Here's the last part, Part 3 of chapter 1 of Reflections of Reality **************************************************************************** ************************************* Minako slowly lowered the clean plate she had been washing, not noticing she was putting it back in the sink of dirty water. She let out a shakey sigh, trying her hardest not to cry anymore. Her parents knew about the two hurt girls; their stories had been all over the news. They did not know that the two were Minako's dear friends though. Absently running the dish towel over the same plate for about the thirteenth time, she jumped as her mother walked into the kitchen. "Minako, what is taking you so long? You should have been done with those dishes almost a half an hour ago!" "It's been that long?" Her mother nodded. "I'm sorry, I've had a whole lot on my mind recently." "I can tell. Care to share with me Minako? I am your mother after all." "I---I---" She had meant to say 'I can't,' but could not bring herslef to say more. Her voice caught in her throat and all that came out was a sob. "MInako!" her mother came to her side, frightened for her daughter. "Tell me, what is wrong with you?" She looked her loving child in the eyes, "If you can't tell me, then who can you tell?" "Those-- those two girls in the hospital....." "Yes?" "They're my friends! Two of my best friends in the entire world!" Her mother's eyes widened in surprise, but Minako was not finished. "And the girl who disapeared, Tsukino Usagi, she was my friend too! All of my friends are gone or hurt! Except Ami and Mamoru." Another sob, "They could be next....I could be next!!!" "Minako, I know that it must be difficult for you," 'Three friends?' "but you have to realize that just because a few of your friends have been hurt doesn't mean that it will happen to you--" "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" Minako pulled away from her mother, who was shocked that her daughter was acting like this. "I could be next because--" She stopped, realizing that she was close to revealing to her mother who she really was. 'Is it time? If it isn't, will it it ever be?' Looking into the confused eyes that were so like her own and yet different, Minako, Sailor Venus, made her decision. "I could be next because the youmas are after me. I am Sailor Venus of the Sailor Senshi. I fight along Sailor Moon for Love, Truth, and Justice. Usagi, Rei, Makoto, Ami, all of them are Senshi too. Every time you watched the news and heard of the glorious battle that took place that day, of the terrible youma that was defeated by the courageous Sailors, that was my friends and me. That was us." The last words were whispered, and Minako was slightly surprised to find that as she had gone through her speech, she had stood higher, regally, like the Princess of Venus she was supposed to be. "I wish.....I wish I could believe you." her mother said, "I just don't see how it could be possible." Even Minako was surprised by what she did next. "VENUS STAR POWER!" She knew that the spectacle her mother was seeing must have been overwhelming, but for the few seconds she was engulfed in the light of her transformation; she liked to think of it as the light of Venus itself, nothing mattered. Not her revealed secret, not Crystal Tokyo, Rubeus, or even the betrayal of Sailor Moon. For that instant, she was whole and content. Then it ended, and she faced her mother as Sailor Venus. "It all started a long time many years ago, Mother, in a time now forgotten, called the Silver Millineum." **************************************************************************** ************************************* Mamoru walked down the lonely street, and suddenly it hit him that this was the same place that he had made the biggest mistake of his life. It was here that he had let Usagi go. The place was dark, and not a soul traveled on it at this time, but it would not have mattered. Mamoru, Tuxedo Kamen, Prince Endymion, would have fallen to his knees right there anyway. He had so many names, it was hard to remember them all. 'I am so many people, but who am I? Are any of those people really me?' Usagi understood him. She was Usagi, Princess Serenity, and Sailor Moon. 'Dark Sailor Moon.' he corrected himself. 'Oh Usagi, come back to me.' He stared at the ground. How many times had she said those very same words to him? How many times had she and her pain gone unheeded? Closing his eyes and placing his hands on his head, the man with many names wept. He wept for the times when he and his Princess could have been happy, for what she had sacrificed for him, and what he had done to sacrifice her. "Pleading for your life already, Mamo- chan?" His head jerked upward, sending sparkling tears arching through the air and towards the ground. It was her, his Usagi, but still dressed in her dark parody of the uniform he knew. "Get up, transform. I want to fight Tuxedo Kamen, not you. At least that would be a challenge." "Usako......please...." "GET UP!" He stood, but made no move to transform into Tuxedo Kamen. Mamoru stood on the sidewalk, his every tear sparkling like a miniature version of the Ginzuishou, and he was defenseless. "I won't. I won't fight you. I don't believe you will fight me. We've shared too much...." "As if you cared about that before." Her words cut him deeper than any knife could have. "I was wrong, Usako...." "Stuff it. I had hoped for some kind of fight, but I guess I've been disapointed. Oh well." The evil grin that she wore chilled Mamoru, and for the first time, he thought 'Something is not right....." "CRYSTAL SHARDS ATTACK!" .......................................... Gray and red boots clicked past the unconscious man on the ground. Golden hair shimmered in the faint moonlight as she left Mamoru behind. 