some things I don't really like to dwell on, Valentine's and all its frivolity being one of them. Sorry, just two more notes, I promise! This story's a little odd in its POV. It switches from Mamoru POV to a third person Usagi POV. Just so ya know! *grin* Thanks again to everyone who continues to give me such wonderful feedback! I know for a fact I wouldn't be around today if it weren't for the awesome readers out there! Ja ne!! Ely-chan Disclaimer: Aww, do I have to? But I *like* pretending I own Sailor Moon!! "A Birthday Wish Come True" by Sailor Elysia Part One: Mamoru's Plan, or Just Another Day at the Arcade? This night's so perfect, so perfect in fact, it almost makes me sick. The light from the full moon streams down onto the earth, like a protective shield. It reminds me of someone I know, beckoning to me, wanting to share its love and warmth with me, if I was willing to open up. But I can't. It's not that I don't want to, heaven knows I'd give anything to let it be a part of me. I just don't know how to do it. It's the hardest thing I've ever done. So here I sit, alone on a warm June night. I know exactly what night it is. The night before my angel came into the world fifteen years ago. Scratch that. She's not my angel--not yet anyway. I'm afraid she'd laugh in my face if I told her how I really feel about her. To her, I'm just a self-centered, egotistical jerk who calls her names. I'd give anything to change that. Most nights I can't sleep, actually I don't really want to. I feel even more alone when I do. Instead I sit out on my balcony, wishing on every star in the sky. All I want is to be with her, to have her light in my life. I've had this idea floating around in my head for the past while, but it would take a miracle to pull it off. But I've come to the decision that anything's possible, especially when it comes to Usako. Usako. You see, I've even calling her names in my head! But she's always been Usako to me. I can't think of her as anything else but my little rabbit. Well, except for Odango Atama, but I only do that to get her riled up. She's so adorable when she gets angry. Not that she isn't the rest of the time. All I want is to be a part of her life, to be someone who can make her smile. It's worth everything I have. Hopefully, I'll make this a birthday she'll never forget. ^*^*^*^*^*^ Tsukino Usagi skipped happily down the sidewalk towards the Crown Fruit Parlor, her two golden pigtails bobbing up and down with every step. She had very good reasons for being her usual cheerful self, but even more so today. For one, school had finally gotten out, and two, today was her favorite day of the year. Her 15th birthday, which justified as a very good reason to treat herself to a game or two of the new Sailor V game. And since Crown offered a free triple scoop sundae to anyone on their birthday, Usagi was not one about to pass up such an opportunity as that either. ^*^*^*^*^*^ I leaned back in my seat in the corner booth so I could get a better look at the bubbly girl who seems to make me grin no matter what she says or does. It's the same for everyone else she comes into contact with. She's concentrating so hard on that game of hers that the tip of her tongue is sticking out from the corner of her mouth. Dang, she's so adorable when she does stuff like that! I don't know how she has this power over me. How could someone so small and gentle could create such feelings in me? Only Motoki knows about my secret--he practically forced it out of me--but he's agreed to help me out with my plan. I turned my attentions back to the sweet girl who has captured my heart and soul in one try without knowing it. She's at the counter now, digging into a huge triple scoop chocolate sundae--her favorite, I should know--and relishing every bite of it. Okay, Motoki. It's up to you now to carry out your part of the plan, and give her the card. After that, only time will tell. ^*^*^*^*^*^ Usagi scraped the last bit of chocolate sauce and ice cream from the bottom of the dish with her spoon, and popped it into her mouth with a flourish. She placed the spoon back in the dish and watched wistfully as Motoki took the empty bowl away. If only it could be her birthday every day, then she could have a free triple scoop chocolate sundae--her favorite--all the time. Motoki watched Usagi from behind the counter, unable to watch her without smiling. He could see why Mamoru seemed to be so taken with her. She carried a certain light about her, attracting everyone to her shining personality. "So Usagi-chan, what are you planning to do for the rest of your day?" Motoki asked as he wiped the counter down with a cloth. Her grin grew even larger as she mentally went over all her plans for the day. "Well," she began, "after here, my mother's taking out for a shopping spree, and then I'm having a huge party with my friends and family. Speaking of which, what time is it, Motoki-kun?" He glanced down at his watch, while taking the sealed envelope Mamoru had sworn him to secrecy about from beneath the counter and nonchalantly laid it a few feet away. "It's about 12:45." Usagi's look of joy transformed into one of shock, and she jumped off the stool. "Oh no!! I'm really going to get it this time! I'm so late!" She almost ran out the arcade doors when Motoki's shout stopped her. "Usagi-chan, wait! You left this," holding up a small envelope. Usagi stopped in her tracks, and slowly walked back over to the counter, pure bewilderment in her eyes. "Motoki-kun, I don't remember leaving that here. Are you sure it's mine?" He glanced down at the envelope, and then back up at her, a smile on his face the entire time. "Well, it has your name on it. I guess it has to be yours." She carefully plucked the envelope from Motoki's outstretched fingers, and slowly turned it from side to side, as if she could tell what was inside just by looking at it. Then, shrugging her shoulders, she proceeded to rip into the envelope, revealing the card within. It was a plain card, which confused Usagi even more. She opened the card to find a short note scrawled inside: "To my darling Usagi, This is to let you know I'm wishing you a very happy birthday, but I want to do more than that. There is so much more I'd love to tell you, but I feel it would be better to do it in person. So I would be most grateful if you would meet me by the lake, near the rose gardens tonight around sunset. I promise you a birthday present you will never forget." Her eyes widened twice their size as she read the contents of the note which was clutched tightly in her hands, then caught sight of the clock on the wall behind Motoki. "Why can't I ever be on time?" she wailed, and flew out the arcade doors. ^*^*^*^*^*^ I finally got up from my place in the back corner of the arcade, and sauntered over to the counter where Motoki was busily cleaning up. I sat down on the stool Usako had previously occupied, and glanced at my friend. "Thank you, Motoki. You have helped me out in ways you cannot comprehend." He just gaped at me incredulously. "What did you write in that card to make her act the way she did?" All I could do was smirk. "If I told you, I'd have to hurt you." I clapped him on the shoulder, and stood up, preparing to go on my way. "Don't worry, Motoki. You'll find out sooner or later." Just then, I remembered I had to get ready for tonight so I could let Usako know how much I really do care about her. I just hope nothing will go wrong. Hehe . . . left you wondering now didn't I? You're not too confused I hope. Sorry that this is so short, but I'll make up for it next time! Ja ne!