Hiya! Well, here I go again, writing yet another story when the other, what, five that I'm currently working on aren't even finished! I know. I know. But, hey, I got writers block on all the others. It isn't my fault. ::embarrassed smile:: Sorry. Oh, and by the way, this has nothing to do with any of my other stories, and ,frankly, I have no earthly idea why I wrote something so depressing. Well, hope you enjoy, but I'll give you fair warning, this might get a little graphically violent. It's just the nature of the story. Sorry if I offend anyone. Hey, if your a stickler for all this legal jazz, insert here. I don't feel like typing the disclaimers. They're in every other one of my stories, so go find them there if you really just HAVE to see them. Sailor Thunder ************************************************************************ Sailor Moon is Dead By: Sailor Thunder He looked around the small gathering of family and friends. There was not one dry eye. He dimly heard someone saying a prayer for her, but all he could focus on was the pain in his heart. She was gone. The reality finally hit Mamoru like a ton of bricks. She would never come back. He would never even hold her in his arms again, never feel her silky hair running through his fingers, never taste her sweet kisses again. He would never even have a chance to marry her, make love to her, and Chibi-Usa would never even get a chance at life. He hadn't been able to save her, his love. He hadn't been fast enough. And now she was dead, and the scene still replayed itself in his mind, over and over, so vivid it was as if he were reliving it... @~~~>>~~~~~ Sailor Moon screamed in pain as she felt the youma's claws impale her shoulders, pushing her backwards to land on her back, youma poised above her. She heard the scouts cries as they saw their leader fall, and knew with sickening finality that they could not and would not use their powers for fear of injuring her and that there was no way that they could ever reach her in time. Tuxedo Kamen, however, could do something and did. Taking careful aim, he threw one of his many steel tipped roses, which imbedded itself in the youma's head. The youma screamed in pain and rage, letting go of Sailor Moon to pull the rose from itself. Green blood flowed freely from the wound like a river, staining Sailor Moon's uniform as she vainly tried to scramble out from under it. When the youma collected its wits, it realized that it's prey was escaping. If it did not accomplish its mission, its master would surely order it a slow, very excruciating death. As soon as Sailor Moon was out of the way, Jupiter sent out her attack: "Jupiter Thunderclaps Zap!" The youma dodged and went after Sailor Moon. "Sailor Moon, watch out!" Tuxedo Kamen yelled out and tossed another one of his roses in the youma's direction...but discovered that he was too late to save his love as the youma lashed out one last time, ripping easily through Sailor Moon's uniform and just as easily through her flesh with a sickening sound. She didn't even scream. She didn't have a chance to. Her mouth opened, and it was not sound, but blood that came pouring forth, staining the pavement. The youma's laughter echoed throughout the park as it ripped out her heart, ending her life in a millisecond. "NOOO, USAKO!" Tuxedo Kamen screamed and sprinted towards her lifeless, falling body, catching it just before it hit the pavement. The scout turned on the youma, screaming their own battle cries. "MARS CELESTIAL FIRE..." "MERCURY ICE BUBBLES..." "VENUS LOVE-ME CHAIN..." "JUPITER THUNDERCLAPS..." The youma turned just in time to catch the bloodlust and revenge in their eyes... "...SURROUND!" "...FREEZE!" "...ENCIRCLE!" "...ZAP!" The four powers combined into one, then raced headlong into the youma, killing it swiftly, but more painfully than anything its master could have come up with. That taken care of, the four girls turned to see Tuxedo Kamen, tophat and mask gone, holding Sailor Moon close to him, begging her to come back to him, not quite realizing that she probably never would. He did not even hear when the scouts came up behind him, and stared at their fallen leader with pain, sadness and revulsion. Part of Sailor Moon was not even their any longer. It was just...gone. Her broach lay to one side, bathed in blood. Tuxedo Kamen just sat there, in a puddle of blood, wearing an outfit, once stark white and black, now a rust red color, and screamed the injustice to the silent, unheeding skies, then collapsed, holding his love's dead body in his arms. The scouts stood around them in a circle, tears streaming silently down their cheeks. And that is how the park's night watchman found them two hours later... @~~~>>~~~~~ Everyone was walking away now;the funeral service had ended. Slowly, Mamoru headed over to the casket. She was there, everything but her face covered. He knelt down beside the casket, and placed three roses inside: a white one above her head, a red one above her heart, and a pink one where her hands would have been had they been visible. Gently, lightly, like a feather, he brushed his lips across her forehead, stood up and turned to walk to where the Tsukino family, or what was left of it, waited for him. He faintly heard the sound of the casket being covered with dirt, but did not look back for fear that he would only remember her as a dead body being buried. He got into a small red car and slammed the door shut behind him. And that night, when the moon shone high above, a bare sliver, a crescent, somewhere in the large city of Tokyo, Japan, as a young man dressed in black headed back to his apartment, a gust of wind blew up, carrying with it a multitude of white, red, and pink rose petals that swirled around that young man, then faded once more into the night. And that same young man looked up to that crescent moon that guarded the city and smiled. And once more, that young man had hope. @~~~>>~~~~~ ************************************************************************ OK, I hope that I didn't get anyone too mad at me. I know you hate me Sabrina-chan, and I wouldn't blame you if you never spoke to me again. Sorry. And major thanx to Rachel-chan #1 who tolerates both mine and Sabrina-chan's addiction to Sailor Moon with such grace and patience that it never fails to amaze me. And thanx to Stephanie, Natalie, and Tara who read my stories and actually seem to like what they've read so far. Anyway this story is mine (even if the basic characters and ideas aren't. They belong to the ever great and wise Takeuchi-sama {Is that how her name is spelled?}), and I hope that you will ask before taking any part of this story. ::Points accusing finger at Sabrina-chan(just kidding):: Am I flattering myself too much? Probably. Oh,well. I DON'T CARE! Enough babble. Buh Bye! (<- I stole that one from Sabrina-chan) Sailor Thunder (a.k.a. Rachel Sayad) PS. EMAIL ME NOW at lsayad@laserprinting.com ! I really need to know what you people think of my fics. Not all of them are depressing. This is just one of the only ones I have finished at the moment. ^_^ *This story is copyrighted Monday, February 9, 1998