'What a cruel way to go.' she thought, the grin still marring her once beautiful face. 'Ah well, best he join his friends in death than to be causing the Dark Moon trouble.' Several people in nearby homes had heard the screams of Dark Sailor Moon's power cry. A few ventured out onto the street to see what had happened. What they found was the form of a man who had lost everything he cared about, and had no reason to carry on with his life, to fight the wave of death that threatened. **************************************************************************** ************************************* She screamed as the pain of another ripped through her body as if it were her own. God, no!! Not him, PLEASE NOT HIM!! That pain subsided, only to be replaced by a terrible wrentching in her heart. "YOU WILL NOT SUCCEED!" She yelled to the blackness. She firmly believed the words she said. She had faith. If only she knew where it was her faith was placed. **************************************************************************** ************************************* "NOOOOOO!" Minako dropped the reciever. Her older brother caught her as she collapsed. Worry blotched his face, as it did the rest of her family. Only her mother seemed to have any inkling as to what had come over the girl. They had decided to keep her secret from her father and brother for a little while. The two would only over react, and her father would likely do everything in his power to prevent her from fighting. "I....I will not fail Queen....." Minako's babbling made no sense to anyone, save her mother. When she woke, there was a new look in her eyes, once sky blue but now the color of blue steel. "The Dark Kingdom claimed Mamoru as another casualty." "He's not...." "Not yet. Without Usagi though...." she let her sentence trail. "There must be something--" "Who's Mamoru?" Minako's father cut in, "What's the Dark Kingdom? And just WHAT is going on?" "It's a long story dear." **************************************************************************** ************************************ Luna sat on Usagi's bed. It was neatly made, Ikuko had done it the day after her daughter had vanished. Even little Chibi Usa had not set foot in the room after that, as if it were a shrine to someone's memory. In a way it was, the memory of the Usagi they had known. Luna knew that even if Usagi was returned to them, she would never be the same. One could not be after being enslaved by the Dark Kingdom. The memories never faded. Mamoru had told her that. Mamoru. Luna had found out from Artemis, who had rushed over the minute Minako had told him. Both of the guardian cats wondered if their Prince Endymion would make it through. Without Usagi, they doubted it. So much had passed between them lately, the pain Luna could only imagine, but had seen in the eyes of a certain fated couple. First Rei, then Makoto, and now Mamoru. What else would she have to endure, now that Minako and Ami were the only ones left? The Senshi did not realize what it felt like to push them into battle, but be too small to do anything to really help. Luna often thought that she may seem harsh to them, always stressing their responsibilities. Usagi was the only one who had ever complained, but she knew that others felt restrained as well. 'If you will only wake up I will let you have as much time to yourselves as I possibly can! I swear it! Just come back to friends.' An inkling of an idea crawled into her head. Would it work? She had never tried it that way just might work! Luna laid down, stock still, to go over her idea and save up energy before attempting it. If she died doing this, it would be worth it to see the two injured Senshi awake one last time. Mamoru was different. Only one thing could help him, and she was not willing to. **************************************************************************** ************************************* The meeting was held at Minako's house. Rei was in the hospital so it could not be at the temple, and Minako's family knew about her while Ami's parents did not. The shock of talking cats had finally worn off, and Mr. and Mrs. Aino sat with them as they discussed several possibilities. There were no solutions, but Ami did bring something up. "We could call in Travis. He probably wants to fight anyway, and he needs to know what's really happened to Usagi. All he knows is that she's vanished without a trace." Minako nodded, as did the two guardian cats. "I had hoped --" "Wait," Mr. Aino interupted Luna, "who's Travis again?" "Usagi's twin brother. From America, remember? He was adopted by a family there...." "I remember now, go on