Hiya peeps!! It's me again! :P Thankyou to all the people that emailed me! Means alot and this part is dedicated to my imouto's Usako3000 and Neo Queen Serenity and even though I knew no one from that horrible incident in colorado this is dedicated to all those people up there. Our prayers are with you Set Me Free part 2 By: Twilight Editor: SailorTwin When the kiss ended the crowd roared with applause, happy they finally fell in love after all these years. The two just held each other, staring deeply into their loves eyes, never hearing the loud clapping or music. The only thing they seemed to hear was the beating of their two hearts. “Prepare the wedding!” Darien suddenly yelled out, once again causing another loud cheer from the people, along with his mother. “Wait.” Serena replied, happy none the less but surprised it was so sudden. She always knew their mothers hoped they would one day marry, but was it because of love he wanted to marry her now? “What’s wrong? Your beautiful and and all I’ve ever wanted!” He exclaimed not understanding why she would object and wondering where this was going. “Is....is that all that matters to you? This...beauty?” Serena replied with a tint of sadness and fear in her voice. She stared into his incredible midnight blue eyes wanting to lose herself in them, never to look away. But floating around them was a look of utter confusion, which hurt her deeply. “Well..uh, no. Your....and.....uh...” Darien was at a loss for words. He didn’t know what else to say? What did she want to hear? Whatever hope that was left in her sapphire eyes flickered away only to be replaced with sadness and dissapointment. Turing her head away and down she blinked back the tears threatening to fall down her porcelain face. The ball room was silent with hushed whispers running rampit around amongst the stunned crowd. Their eyes followed the beautiful princess listlessly leave behind her prince as she gracefully exited the room trying to hold her head high. Raye was in total shock at the way her brother answered her question. What kind of answer was that anyway!? Quickly she rushed out the doors into the hallway to find Serena. As soon as she was out of site Serena ran to her bedroom chambers and collapsed on the bed, crying uncontrollably. Her small frame shaking from the force of the pain.....in her heart. She really thought he loved her like she did him. She thought she knew him after all these years only to discover she was wrong. Some voice inside her kept telling her to believe in him though....trust him. The sound of her door opening echoed throughout the bedroom, but she didn’t have the strength to look up. She didn’t care anymore. Someone sitting next to her caused the bed to move slightly from their weight. “Hey Sere....it’s okay” Raye quietly whispered. What could she say to make this better? To take tha pain away from her friend. Gently she began to rub her back, trying to soothe the distraught princess. Suddenly Serena launched herself into Rayes arms crying painful tears into her shoulder as she clung tightly to her...almost as if she were the only thing keeping her sane. Eventually she cried herself to sleep from emotional exhaustion and released Raye, gently falling back onto the bed. Quietly Raye left the room and sealed the door behind her and took off down the hall. Across the palace in another room the young prince screamed out in frustration and dejection. He still didn’t understand what she wanted. Didn’t she know that he loved her?! Irritably he paced around his room trying to cool down. Finding it wasn’t working, he picked up a small vase and hurled it across the room to smash against the door. Raye knocked lightly on her brother door but was answered with an object breaking loudly on the other side. Meekly she cracked it open to see Darien pacing back and forth in front of his bed. Casually she stepped in cautious of the broken glass and took a seat in a near by chair. She sat there silently and watched him for a few minutes before clearing her throat. Surprised he jumped startled and turned to look at his sister. “Raye...you surprised me. When...when did you come in?” He asked, his voice wavering slightly near the end. Trying to calm his racing heart and nerves he took a seat on the bed and faced her. She had a look of disappointment, sympathy and bewilderment on her pale beautiful features, that much was obvious. “I’m just going to be honest with you Darien, but what kind of answer was that?! You couldn’t think of ANYTHING else to say? Like maybe how sweet and caring she is?” Raye yelled. Darien slumped his shoulder knowing she was right. Propping his elbows on his knees he let his face drop into his hands and let out a long suffering sigh. Raye seeing this softened up smiling slightly, knowing he really did love her. “I’m sorry Darien. I didn’t mean to yell at you..it’s just that you really hurt her back--” She stopped when Darien abruptly stood up from his bed yelling, cutting her off. He didn’t want to hear something he already knew and regretted. “You don’t think I know that?! You don’t think I know I made a complete fool of myself back there! I don’t need your pity SISTER and your not helping me!!” He exclaimed his voice rising each moment as he stared daggers at her emotionless face. Slowly she stood from her chair and stared at his angered