
They're coming in droves to see

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Statistics from 27 february 1999, 21:05
Compiled on 21:46, 18 august 2000

Total number of pageviews: 7342.
Top day so far: 17 september 1999 with 45 pageviews

The 10 most recent visitors

Visitors per day (last three weeks)

Visitors per day of the week

Pageviews per hour of the day

Pageviews per week

Pageviews per domain (who's visiting?)

Pageview forecast for today

Pageviews per region
(where are they coming from?)

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Most recent 10 visitors
18 august 05:05 Unknown (
18 august 05:51 Unknown (
18 august 06:14 Unknown (
18 august 06:25 Unknown (
18 august 10:50 Unknown (
18 august 11:15 Unknown (
18 august 14:06 Unknown (
18 august 15:04 Unknown (
18 august 20:59 Unknown (
18 august 21:46 Unknown (

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Visitors per day
29 july 13
30 july 12
31 july 12
1 august 10
2 august 6
3 august 7
4 august 12
5 august 13
6 august 10
7 august 16
8 august 11
9 august 10
10 august 5
11 august 17
12 august 12
13 august 18
14 august 17
15 august 10
16 august 15
17 august 9
18 august 11
Visitors per day
july/august 2000

  29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

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Pageviews per week

feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug

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Visitors per day of the week
sunday 12.9 %
monday 16 %
tuesday 15 %
wednesday 14.3 %
thursday 14.4 %
friday 14.7 %
saturday 12.3 %
su mo tu we th fr sa

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Pageviews per hour
00:00-00:59 10.9% 06:00-06:59 2.6% 12:00-12:59 3.8% 18:00-18:59 3.2%
01:00-01:59 6.6% 07:00-07:59 2.6% 13:00-13:59 4.6% 19:00-19:59 3.2%
02:00-02:59 5.4% 08:00-08:59 2.8% 14:00-14:59 5% 20:00-20:59 3.6%
03:00-03:59 5% 09:00-09:59 5.1% 15:00-15:59 4.7% 21:00-21:59 3%
04:00-04:59 4.4% 10:00-10:59 4% 16:00-16:59 3.7% 22:00-22:59 2.9%
05:00-05:59 3% 11:00-11:59 3.6% 17:00-17:59 3.5% 23:00-23:59 2.7%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

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Forecast for today: 12 pageviews
An average of 93.6 per cent of the daily visitors arrive before 21:46. Based on the number of visitors 11 to your site so far today, your site could have a total of 12 pageviews (+/- 4).

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Pageviews per domain
1. Network 1994 27.17 %
2. US Commercial 597 8.13 %
3. Venezuela 279 3.8 %
4. Argentina 95 1.29 %
5. US Educational 62 0.84 %
6. Mexico 44 0.6 %
7. United Kingdom 28 0.38 %
8. Spain 23 0.31 %
9. Peru 16 0.22 %
10. Chile 13 0.18 %
11. Colombia 12 0.16 %
12. France 11 0.15 %
13. Canada 11 0.15 %
14. Sweden 10 0.14 %
15. Costa Rica 8 0.11 %
16. Germany 7 0.1 %
17. United States 7 0.1 %
18. Italy 6 0.08 %
19. Guatemala 6 0.08 %
20. Dominican Republic 5 0.07 %
21. Brazil 4 0.05 %
22. Australia 4 0.05 %
23. Belgium 4 0.05 %
24. Ecuador 3 0.04 %
25. Greece 3 0.04 %
26. Netherlands 3 0.04 %
27. Switzerland 2 0.03 %
28. Cuba 2 0.03 %
29. Cyprus 2 0.03 %
30. Czech Republic 2 0.03 %
31. Israel 1 0.01 %
32. Uruguay 1 0.01 %
33. Norway 1 0.01 %
34. Japan 1 0.01 %
35. Portugal 1 0.01 %
36. US Government 1 0.01 %
37. Honduras 1 0.01 %
38. Slovenia 1 0.01 %
39. Trinidad and Tobago 1 0.01 %
40. Old style Arpanet 1 0.01 %
41. Non-Profit Organization 1 0.01 %
  Unknown 4066 55.4 %

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Pageviews per region
1. None (.net, .org) 1995 27.18 %
2. North-America 679 9.25 %
3. South America 420 5.72 %
4. Europe 104 1.42 %
5. Centra America 70 0.95 %
6. Australia 4 0.05 %
7. Asia 2 0.03 %
  Unknown 4066 55.4 %

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