Sailor Tampa "Introspection, chapter 1: A Moonstar Is Born" "Andrew, what's it like to be in love?" I asked. I know it may seem like a stupid question coming from a 19 year old physics major, but I just have to know. Love. Don't know the meaning of the word. Never have, and probably never will. My whole life I've never loved or been loved. True, I've had MANY girlfriends, but none of them were ever even close to special. If I remember correctly, my longest relationship was about 3 weeks. Andrew chuckled a little and brought me back from my thoughts. "What's it like? Oh Darien man, you can't explain -it's just this wonderful feeling that overwhelms you, that makes you feel you a reason to get up every morning!" he answered me enthusiastically. I was dissappointed to say the least. I thought the one person who could explain love to me would be one that was already in love. I looked over at Andrew and saw him getting that dreamy look in his eye, the same look he got whenever he was thinking about his fiancee. I guess I am kind of jealous. Andrew spoke again to me in a spaced-out kind of whisper. "I'm sorry Dar, but there are just no words to describe have to experience it to know what it feels like..." I felt myself getting angry, but not at Andrew, at myself and the world for cursing me to live without this wonderful emotion it seems everyone else has and can give...but me. I abrublty got up out of my seat and shut my eyes hoping the tears that were all too familiar to me, wouldn't come. I gave a little wave to Andrew and walked out of the automatic doors, quickly putting on my dark sunglasses to cover my eye s if I couldn't hold back."The world doesn't need me," I thought bitterly."I have no purpose on this earth but to be miserable." I started to walk away when something caught my attention. A sound. A very familiar cry. I couldn't put my finger on it but I knew I had heard it somewhere before. I shrugged it off, too caught up in my own desolate little world to care. I only walked a few feet and then.....I suddenly got a feeling. It feels like deja-vu, and something.... something telling me to turn around. 'My God.....' I whisper to myself as I see a young girl with blonde hair talking to herself. I don't know what she's saying...I'm not listening, and I know I look like a fool just standing there gaping at her but, I can't help it....she's beautiful. A warm feeling settles over me, a feeling I've never experienced before... I shake my head to try to stop it from over powering me. 'What do I do? Should I talk to her? Should I approach her?' My mind is buzzing with a thousand different questions to ask her. I take a step forward, opening my mouth to speak and get her attention and then, something hits me. It bounces off my head and I catch it. Opening the crumpled piece of paper, I see a big red '30'. 'How can a girl this beautiful and perfect get a 30?' I think to myself. She turns around and looks at me. I'm frozen. I can't speak, I can't move, I can't think; But, sure enough my old ass-hole self- defense kicks in. I know the only way my brain will allow me to function is to get this girl--no, this angel away from me. If she stays and looks at me any longer I'm know going to lose it...I have to act fast. "A 30? Admirable. Are you stupid or just incredibly lazy?" I barely manage to say with a straight face. God, why is this so hard? Why am I thinking that all I want to do is grab this girl and kiss her? Hold her? Lo-- "Gimme that!" she says as she snatches the paper away from my grasp and starts to walk away, mumbling something to herself. 'Wait! No!' My mind is screaming. But I can't move. All I can do is stand there and gaze at her. She turns around again and stares back at me. I'm glad I have these sunglasses on to mask the emotion in my eyes. But, before I get a chance to speak again, she's gone. "What just happened to me?" I ask myself. "Could....Could this be love?" Part Two...