This is an alternate ending from my original plot....I wasn’t going to do it but I had a special request.
So here it is...SM is not mine blah blah blah....thankyou to all who emailed me! *hugz* to all you
guys and the people I always thank! Enjoy....oh yea, this is pretty short...sorry

How strong is our love part 4 alternate
By: Twilight
Editor: SailorTwin

The early morning rays poured into Serena’s room through her white shutter blinds.
Fluttering her eyes slightly she turned her head away from the blinding light and pulled the
covers over her head. Accidentally as she tugged on the sheets Luna tumbled to the floor
with a soft thud. Hissing low she jumped back onto the bed and pounced on Serena’s covered form.
“Thanks a lot Serena!! You ‘know’ how much I hate it when you do that!!” Luna
screeched at the uncaring blonde. Swinging the covers off her body she yet again flung
Luna across the room as she landed on her feet.
“Sorry Luna, I forgot.” Serena replied more drearily then ever. Climbing out of bed
she dragged her tired body into the bathroom and washed up. ‘I wonder why she’s more down
then usual.’ Luna silently pondered as she watched Serena walk down the hall.

After taking her shower Serena blow dried her hair, changed into her school uniform,
and added a small amount of blush and powder to her pale face. Queen Serenity’s words were
still ringing clearly in her mind....she had a point. Was she truly ready to accept Darien again?
After all the pain he had caused her? Even if they did start over, how would she know he
wouldn’t do something like this again? Bringing her hands up to massage her temples, she
shook her head fiercely, causing her golden hair to twirl around her.
Making her way down stairs she silently ate breakfast, then headed off to school
still in deep thought. ‘has he not learned his lesson? has he not tried to ask for your forgiveness?’
Queen Serenity’s voice seem to repeat in her mind. Frustrated Serena let out a soft cry not caring who heard her.
“What’s the matter Serena?” Startled, Serena looked to her left and right to find Lita and
Amy standing beside her as she walked.
“Oh...nothing. I didn’t hear you guys come up.” A blush creeping on her cheeks emabarressed.
“Apparently...I’m just kidding Serena. We got her just in time to here you cry out... Are
you sure you're okay?” Lita asked, concerened as she set her hand down on Serena’s shoulder.
“Yea...I’ll be okay. Besides, I’d rather not talk about it anymore.” Taking the hint the girls
dropped the subject and walked quietly to school trying to think of another topic to bring up.
“Hey Serena did you study for our math test today?” Amy asked, least it was a
subject change.
“Yea.....I did, don’t I always now?” Serena teasingly said smiling, “What about ‘you’ Lita?!”
She inquired with curiosity.
“Huh?....uh, I......uh....forgot” Lita stuttered then brought her hand to the back of her head
blushing. The girls began to giggle but stopped when somone tapped Serena on the shoulder.
Turning around she saw a young man with light brown hair, incredible hazel eyes and a
nicely built body. Andy Richmond, a very nice and handsome young man. He had always asked
Serena out, continously, but she never accepted....because she felt she was never ready.
“Hi Serena. I know I’ve asked you out before....but, here.” Thrusting his hand out from
his jean pockets he held out a note, “If you ever just want to hang friends, “ he added quickly,
“Then give me a call sometime.”
Slowly Serena reached out and took the note from his shaking hands smiling thoughtfully at
him. Andy hastily put his hands back into his jean pockets and smiled shyly with his face looking
towards the ground.
“Well......I guess I’ll see you around then, bye Serena.” Turning he left for the front doors
of the school and entered with the rest of the kids.
“Well Serena, what are you going to do? Are you going to call him?” Lita asked in a
whispered voice as they walked among the crowded halls to class.
Serena didn’t answer for she seemed not to hear, too deep in thought walking in a
trance like state. Absently, she seated herself in her desk and waited for class to start, eager
to learn just so she could keep her mind occupied.
The day was going pretty fast and Serena was thankful for that. When lunch rolled
around she didn’t sit with her friends in their usual spots by the large oak tree, but instead by
herself near the far end of the campus. Toying with her food she thought about Darien and
all the pain he had ever caused her. She loved him, so much. He was ‘her’... her heart, her mind,
her body and her soul. Was. She wanted to fogive him and run into his arms, burying herself
in his warmth and feeling his lips gently press against hers.
Sometime as she was thinking crystalline tears formed in her azure eyes and fell freely
down her face, un-noticed tears, too busy wallowing in self-pity to notice. She didn’t know
what to do. After a year of continuing with life, she thought she would be able to handle the
situation better, but she was wrong. She loved him, needed him and by god she ‘wanted’
him......but she was afraid. Afraid that if she went back, something else would happen and
there would be nothing left of her heart. Nothing but shattered pieces of what it use to be.
Silent choked sobs racked her body as she put a hand over her mouth to muffle her cries.
“Hey Serena....what’s wrong?” Andy asked kneeling beside her. He had seen her
from where he was sitting with his friends then excused himself to talk to her. As he
approached she looked to be upset over something? Hesitantly, he wrapped his arms around
her shaking frame and hugged her.
“It’s okay Serena....I’m sure everything will be okay” He whispered trying to comfort
her, from and for what he did not know. Gently he rubbed her back letting her know he was
there for her as she cried all her tears into his shirt.
Serena cried into the comforting embrace of Andy, trying her best to control her
emotions, but failing miserably. Could she really accept him back again? Willingly she let
her mind wonder back to all the good and bad times, memorizing, cherishing each smile,
laugh and gesture Darien ever did. Slowly, her tears dissipated and she pulled herself from
Andy’s arms, weakly smiling and embarrassed.
Looking at him she could see the true concern in his hazel eyes as he stared
worriedly at her. Finally she came to a was time to let go....move on with life,
no matter how painful....

To be continued........
Well? What do you guys think? Please dont’ kill me! I did this alternate fic for all those
people who were tired of reading stories where they always got back togetherm, so this
was a special request for know who you are....hopefully I’ll have part 5
out soon, but don’t know when....I put my stories up on my web before I post them.... check out Neo Queen Serenity’s too....after all she is the one
who set it up for me .... email