I know, I know. . . some of you have been waiting impatiently for this next chapter. Well, your wishes have been granted! Here's chapter two. . . Author's notes at the bottom. . . I don't need to clutter up this story any more than I already have! Finding the Arms of Love-chapter two by Sailor Elysia ". . . so he's gone to the States, and he won't be back for supposedly a month or more?" Serena nodded numbly, clutching her mug filled with hot cocoa. Tears slipped down her face, and splashed unnoticed onto the tablecloth. "We had a fight the night before, longer and louder than it had even been. But I never thought it would ever turn out like this. What am I going to do, Mom? Just look at me, I'm a wreck." She gripped her cup harder, her knuckles turning white with the pressure. Ilene placed her hand on Serena's arm. "I remember you telling me about the problems you've started to notice. I honestly don't know what to tell you, Serena. I've never been in the middle of something like this. Keep your hopes high, and I'm sure things will be all right." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Serena pulled out her journal early one afternoon, since it was the only way she knew how to cope with the loneliness she felt surrounding her. October 15. "It's only been a week since I came home, but it doesn't feel like my home anymore. Home is *our* apartment, where I would wait for Darien to come home every night, and we would do something. It didn't matter what it was, it was always special because we did it together. Now Darien's in a totally different country, and I'm here by myself, wondering if he's even going to come back. I always listened to him, held him close. If I could go back in time, I would change, I know I could. If it would have kept Darien here, I would do anything. After all we've been through to be together, how could it be so easy for him to leave it all behind? He always knew how to keep me safe, and I know he would never hurt me. Maybe he just can't see what's happening between us. There's got to be a way to make him understand. We've never really even talked about having a family of our own. I know how much he loves children, but I'm curious, is he trying to get away before things get too deep?" Just then, her mother called up the stairs. "Serena? There's a telephone call for you." She jumped up from her chair, and raced down the stairs, grabbing the phone from her mother's hand. "Hello?" she said excitedly into the phone. "Serena? It's Darien," came the fuzzy reply. "Darien! You made it! How was your flight?" "Could have been better, but I'm here now in New York. Sorry I didn't call sooner, but I've been overwhelmed with the seminar as soon as I stepped off the plane. I haven't had a moment to myself until now. It's about two a.m. here, and I'm just finishing up a last minute project." She propped the phone up on her shoulder, and cradled it there. It was *so* good to hear his voice again. "Two a.m.? I won't keep you long, so you can get your rest." "Thanks. I'll try to keep you posted if any changes to my schedule come up, okay? But I can't count on anything." "It's all right. I'll write you every day, because I know phone calls overseas are costly." "Okay, but I can't promise you'll get a response every time. I'm going to have my hands full with this seminar." "I know you'll do your best, like you always do. Just don't overload yourself," she replied. "Listen, Serena, my time is almost up, so I have to hang up now. I'll try to call you again sometime." "Okay, Darien. I miss you!" "Miss you, too." "I love you!" she responded. There was no reply, only the sound of a faint dial tone. She stared at the receiver. He hadn't said he loved her back. Maybe their connection had disconnected before he had heard her. She hoped that was the case. Serena slowly hung the receiver back up, and silently walked up the stairs to her room. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Ilene opened her eyes, and glanced at the digital clock on the night stand. One-thirty. What would have woken her up so abruptly? She lay still in bed, listening for sounds that would give her clues. She determined that whatever had brought her out of such a deep sleep must be elsewhere in the house. She crept quietly out of bed, careful not to wake her husband, grabbed her robe from the back of the door, and slipped it on as she stepped out into the hall. The open door to her daughter's room across the hallway caught her attention as she glanced around. Ilene stood silently and looked in, tears coming to her eyes from the sight before her. She knew Serena had been crying herself to sleep during the last few weeks, but she had never seen her this distraught. Serena sat on her window seat, surrounded by the full moon in a deep velvet sky, twinkling with stars, and sobbed into her favorite bunny pillow. However, the pillow did little to quiet her sobs. She was also clutching a small glittering object, shaped like a star, in her fist. Ilene remembered seeing this before, back when Serena was still in junior high and high school, but didn't understand her daughter's attachment to it. She walked further into the room until she was at her daughter's side. She gently laid a hand on Serena's shoulder, not wanting to startle her. Serena glanced up to see the tear-stained face of her mother. Immediately she wrapped her arms around her, and Ilene knelt down so she could do the same. "Oh, Mama," Serena whispered, "I can't stand having him away. What if. . . what if he doesn't want to come back? Mama, what would I do without him? I need him to hold me, comfort me, tell me everything will be all right. I'm nothing without him!" Serena buried her face in her mother's shoulder. "Ssh, sweetheart, everything will work out." She fingered the