Luna." "As I was saying," Luna sounded annoyed, "I had hoped we wouldn't have to bring him into this. Especially knowing how he will react to Usagi's.....betrayal." "It's necessary, Luna. I'm sorry, but with Ami and me being the only Senshi left, I don't think we have any other choice." Luna paused, finally nodding her agreement. Minako reached for her communicator. **************************************************************************** ************************************* Travis grabbed the communicator as it beeped. "It's about time you called me! I was about to just show up at a battle without warning! I want to kn--" "Travis," Minako's voice came through, "we're having a meeting at my house since the temple's sorta out of the question. We want you to come. There's something we need to tell you." He could hear the hurt in her voice, and also the guilt. "You know something don't you? You know where she is! I'm on my way, and you two had better have a good explanation!" Travis turned the communicator off without another word and immediatly ran out of the house. **************************************************************************** ************************************* The door was opened by a red eyed Minako. Any anger he might have held was immediatly washed away at the proof of her grief. Travis walked in to greet a larger group than he expected, with Minako's parents and her brother audience to the Senshi business this time. He gave the blond a glance. "I told them." she said. "Now who's going to tell Travis?" Luna asked. "Should I?" "No, I'll tell him." Minako answered with a sigh. "Stop talking about me like I'm not here and tell me what has happened to my twin! I can't get through to her." Travis referred to his and Usagi's ability to read each other's minds and keep in constant contact. "She probably doesn't want you to be in contact with her. It would reveal her location." Ami said. "Why--" "Travis, Usagi is working for the Dark Moon now!" Minako blurted out. The entire room paused, waiting for his reaction. For a moment, Travis' mind did not even register what his friend had said. It was just too impossible. "What?" he finally managed to say. "She's working for them," Minako repeated, "she's the one who hurt Rei. We think she was the one who attacked Makoto and Mamoru as well. Usagi, whether on her own or by force, has betrayed us, Travis. She's Dark Sailor Moon now." He did not know how he came to be sitting on the couch, perhaps Mr. Aino helped him there. Betrayed? Usagi? The whirlwind of thoughts that rushed through his shocked mind did little to comfort him. "She didn't do it on her own," he choked out, "My sister would never hurt Prince Endymion, or her court, unless her mind was being controlled." Without even realizing, Travis had regressed into his Prince Tranquillity mode. He was not thinking like Travis Watson anymore. Somehow those watching him, even the ones who had just learned of the whole situation, recognized this. "Tranquillity," Luna moved to his side, "we realize this. We know that Princess Serenity must be acting under coersion." "If only we had the Ginzuishou," Minako began. "The Ginzuishou!" Luna shouted. All eyes turned to her and saw a new cat, not the one who had been moping about since her Princess' disapearance. She looked at all of them. "Don't you see? She has the Ginzuishou, if she wanted to, she could destroy us all with a thought!" "That means there must still be a part of her that doesn't belong to the Dark Moon!" Minako almost leapt for joy at this thought. "Or that Dark Sailor Moon isn't our Sailor Moon at all." Ami had taken out her computer and was dilligently typing out something and going over readings she had taken. "What do you mean?" Minako asked. "I took some readings of the energy that Dark Sailor Moon used to seperate us with her dark mist and to injure Rei. It's all Nega energy." "Of course, if she's been brainwashed, they won't let her use her own energy for fear that she might remember something." "Yes, but she would have to have some kind of energy to base the Nega energy on. Otherwise the dark energy would have just destroyed her. I realized this when Mamoru first was taken from us. He used Nega energy, but it was also mixed with his own. It should be the same for Usagi if this is really her, but it isn't" "I knew it!" Travis leapt from his seat. "The Dark Moon probably couldn't brainwash her all the way. Her memories of us and Mamoru were to strong, and not new as they had been when the Negaverse brainwashed Mamoru. So they used a youma in her form to fight, knowing that you wouldn't do anything to hurt her!" The others thought about this and slowly came to the conclusion that this must be true. "If that thing you've been fighting isn't Usagi, then where is she?" Mrs. Aino asked. No one answered, they were all too frightened of what the answer might be. "She must be with them, wherever those Dark Moon creeps are." Minako's mother finally answered her own question. "We've got to find her." "Right, Luna." Travis looked determined, and none of the other Senshi would try to keep him back, "I will not stand back and let the Dark Moon keep my sister hostage." "First we have to wait for