Mike Smith
New Brunswick
* A picture of a 10.5' Sat dish for a future 1.2GHz EME project I am working on. When VE9AAA, Coreen, my XYL said she only wanted one antenna on the car, I don't think this is what she had in mind!!!
HI! My name is Michael Smith, and I
am 38 years old. I have been a licensed ham operator since 1978
(age 14) My first call was VE1BTT (original holder of this
call), then about 10 years later I became VE1MQ and was VERY
active with this call, contesting, DXing
I love Austin Minis and own a 1978 Yellow Austin Mini 1000 (CDN) Car
See: >
and doing a few IOTA expeditions around
VE1 land.
On DEC 3, 1993 I became VE9AA and
have primarily focused my attention to 6m Dxing, with the odd
excursion to working a few new ones on HF and about 1 or 2 HF
contests a year.
I no longer find HF much of a
challenge. 6m is where it's at !! (hi), though I did in fact
enjoy 10m ssb and 20m cw for many
years. I only got interested in 2m cw/ssb in late 1990, then 6m
cw/ssb on Nov 21, 1991 I started with 1w and a dipole and have
changed my 6m station at least a dozen times, usually upgrading
each time either by getting more power, new antenna(s), new rigs,
new rx preamps, higher towers or a better QTH for less qrn/qrm. I
am pretty much a 6m fanatic you might say. (fellow 6m
magic-banders can relate to this, hi!) Ever since I missed
working the FO0CI dxpedition because my tx on my xvtr broke, I
vowed never to be without a 6m radio near me at all times. I
geuss if you are serious about working new countries on 6m, then
sometimes the chance only comes along once every few years to
work a new one. So far there have been many countries that I have
worked that I have only ever heard once. This has been on Es or
See Below: a "6m VE firsts list" which will list the first time a
Canadian has worked a new DXCC country on 6m. Please send me
ANY/ALL firsts you know about as I am starting from scratch !
I have been to both Sable
and St. Paul Islands
in 1996 with k8lee and wa8joc
in 1997 with ve1pz and k7bv
Presently I live in the country,
running an IC-736, sb200 modified for 6m (500w) and a 5el K6STI
long boom yagi at 60'fed with 1/2"hardline.
...Present fulltime shack is in FN65rs, running a FT-847 to 8 over 8 at 35’/49' and only 100w99% of the time. Rarely kicking in the SB-206 (Modded SB-200) amp for ~500w out
TS-60S, with a straight key
I also use an HTX-100 to a converted CB whip on 10m
On 2m/70cm (FM-ugh) I have a
FT-8500 to a 5/8ths whip e
a 1/4wl whip
Some of the Antennas @ VE9AA as of 2002
My 6m K1WA modified sloper array @ 30'
6 Meter 8 over 8's underneath view @35'/49'
TH6DXX(10/15/20m),D40(40m) & 5el(6m) K6STI design, homebrew 6m yagi
WARC Bands(12/17m)Inverted Vees on small tower
Shot of Delhi 48’ tower from down the driveway, Feb 2002
17B2 (2m) with homebrew 15el NBS yagi (70cm) beam below
Another picture of
my homebrew 8 over 8’s
My wife Coreen and 17 month old son Corey
College Station:
In one of my apartments in
FN76/Moncton where I USED TO attend college I had an htx-100 and
DEM 6m transverter. For an antenna on 6m, I just used a modified
horizontal TVantenna mounted on the roof. This also had 6el on 2m
interlaced, and I loaded the boom up on 10m.Talk about weird
looking I used a huge multiband dipole (6m-40m)
I installed in
the attic of the 4-storey apartment bldg.
On HF I ran a TS-530s
At my other apartment the year previous I usually ran a MFJ-9406 and a full wave loop mounted horizontally on the Top of an R7000 HF vertical. Same TS-530S for HF.
As of Feb 2002, I have worked 125 countries on 6m.Haven’t applied yet, but meet all criteria for 6m: VUCC,DXCC,WAC,WAZ,WAS,WACanada
Ths space reserved for even more
boring junk.
RAC (Radio
Amateurs of Canada)
My Wifes Orchid Page
TNX! U R vistor #something or other
please come again! 7 3 -Mike......mailto:ve9aaATnbnet.nb.ca.