form. Hesitating for a second she started to walk towards him gradually lessening the gap between them. Reaching out she wrapped her arms around his waist gently hugging him. At first he just stood there, but eventually he let his true feelings show hugging her back, crying. Like what she did with Serena earlier, she tenderly rubbed his back in a soothing manner. She was actually surprised to see him so open...and hurting. It wasn’t something he liked to show...he always said it was a sign of weakness; but in truth made you strong. After a few minutes of freely showing his emotions he embarrassedly released her and walked back to his bed, whipping away the fallen tears. A blush was already forming on his cheeks and he ducked his head trying to conceal it. “I’m sorry I broke down like that Raye...” Walking over she sat down beside him, placing a comforting hand atop his. “It’s okay Dare.... I won’t tell.” she teased. He smiled slightly at the way she tried to lighten the mood, “What are you going to do now?” “I don’t know. I know I was wrong and I ‘should’ have said ‘something’ but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t think!” He cried out again. “Then apologize Darien! If you know you were wrong then fix it and go to her!” Raye despairingly said trying to encourage him to go to her. “I can’t Raye!” “And why not!! So...so your just going to let your pride get in the way? You can’t admit you were wrong? Not even for love?!” “............” Darien remained silent only angering her more. “Fine....then be that way. You just lost the love of your life because of your own stubbornness. I hope your happy now.” With that said she stalked out of the room slamming the door behind her. Bringing his hands to his head he fell back onto the bed silently screaming in his mind. (Isn’t it sad what people do because of pride!) Serena awoke in the middle of the night to find she was still fully dressed from the ball earlier. ‘I must have fallen asleep when I was crying.’ Quickly running out of her room she swiftly made her way down the hallway to the queens chambers. She could see the dim light of the lanterns from inside and quietly knocked. “Come in” an elderly voice beckoned. Sheepishly she walked in surprising the queen as she stood from her chair. Serena curtseyed low before her, hanging her head in shame. “Why my child. Why ever are you ashamed? You have nothing to be sorry about. Come here.” Gia commanded. Walking over Serena stood arms length away in front of her curiously when suddenly she was enveloped in a motherly hug. Surprised at first she just stood there dumbfounded, but then let her tears fall again. When she felt she had cried enough she gently pulled away smiling sheepishly. “I’m sorry this didn’t work out for you. I know how much you and mother wanted us to marry... but I can’t marry him unless I know he loves ‘me’. Smiling gently Gia brought her hand up to wipe away the tears from her face. “You have nothing to apologize for dear. I understand completely, I would do the same in your position. Is there anything else you would like to talk about?” “Could....could you please prepare a carriage, for I would like to go home to mother.” Smiling gently Gia nodded her head and stood up to arrange for the guards to take her home. Returning back to her room Serena packed her belongings as some servants came to retrieve them a short while later. “Will you please tell them I will be down in just a minute. I would like to say good-bye to some people first.” She humbly asked the servant. Nodding his head he took the last of her items down to the carriage. Silently she walked along the darkened hallways as she made her way to Darien’s room. Soon she stood in front of his large wooden doors looking prettified at them. She was scared he didn’t really love her like she did him, scared she would never see him again and afraid he might one day fall in love with another. ‘Maybe it might be for the best?’ She couldn’t marry him unless it was for love and not just appearances. Taking a shaky breath she quietly pushed open his door and stepped in. She could see the steady rise and fall of his chest from the dimly lit hallway. Walking in she sat beside him and gently brushed away the silky hair on his smooth forehead. He looked so peaceful and beautiful when asleep, and with the moons rays shining down on his face, it made him look like a heavenly angel. Ever so gently and quietly she leaned down and softly kissed his slightly parted lips. As she pulled back he began to stir and squint his eyes. Fear gripping her, she quickly dropped to the floor and rolled under his bed holding her breath, praying he didn’t see her. Darien fluttered his lids open and rubbed his sleepy eyes, letting them roam the room he began to survey his surrounding for he thought he felt someone......kiss him? Dragging himself into a sitting position he looked around more cautiously, then turned to look on either sides of the bed. Seeing nothing and thinking his mind was just playing tricks on him, he laid back down and closed his eyes. A few seconds later sleep reclaimed his subconscious and tired mind, Serena lay under the bed for a few moments longer waiting to hear the steady breath of her prince. Sure enough Darien had fallen back asleep a light snore escaping his lips. Crawling out from beneath his bed she carefully