locket Serena was clutching. "I've seen this before. Where did you get it?" Serena blushed momentarily, not sure how to describe its sentimentality. She might believe the story that Darien had given it to her, but would she accept the fact he had done so more than a thousand years ago? "It's something that Darien gave to me a long time ago, something that means more to me than anything in the world," she said simply, and left it at that. Ilene nodded. "Darien still loves you, I'm sure of it. He just needs a little time to realize how much he needs you. He'll be back in a month or so, and everything will be normal again, you'll see." As Ilene had been consoling her, Serena had finally fallen asleep, clutching her pillow, resting her head on her mother's shoulder. Ilene kissed her on the forehead, brushed the loose hair out of her face, and propped her head against another pillow. She quietly stood up, and took one more look at her daughter. "Sweet dreams, Serena. I promise you everything will turn out for the best." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ The key turned easily in the door as it normally did. Serena silently opened the door, and glanced around the quiet apartment. She hadn't been back since she had gone to her parents', and coming here brought back all the memories. What they had had to go through just to get this apartment had been hard enough, and just knowing that it was finally *theirs*, gave her a sense of satisfaction. She couldn't bring herself to go back into the bedroom. That was *their* room. She had never slept alone in there, except for the night after their fight. Right then, she promised herself not to go in there until Darien came home, how ever long it took. Serena stared at the bookcase, her gaze falling on a framed picture, the one they had taken the day they were engaged. She took the picture in her hands, and leaned against the wall as the memory of that day replayed in her mind. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "Darien, why won't you tell me what we're doing tonight? You know I hate being kept in the dark," Serena complained, tugging on his arm, as they walked along the street. Night was just beginning to fall, and they were out for one of their customary walks. He looked down at her, and simply smiled. "I told you, it's a surprise," he replied, as he playfully pressed her nose with his finger. He bent down and kissed her gently on the cheek. "You're just going to have to be patient." Darien led her to a bench beneath a huge oak tree, on the shore of the small lake in the park. Serena immediately recognized it as 'their' bench, the one place they always came to just to be together. He turned, fully facing her now, and took both her hands in his. "Serena, do you know what today is?" She thought momentarily, then the memory hit her. With a large smile, she replied, "Of course. Four years ago today was the day when we officially started dating." She removed her hands from his and threw them around his neck, delighted that he would remember such an occasion. "Is that your surprise?" she said, gazing at his handsome face. Darien grinned, and planted a light kiss on her lips. "That's part of it. But there's something else." He stepped away from her, Serena's arms dropping back to her sides, and she watched him pace slightly, shoving his hands into his pockets, and removing them just as quickly. He came back over to her, took hold of her arms, and led her to the bench, setting her down gently. "Serena, I brought you here tonight because. . .well, because I wanted to give you something to remember this day for more than something that happened four years ago." His left hand disappeared into his pocket again, then hung behind his back. Serena craned her neck, trying to see what Darien was holding behind his back. But before she could, in one swift motion, he was down on one knee, staring directly into her face, his features soft and full of love. She held her breath, not daring to hope. His hand came from behind his back now, and in his palm lay a small velvet box, with the most beautiful ring she had ever seen in her life nestled inside. It was a simple gold band, with tiny diamonds shaped into the form of a small heart in the center. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she looked into his face again, the smile on his lips bringing one to her own. "I remember that day too, it being one of the finer days of my life. But I want to remember today for something more special than something that happened in the past. Nothing in the world would make me more happy than having you being by my side for the rest of my life. Serena Tsukino, will you marry me?" For one of the first times in her life, Serena was speechless. This was certainly a surprise, the last thing she had expected Darien to do on one of their nightly walks. Her emotions surged within her heart, all of them combining into one feeling, one word. Serena looked again at Darien through teary eyes, the hopeful expression on his face evident. Without warning, she flung herself into his arms. "Yes!" she cried out, "a thousand times yes, Darien, I will marry you!" His arms immediately came around her in a loving embrace, pulling her close to him. He laughed as he tried to stand up with her still in his arms, his first attempt failing. She helped him the second time, and finally they were standing next to the lake, not wanting to let each other go. "Serena," Darien whispered into her ear, "you've just made the happiest person alive." She turned to him, tracing his facial features with the tip of her finger. "That makes two of us," she replied, and pulled him closer to share a tender kiss, one that said more than words could ever describe. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Serena sighed as she stared at her ring, mesmerized by its beauty. Had it only been two years since that memorable day? Things had certainly changed since then. Oh, how she wished to go back to the time when life had been so much easier. She set the photo down next to their wedding picture, the one she had been holding the night of their fight. As she looked more closely at it, she saw something she hadn't noticed before. In the lower corner, the ornate frame had started to visibly crack. Was this supposed to be some sort of sign? The tears spilled over once again, and she fell to her knees. Why was this happening to them? She thought everything was all right between them. Where had they gone wrong? Serena glanced at her watch. It was almost noon, and she was planning to go over to Rei's soon. She wiped her face, slowly stood up, and put the picture back in its place. Glancing once more around the silent apartment, she sorrowfully closed the door behind her. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Serena slowly walked up the steps to Rei's temple. They had called a meeting, rather just to get together than to discuss any business; it had been quite a while since they were last together. There wasn't any business to discuss anymore, anyway. Normally, Darien would have come with her, but. . . She shook off the tears she knew were trying to fall. Crying and pouting about it wouldn't bring him back any sooner. Only time could tell now. "Serena, glad you could make it," Rei said sarcastically. Serena just gave her a look to shut her up. She was in no mood for Rei's biting comments today. They started talking, but Serena couldn't concentrate. The others didn't notice, because they were off in their own world, catching each other up on different events. But something seemed different today, something was out of place. . . "Where's Darien, Serena?" Mina finally asked, bringing it to everyone's attention. It seemed odd without the only male member of their group present. Serena bit her lip. "Umm. . . he's not here." "Duh," Rei broke in. Serena looked at her again, the tears trickling down her cheeks. "He's. . . gone to the States. He's been there for almost a month for some medical conference, and I don't know when or even if he's coming home," she replied quietly, too quiet for her usual behavior. The girls knew that since her marriage, Serena's emotions didn't surface as easily as they used to. So there was something definitely wrong here. Lita placed a hand on Serena's shoulder. "What happened? Why didn't you go with him?" She hugged her knees to her chest, and buried her face in them. "He claimed that I wouldn't have anything to do while he worked on the conference," she said, her voice muffled. "We had a fight the night before he left, and we said some things that I know I'll regret for the rest of my life." "Like what?" Rei asked, wanting to find out more. As much as she enjoyed teasing Serena, she also hated to see her hurting so much. Serena lifted her head, and looked at Rei with red eyes. "Please don't ask me to recall that awful night. I keep wishing it was all a nightmare. But it wasn't, and because of it, he's not here. "Without Darien here, it's even a struggle for me to get up in the morning. I didn't even want to go out of the house today. But you guys are my best friends. I couldn't let you down." Ami came over, and gave Serena a tight hug. Of all the girls, she had a feeling she knew what she was going through, because she had experienced this as a child with her own parents. The others quickly followed suit, and soon they were in a large group hug around Serena, each of them sending her strength and support. "It's probably just a phase. I watched my parents go through the same thing, only it was much more severe and they weren't willing to compromise over anything. There's not much you can do, except wait and hopefully, he'll come around," Ami said, trying to reassure Serena. Serena wiped the tears from her face, and made a feeble attempt to smile. "Thanks, guys, for being here for me. I don't know what I'd do without you." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ After she had eaten a light breakfast, Serena sat down at her desk with her customary cup of hot chocolate. It had been a week since the meeting with the girls, and she hadn't left the house since then. She had no reason to, not with Darien gone. She wrote him letters every day, but hadn't sent any of them yet. However, today was different. She planned to send it this time. If this letter didn't get through to him, she was afraid nothing else could. Dear Darien, I hope everything is well in the States and with your seminar as well. Do you think you'll be home soon? I miss you so much. I've been thinking a lot over the past few weeks. It hurts too much to think you wouldn't be coming home. I can barely get through a day without thinking of you and wishing you were here. There have even been a few times when I wanted to jump on the next flight to New York, just so I could be near you. Darien, I love you with all of my heart and soul. I have from the very moment I first saw you. Living without you is too hard for me to bear. I've only been back to the apartment once since you left. It seems very cold and empty, and it's just not the same without you here. Nobody ever said marriage was supposed to be easy, it requires a lot of work. But it also takes two to make it happen. Enough of my whining. I know your work is important to you, so I won't keep you from it. I hope everything is working out for you, and that you are enjoying the time you are having in America, even with all the projects you have to do. Please come home soon. I need you here by my side. I can hardly wait until I see you again. Always and forever yours, Serena