the other Senshi to wake up, if they ever will." Ami pointed out. "To get to the Dark Moon base we need them. We can't transport without them." "Or Sailor Moon." Minako said despairingly. "Maybe we can have a Sailor Moon." Everyone looked at Luna. "How?" Ami questioned. "Well, if Chibi Usa can Duo with Sailor Moon, what's to say she can't use the Gin-zuishou by herself?" "We don't know where the Ginzuishou is. Maybe the Dark Moon has it, but can't use it." Minako did not like that, but knew it was a possibility. "I don't think so. Usagi would never let them have it. The moment she knew what they were looking for, she'd hide it." "Where? We have no idea...." Travis paused. "The Lunar Space Pocket." they said in unision, wide-eyed. "Could Usa reach into Usagi's Lunar Pocket?" Minako asked. "There's only one way to find out." Luna said matter- of- factly. **************************************************************************** ************************************* "Hi, Mrs. Tsukino, I was wondering if I could talk to Ch-- er-- Serenity for a moment outside." Minako smiled at Usagi's mother, who still had tears in her eyes, but nodded. She knew that Usagi's father was nearby, and had almost revealed Chibi Usa's real name to him. "Serenity!" she called, "One of Usagi's friends is here to talk to you!" The child immedietly ran down the stairs, knowing that if it was one of Usagi's friends, it must be Senshi business. "Hello, Sere--" "I know, I know! C'mon, let's go outside." She charged past Mrs. Tsukino and ran with Minako to the nearest alley. "All of you, come out! I know you're there!" Luna, Artemis, Travis, and Ami walked from the alley and stood in front of Chibi Usa and Minako. "Listen, I don't know how I knew you guys were coming, but I knew, and I know it's important. What do you want?" "We want you to see if you can reach into Sailor Moon's Lunar Space Pocket. We think she may have hidden the Ginzuishou there." Luna explained. Chibi Usa's eyes got wide. "The Ginzuishou?" she looked at the others, and they all nodded. "I'll do my best. How do you reach into a Lunar Space Pocket anyways?" "Just concentrate and think about what you want to get, and imagine your hand disapearing into thin air." Chibi Usa closed her eyes and thought, and thought, and thought. Finally she slipped her hand into a Pocket. To the others, it seemed as if her hand slowly disapeared into nothing. When she brought it out, in her small hand sat Usagi's brooch, the one that contained the powerful crystal that had defeated Queen Beryl. "It took me a while to find it, Usagi's got all kinds of stuff in there!" "Don't tell me, please." Luna hung her head as she thought about what Usagi might have used the space for. "Now, see if you can transform." "Transform? Without Usagi?" "Yes, Usa. If we are going to go to the Dark Moon base to rescue Usagi, we need Moon power. You are the only other one who can use the Ginzuishou." "What about Uncle Tranq?" Travis winced at the nickname. "He can only use it to Duo, when Usagi is here. Without her it won't obey him. You are her daughter, it would be passed down to you eventually. Only you can use it." Cibi Usa stared at Luna a moment, then raised the brooch in the air. "MOON CRYSTAL POWER!" Within seconds Sailor Chibi Moon stood there instead of Chibi Usa. There were sighs of relief from all of the onlookers, untill Minako though of something else. "Luna, what about Rei and Makoto? We need them too." "I've been thinking about that, and I believe I may be able to use a Luna Mindmeld. If I can reach out to their minds and let them know that they are needed, their minds should heal any damage left." "Then let's go!" Chibi Moon shouted. **************************************************************************** ************************************* The pain, it was so intense, too much to bear. Anyone else would have already given up. She, however, was too proud to let death win over her. Not again. She heard the nurses and doctors talking about her. They did not think she was going to make it. She would, she knew she would. Just not right now. This was like a vacation, away from the youmas and the constant fighting. Away from the fact that her leader had betrayed her. What had she done? Somehow she knew it was her fault. She had wanted to be leader and had hated the one that should have been her friend. Hated her, and loved her at the same time. It was all so confusing. Now, though, she was resting. She was not needed...... Rei.....Sailor Mars! Answer me! The voice came from nowhere. A familiar disembodied voice. Luna? Yes! I knew this would work! Rei, you have got to listen to me! Sailor Moon needs you-- Sailor Moon! Sailor Moon is the reason I'm here! She betrayed us! Turned on us! That was not really her! Luna seemed to be pleading with her, wanting her to listen, and so she did. The Dark Moon took the real Usagi and sent a youma in her place! We need to go rescue her but we need all of the Senshi! Chibi Usa has gotten the Ginzuishou from Usagi's hiding place and is going to be our Moon Power. We need Mars Power! We need Sailor Mars! **************************************************************************** ************************************* Everyone cheered as Luna's moonbeam faded and Rei's eyes slowly opened. To Minako and Ami, it was good just to have their friend back. To Travis, it was one step closer to getting his sister back. "Well, I'm awake," Rei sat up, "now what?" "Now I need to do the same for Makoto." "Makoto?" The ebony haired girl stood quickly. "She got Makoto too?" "Yes, it got Makoto." Luna stressed the fact that a youma had hurt them, not Usagi. "It also injured Mamoru." The fire blazed in Rei's violet eyes. They would NOT hurt her friends and Mamoru and get away with it. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's get Makoto and Mamoru back!" Luna shook her head. "I'm afraid that a Mindmeld won't work on Mamoru. Only Usagi can save him." "Then that's one more reason to get the Meatball Head back." **************************************************************************** ************************************* Getting the doctors to let the two recovered Senshi out of the hospital had turned out to be harder than expected, but finally the were all gathered outside of the temple. After greeting her grandfather and Chad, who had almost soffocated her in two large bear hugs, they all were ready. "Mars Star Power!" "Mercury Star Power!" "Jupiter Star Power!" "Venus Star Power" "Sun Stone Power!" "Scout Power!" As soon as all of the Senshi stood there, including Sailor Chibi Moon, it was time to go to the Dark Moon base. "Sailor Sol," Luna turned to the only male Senshi present, "try one more time to contact Usagi. Use your entire mind, reach out as far as you can." Sol nodded, and closed his eyes to focus his mind on one task, reaching the mind of his sister. His thoughts radiated out and searched for a familiar mind pattern. Out and out and out untill he thought his mind would tear apart and float away like tiny threads on the wind. Who's there? Sol gasped and jumped from the suddeness of the inquiery. Usagi? Usagi! It's you! Usagi? Is that my name? A pause. Yes.......I remember.....I am Usagi. Tsukino Usagi. Yes! Yes, that's you! I'm-- Travis. My twin. Yes! "I've found her!" Sol shouted. "I've found her! She's a little disoriented, I think they did try to brainwash her, but they didn't do a very good job." "Ask her where she is!" Mars cried as a headache slowly crept into her skull. "I'm getting to that." Usagi, are you still there? As much as one can be. Can you tell me where you are? In the Darkness. Sol frowned. He did not like her answer, not at all. Are you in the Dark Moon base? Is that where those Nega- creeps took you? The Dark Moon? So that's who the voices belong to..... yes, I am. "She's there. I can hone in on her mind pattern and instruct the teleport planet power to take us to where she is." "Then what are we waiting for?" Mars shouted, obviously ready for anything. **************************************************************************** ************************************* She cried. This time, though, her tears were not of grief or loneliness, but of joy, and the knowledge that her faith had been put in the right place. Her twin, and her friends. Rei...Minako...Ami...Makoto... She had not sensed Him though. Mamoru had not been there. Where was he? Ah....she knew. He still hated her. Maybe....maybe he would change his mind...when he saw her..... **************************************************************************** ************************************ "MARS STAR POWER!" "VENUS STAR POWER!" "MERCURY STAR POWER!" "JUPITER STAR POWER!" "SUN STONE POWER" "MOON CRYSTAL POWER!" "PLANET POWER TELEPORT!" The rush of energy that washed over all of them was familiar, and still it seemed new and more exhilirating every time. The prism of colors: red, blue, green, yellow, gold, and pink, flowed from their bodies freely and formed the bubble that would carry them to the point where Usagi was, wherever she was. **************************************************************************** ************************************* She felt the appearance of the others, not only the heat of their energy, but the nearness of their inner warmth, their friendship. Her flow of tears turned into racking sobs, she could not hold them in any longer. She was free! Finally free! **************************************************************************** ************************************* Sol rushed over to the tiny figure that sat on the dingy floor. "SUN SWORD SLASH!" His blazing sword of fire broke through Usagi's chains and freed her. "No more chains..." he heard her whisper, "no more chains..." Her sobs nearly tore his heart out, he could only imagine how Mamoru would feel if he were here. "Usagi, it's okay. It's alright. Look at me." "I can't." Her words were no more than a breath. "Sure you can." He reached down and put a hand under her chin, lifting her face. "Oh........ God!" "What?" Mars asked from behind him. "Oh Usagi, I'm so sorry. Those Nega- bastards will pay, I swear it!" "What's going on?" He felt the others push him aside to see their leader. He closed his eyes as he heard their collective gasps which turned to sobs of sorrow. Usagi's eyelids were closed, and sunken in, revealing the fact that her eyesockets were vacant. Her eyes were gone, stolen by the Dark Moon apparently in some attempt to defeat the Senshi by injuring their leader. "Usagi!" Mars cried, "Usagi, I'll get them for you!" "Mommy!" Chibi Moon flung herself into the unexpectant arms of her young mother. "We're here now, and we're going to fight whoever it is that did this to you." Minako's voice was filled with an uncharacteristic hate. "No." "WHAT?" They were all shocked by Usagi's one word order. It was an order, the first real one she had given since the Senshi had been brought together. "You will not fight him without me, and right now I'm in no shape for a battle. We are going to go home. That's all. No one will even know that you were here. This place is forgotten for days at a time. I won't be missed for another two days at least, and by that time, I'll be ready." "Usagi--" Sol began. "I won't take it, Travis, not even from you. Just- take- me- home." No one could argue with her. **************************************************************************** ************************************* Luna lept from Usagi's bed and flew down the stairs when the doorbell rang. She was the first there, Kenji and Ikuko both too weary now to rush to anything. She meowed frantically, knowing that it was the Senshi with either word of Usagi, or Usagi herself. She even scratched at the door, only to be swatted at when Ikuko finally managed to get there. "No, Luna. You know not to do that." Luna did not even bother to answer, knowing that whatever was on the other side of the door would probably be enough. "Ye-- USAGI!" Ikuko's cry was not that of a mother who's child had been returned to her safely, but the anguished cry of one who's child was injured. Luna squeezed through her legs and looked. Travis and the others rushed Usagi into the house and out of the curious gaze of on-lookers. She was carefully laid on the couch in the living room, Kenji leaping from his chair to go to the side of his daughter. "What happened?" Ikuko demanded. "What did they do to my daughter?" "They tore my eyes out Mother. Because I wouldn't tell them were the Ginzuishou was." "I found it, Grandma," Chibi Usa forgot totally about her grandfather not knowing about her true heritage, "and I used it. They didn't get it from me either." "Usagi," Kenji had tears in his eyes, "who did this? What are your mother and Serenity talking about?" "The Dark Moon. The evil beings who send the youmas to attack. They did it." "Why? Why would they attack my little girl for something she doesn't have?" "Because your little girl is Sailor Moon. I do have the Ginzuishou. Chibi Usa..." The child handed over the brooch and Usagi flipped it open to reveal the sparkling, pulsing crystal concealed within. "This is the Ginzuishou. The crystal that gives Sailor Moon her power. That saved the Moon Princess." the last words were barely heard as Usagi had whispered them, becoming lost in the past for a moment. "It's true Kenji. I've know for a while now. We didn't think you should know. You'd try to keep her from fighting, and she needs to." Ikuko looked at her husband, asking for his forgiveness with her dark eyes. "I---" he paused, looking at his daughter, who could not see him anymore, and grasped her hand comfortingly. She smiled. "I can understand that. I can NOT understand why they had to do this. The cruelty...." Kenji stopped and shook his head. "My poor child....." "I'm alright. I'll be fine." She hesitated to collect her thoughts. "Mamoru, he's hurt. I can try to bring him back." "Not now, Sis. Now you just rest." Travis' voice floated in the darkness that had become her home. She sighed, knowing that even if she never saw anything again, she would always have her memories. Rei, and her river of dark hair and violet eyes. Ami's intelligent gaze and kind smile. Minako's grin when she teased Makoto. Her mother's face leaning over her to smile at her before she went to sleep. Makoto's kind eyes. Her father's blood red face as he blew his top over Mamoru's age. Chibi Usa's smile, so like her own. Travis' face as he warned her about speeches. Luna and Artemis, always watching over her and the Senshi. Mamoru, as he had been before all of this had happened, the love in his eyes when he looked at her. These were images that would never fade. They would stay with her as long as she lived, in greater clarity now. As she slipped off into her first rest home again, she said the words that she had neglected for so long, to the people who needed to hear them the most. "I love you, all of you." **************************************************************************** ************************************* This, my friends, is the end of part one of Reflections of Reality. Am I evil? Yes I am!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Don't you just LOVE these cliffhangers? Will Usagi be able to awaken Mamoru? If so, what will he do at this new Usagi? Who is behind all of this? NOT TODAY!!!!!! See ya next time! ::salutes the Tuxedo Kamen salute and walks off, laughing evilly all the way:: ---------------------------------------- That's all the parts. Remember to send all comments for Sailor Celestial to me, Sailor Thunder at I'll put Chapter 2 out next week. ^_^ Sailor Thunder