stood to look back at him. So softly she whispered a faint good bye looking at him sadly then tip toed out of his room as a few acquitted crystalline tears fell down her flushed face. Closing his door behind her she rushed down the hallways to say good bye to one other person. Once again she approached another large set of double doors as they seemed to tower over her. Knocking lightly she waited a few seconds before letting herself in. Like in Darien’s room, the only light was from the full moon high in the sky shining in through her window. Raye was slumbering peacefully in her large mahogany bed with her hair in disarray. With cat like movements she proceeded to make her way towards her bed and gently sat down on the edge, near her. She wanted to wake her but was afraid she would scream out, causing a large commotion to erupt throughout the palace. Looking at her, she finally came to one decision. With lightning quick movements she jumped beside Raye and covered her mouth to keep her from yelling out. Raye’s eyes flew open in fear as she clutched the blankets closer to her body, her breathing coming in short and shallow. “Don’t scream Raye...it’s me Sere.” Serena whispered before slowly moving her hand away. Raye nodded in compliance then sat up holding a hand over pounding heart. Looking at Sere she took in a deep breath to calm her nerves from the sudden surprise. When she finally felt like her blood and heart rate had slowed back to reasonable pace she lightly punched Serena in the arm making her giggle. “Why did you have to go and do that?! You scared the day lights out of me Sere!” Raye yelled in a hushed manner trying to keep a straight face. But seeing Serena giggling on the bed didn’t help her. Finally unable to hold back she joined her in her giggling frenzy. After a few minutes their laughter died down and they just lay there, staring up at the high ceiling. Serena knew she should hurry for the carriage was still waiting out front to take her to the ship. “I...I came to say good-bye, Raye.” Raye suddenly jumped back into a sitting position and stared incredulously at Serena, “Your mother has already arranged a ride for me and I will be leaving to go back home to be with my mother...and to get some time to myself.” Another tear made it’s way down her face following the trail of tears from earlier. “Have...have you seen Darien?” Raye timidly asked. “Yes....I have,” Serena quietly replied after a few minutes of eerie silence, “I kissed him good-bye in his sleep...and he woke up but not before I hid. When he fell back asleep I left and came here.” Her voice was so full of emotion and pain. “I’m going to miss you Sere. Please say you’ll come back and visit, or maybe I can visit you?” Turning her head she looked back at her blonde haired friend smiling warmly. “I would like that.” unperturbed.......numb......she felt so empty and so alone. At least she made a new friend out of this...a true friend....that was the only optimistic thing she could see. Standing up she faced Raye who was now beside her, “Good-bye Raye. I will hopefully see you again.” Giving her one last hug she turned to leave out her wooden doors. “You know it Sere. We’ll see each other again, I promise.” Her eyes misting over slightly as she smiled at her. Giving a sad smile Serena turned back to the doors, newly found tears once again retracing their course from earlier. Serena sat in the carriage absentmindedly watching the scenes pass before her. Queen Gia had told her they sent early warning to her mother of her arrival and hugged her close one final time before seeing her off. Leaning back against the cushioned walls of the carriage, she closed her eyes and wished for sleep to come and clear her thoughts. However, when she did fall asleep, she was haunted with Darien’s deep blue eyes and handsome face smiling adoringly down at her, making her want to melt. His husky voice ringing clearly in her head adding more pain then she thought her heart could bare. It had only been a few hours since the ball and already she missed him terribly. The jolting of the carriage knocked her from her dream as she held on to the side wall for support. Pulling the thick curtains aside she looked out the window and saw the face of one of the guards. He looked terribly afraid and worried, which didn’t help Serena feel any better. “Please stay inside princess and don’t leave. We’ve come across a bit of trouble.” The guard ordered locking her in from the outside. Frightened she sat back down and placed her hands gingerly in her lap trying to remain calm as she listened to the sounds of fighting outside. Suddenly a loud screeching could be heard.....then all fell silent. @--`,--- @--`,--- Darien awoke from his sleep with a start. Sitting up he looked around the darkness of his room trying to see what woke him when he felt an emotion not his own crash into him. Pure fear. It was so intense he almost shook with it. Running out from his chambers he ran to Serena’s room hoping she was okay. Slamming her door open she expected to see her angelic blue orbs staring back at him with surprise but found the bed neatly made. Confused he turned to find his mother but found her along with his sister already standing behind him worried. @--`,--- @--`,--- Serena sat still unable to move or breath. Her heart was pounding so profusely in her chest