How Strong is Our love part 2 By: Twilight Email: Rated: G ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Hello again! Once again there will be no violence here and it will either be told my narration or someone's point of view. I'll tell you when. First I would like to thank the people that emailed me! Thankyou soo much for the support and comments. I would like to thank my online sisters Violet Ice who will be coming out with a wonderful story so keep and eye out and Usako3000 whom I will be writing a fanfic as will as my other sis, Sailor Twin who edited this, Neo Queen Serenity and Teresa for their support I Love you guys!! Your the best!! On with the story. How strong is our love: part II By: Twilight Editor: Sailor Twin Serena ran and ran. She wanted to get away from the pain and anguish consuming her heart and from the man who did it. Darien called out for Serena again, but she ignored his pleas and quickly took cover in an alley. He saw her race around a corner then lost sight of her small body as he ran right pass the alley she was hiding in and continued forward. Serena sat in the alley catching her breath a few minutes longer until deciding it was finally safe to leave. She headed in the opposite direction Darien went, and left towards the park. " How could Raye and Darien do this to me? She was supposed to be my bestfriend!!" Tears began to stream down her face as the impact of what was happening finally hit her. Serena brutally brushed the tears from her eyes and decided to go to the temple instead and so switched directions. ~~~~~~~~~~ Darien had been searching for Serena for sometime now and still he found no sign of her. "Man that girl can run when she really wants to!" he cried in frustration. Finally giving up he headed back to his apartment to clean up. He really wanted to find her and talk to her. The only thing was he had know idea what he wanted to say. ~~~~~~~~~~ Lunas' pov I told the girls that I wanted to talk to them at the temple, and for once, I was the one who was running late, "Gee, Serena's habits are starting to be mine!" I thought as I made my way up the stairs. I could hear Raye yelling about Serena's tardiness, "Where is that girl! Why can't she ever be on time for a meeting! You'd think after all this time should would be able to..." I could take no more of her yelling and had to stop her pointless tirade. "RAYE!!!!!! I called this meeting to discuss her! That's why she's not here. So would you please calm down." Seeing that I meant business Raye seated herself next to Mina and Lita. "Would you girls happen to know what's wrong with Serena? She's been so down lately and I'm worried." My voice gave away my feelings but I didn't care, Serena's like a daughter to me. It looked like no one was going to answer my question until Lita spoke up. "Well, actually Luna, I have could I not? She's been so withdrawn and isolated lately. We tried to talk to her at lunch but she didn't say much and hardly touched her food. Don't you agree Ami?" we all turned our heads to see Ami nod slightly. "Well....yes Lita I would have to agree. I thought she was just having a bad day at first but this has continued for too long..............The only reason I can think of why she's so depressed would be Darien." We all nodded our heads in agreement. I looked around at all the girls and noticed Raye seemed uncomfortable. " you know something your not telling us?" She jumped and looked at me wide-eyed, and sat there for a minute. Lita then firmly prompted her to continue. "Well Raye, is there?" "I........I was talking to Darien the other day and uhm........okay he loves Serena very much.....but she could sometimes get on his nerves and......he wishes she would grow up a little" Raye said the last part quietly I almost missed it. 壮he's hiding something?' Before I could interrogate her further, she started again. Apparently she knew what we were all thinking. "NO there's not anything going on between us.....well not really." I couldn't believe I was hearing this! I opened my mouth to say a few things to Raye, but, Lita's temper was quicker than mine. " WHAT!!! Raye how could you! You know Darien and Serena were meant to be and she LOVES him Raye! Why!?" Lita asked incredulously. Very well put, my thoughts exactly. We all turned to Raye again waiting for an explanation. "I don't know....he just started to come around more and talk to me. Then all of a sudden it feels like we were dating. I know he doesn't care for me, but 選' need to know my feelings for him. I don't want to hurt Serena! She's my bestfriend and I love her like a sister! .....But I just NEED to know" She sounded so sincere but I wasn't going to except her explanation so easily. It seemed the other girls agreed with me. I got up to leave and find Serena while the girls stayed a little bit longer to gripe her out. As I was leaving I could hear what Ami had to say. " I understand you needing to understand your feelings for Darien, you just forgot to look at the consequences. I believe you just ruined your friendship with Serena........." her voice growing fainter as I stalked away. Then that was the last I heard of their conversation. I went to go look for Serena but I stopped in my tracks when I spotted her blonde hair at the bottom of the steps. She had her legs pulled to her body, hands hugging her knees with her face buried into her skirt, crying silent anguished tears. My heart broke for her. ~~~~~~~~~~ Serena gradually made her way to the temple ground. Anger and hurt were written on her soft animated features. She was near the top of the stairs when she heard three familiar voices break the silence. "Ami, Mina, Lita??? They're all here? why didn't they tell me we had a meeting?" She was about to continue up the stairs but again stopped when she heard small bits of their conversation, but big enough to make her turn around. As she descended the steps, pain coursed through her body and heart. She sat at the bottom of the stairs and softly began to cry. Feeling something rub up against her, surprised she jumped slightly back with a small gasp. Realizing it was only Luna she picked her up and left the temple grounds. Most of the trip home was spent in silence as they listened to sounds around them. " Luna......I don't know what to do anymore? I....I thought he loved me, and Raye!" her voice was slowly rising but she brought it back down to a whisper. " I want to change a better person. Not just for my friends, but for me too. Mostly me anyway, I mean it's about time I started to take things more seriously right?" She tried to lighten the atmosphere with a joke but failed miserably. Luna simply nodded her head but didn't say a word for she understood what she meant, and she was going to help the best she could. ~~~~~~~~~~ After cleaning himself up Darien stepped out onto the balcony for some fresh air. The sun was beginning to set and it cast a beautiful shadow over the bustling city. He stood there, arms resting against the rail as his eyes scanned the landscape and sky. Before he knew it the sun had hidden behind the horizon and the moon began to rise casting a divine afterglow into the night. The stars twinkled brightly against the bitter black cool night. He stood out there for a few more minutes before retiring to his bed. Darien tossed and turned while sleep taunted and deluded him. 