she thought for sure it would burst any moment. Slowly she brought her hand up to the knob of the door as it uncontrollably shook. Her whole body was shaking fiercely from her fear, afraid to see what awaited outside. Quietly she turned it only to remember the guard had locked her in and she ‘really’ didn’t want to slip her hand out the window. Just as she pulled away, the door was ripped from it’s hinges on the carriage and thrown to the ground revealing what attacked them. Her eyes went wide as she screamed a blood curdling scream, but no one was anywhere near to hear or help. The gruesome creature screeched one more time before Serena was surrouned by darkness. @--`,--- @--`,--- “Where’s Serena?!” Darien yelled no less short than frantic. “She left for home half and hour ago.” Queen Gia answered a little concerned. Then out of no where Darien began to tremble as if he were suddenly very cold. Bringing his arms up around his body he hugged himself tightly closing his eyes. “What’s wrong dear? Are you alight?” Gia asked approaching him. Abruptly his shaking stopped and he looked fearfully at Raye and his mother. “It’s Serena....she’s in trouble. I..think” Darien stated unsurly. His mother just looked at him as if he were crazy, but Raye said or did nothing. “That’s silly dear. I’m sure she’s fine and on the ship heading home. It was just--” Gia stopped when she heard the thunder of another door ring out through the halls of the palace. “Help!!! Please somebody help!” A hysterical voice cried out loudly from the main doors. Speeding off Darien quickly ran in the direction of the crying person with Raye and Gia right behind him. Reaching the front of the palace he saw one of his guards lying on the floor breathing heavily. Darien ran to his side and held his head off the floor while Raye and his mother stood back in shock. Gia stood there for a moment before her eyes widened in realization, a memory dawning on her. “Your...your one of the guards with Serena! What happened? Is she all right?!” She asked voice stricken. Slowly she walked over to him and placed a hand atop his cold one, now fully seeing how blood soaked his armor was. “It...was...hor...horrible. A...huge....bea....” The poor guard never got to finish his sentence for he breathed his last breath. Exhaling he rolled his brown eyes into his head as his body became limp and unmoving in Darien’s arms. Darien’s eyes were wide in fright ran out the door of the castle and grabbed a horse, speeding down the muddy trails trying to get to Serena as quickly as possible. The heavy droplets of rain began to pour from the sky stinging his determined face but he ignored the pain and continued on, with his fists and teeth clenched. He felt like he had been riding forever taking twists and turns until something finally came into view. He could now see the wreckage of the carriage as it lay on it’s side covered in mud. Jumping off his black tired mare he ran to the broken carriage and eagerly looked in. Empty. “Serena!!!!!” Darien screamed into the frosty night air looking around crazily. His only answer were the sounds of the beating rain, crickets, birds and other small creatures stowed away in the night. Breathing in deeply he opened his mouth to scream again but stopped when a soft moan could be heard. Turing around he could see his commanding officer, William laying against a slab of rock. Very visible cuts and bruises were all along his face, body and armor. “William! What happened? Where’s Serena?!” He pleaded taking William’s body into his arms. “A beast attacked us...it was so...so strong. We...we couldn’t defeat it.” “But where is Serena? William please answer me!” Coughing up blood he breathed in raggedly trying to gain all the strength he had in him. There was so much he had to tell his young prince but not enough time and energy to do so. Concluding it best to say what he thought would be good, he looked into Darien’s temulous midnight blue eyes. “She is....gone.” William half smiled relieved to be free of all the pain and slowly closed his eyes one last time, eternally. Darien let out a gut renching scream letting the world know of his pain as he cried for his love and friend. William had always been like a father to Darien. Always teaching him the ropes of being a man, toughening him up and teaching him the ways of life, from what his mother could not. Thunder roared loudly and lightning lit the night sky for miles as rain poured in buckets falling uncaringly on and everywhere around the prince. Gently he placed his friend on the water soaked ground, holding back his emotions. Slowly he stood and lifted his face, eyes closed to the dark night sky, allowing the droplets to fall onto his face. Wishing it would wash away all his pain and grief. Clenching his fists he took a long deep breath, holding it for a second then screamed. His voice smothered in emotion of pain, anguish, regret .....and love. “SERENA!!!!!” To be continued....... Well? What do you think? Cliff hangers suck ne? ::gigglez:: anyhoo....a HUGE arigato goes to my editor and wonderful friend SailorTwin. You are the best! Suki da yo.... Please check out my fic site even though there's not much there. http://ficmaze.cjb.net and visit Neo Queen Serenity's wonderful site at http://crystaltokyo.cjb.net and PLEASE sign the guest book!! *hugz n kisses* Twilight-chan