層hy am I doing this to her? I love her!' he asked himself these questions over and over again not finding an answer, or just not wanting to except it. ~~~~~~~~~~ That same night a certain blond hair, blue eyed girl was sorrowfully crying into her bunny covered pillow. At times she was crying so hard that she couldn't breath. Luna tried to comfort the girl the best she could, purring for all she was worth. Darien knew he had her heart, but he just took it and shattered it.....again. No one would ever be able to pick up the pieces of her heart. No one....except him. But she wasn't going to forgive him anytime soon. Finally sleep claimed her tired soul and she drifted into a peacefully deep slumber. The sun slowly peaked over the skyline to show a beautifully bright and clear day. The birds were singing and the weather was warm, a perfect day. But it went unnoticed by Serena. For once she was up early and ready for school with time to spare. Her parents were pleasantly surprised to see her up so early and hoped to see more of it. After she finished breakfast Serena went back to her room, laid down on her bed, and began to stare at the ceiling. Luna stirred from her sleep to see Serena next to her with a blank expression on her young comely face. A smile crept onto Luna's face happy to see that she was up so early and trying to change but sad because she was hurting so much. "Well you're up early Serena, Good morning" Luna then stretched and yawned. Serena turned to look at her feline friend and smiled saying a brief good morning to her. After a few minutes she gathered her things and started her long walk to school. Luna was comfortably resting quietly on her shoulder enjoying the out doors. "Luna, do you think the other girls could help me? I mean, help keep me on track?" Luna sat thoughtful for a minute before finally speaking. "Of course they'll help you Serena. They're your friends." The rest of the walk was quiet and peaceful . As soon as the school came into view Lita and Ami ran to greet her. Lita gave Serena a huge hug, twirling her around a couple of times before setting her down, Ami followed suit, well except for the twirling around bit. Serena wanted to cry but promised herself she wouldn't in front of the others. She didn't want to be the weak cry baby Serena that everyone supposedly knew so well. She was a new person now and she was gong to work hard to prove herself. The girls sat in the front of the school waiting for the bell to ring when someone else came into view. Standing before them was another familiar blue eyed blonde girl....Mina! Serena quickly jumped up from her spot and hugged Mina happily squeezing the breath out of her. After things settled down a little Serena asked if they would help her stay on track along the way and they ofcourse graciously accepted. Deep inside though they knew she wouldn't be needing their help, she was a strong person and could do anything she wanted. If she wanted it badly enough. "Uhm Mina? What are you doing here? When did you transfer?" Ami inquired. "Huh? Oh yea, my dad wanted to know if I would like to transfer to this school seeing it was closer to home and all. So I decided what the heck! And here I am!!" She smiled happily. Mina was in the same class as the rest of the girls which helped brighten Serena's mood a lot. The day went as normal as any other, except Serena never dozed off once or tried to eat her lunch in class. To top it off she even answered all of Miss. H's questions correctly. The whole class went silent their eyes bugging out and their mouths hanging open, except her friends who tried to hold back from laughing. Miss. H. then turn around mumbling something to herself that the world was coming to an end. Serena just smiled in response, actually proud of herself. When lunch rolled around they sat under the large oak tree and discussed what they wanted to do after school. Ami of course said she wouldn't be able to do anything because she was only 8 chapters ahead. Everyone then sweat dropped, but continued on with the conversation. "How about we go to the arcade! It would be fun!" Lita said thoughtfully. All eyes then turned to Serena, you could tell she was debating on whether or not to go. "How about we go some place else, like the park. I really don't feel like going to the arcade." 選'm starting a whole new life now' Serena thought. Everyone agreed and said to meet out here after school. ~~~~~~~~~~ Darien got up earlier than usual that morning in hopes he could catch Serena before she left for school. Quickly he ate breakfast, changed clothes, grabbed his books and he was out the door in record time. Patiently he waited for Serena to rush around the corner where they usually bumped into each other screaming at the top of her lungs saying 選'm so late!'. Ten minutes rolled by and still no sign of Serena. 全he should have been here by now' Frustrated Darien looked down to his watch and realized he was going to be late if he didn't leave now. Taking one last look around he left with a heavy heart. As he walked to school an idea dawned on him. 全erena's bound to be at the arcade after school so I'll just wait around there until she comes!' Happy he came up with something he smiled to himself and sped off for school a little bit happier. ~~~~~~~~~~ Raye had spent half the night sitting by the Great Fire meditating. She couldn't believe she was doing this! Serena was her first and best friend. She thought about her feelings and realized it wasn't worth losing her friend over. First she needed to speak with Darien and the hopefully, if it wasn't too late reconcile with Serena. One by one, tears began to fall from her eyes as she feared that Serena wouldn't except her apology. To be continued I hope it wasn't too bad..... Please send all comments to!! I LOVE to get email as does everyone else! Ja ne peeps!