A Few Pagan Links

What Witches Really Are
The Isle of Magick
Grandmother Spider's Spirit Web
The Witches' Voice
The Witches' Web
Catala's Wiccan Page
The Silver Cauldron
More Links...


Wiccans and Pagans alike usually choose a religious name for themselves. It can be anything from Morgan to Merlin to Raven. My name in Wicca is Clover Aurora MoonSky, simply Clover to friends. Pagans refer to me as Clover during practice and rituals.

Wicca   and   Paganism

Many people think of the word "Pagan" and automatically assume that being Pagan is being evil. Paganism is the worship of the earth. Wicca is a form of Paganism. It is not the only form of it, though. Wicca is the worship of a god and a goddess. We celebrate balance, the male and female aspect. We also use Magick in our religion. I bet now you're thinking, "Gosh. This is an imaginary, new-fangled religion." Well, you're wrong. Wicca itself is a new religion, but its orgins date back to before Christianity even began. Pagan practices were thought to be evil when Christianity became the main religion. As I'm sure you know, people thought to be Witches were killed horribly for hundreds of years. This prejudice has carried on into modern day. We are not evil. We do not believe in, let alone worship, Satan. We do not cast spells to harm. We do not eat up little children. We look, act, and dress like you. We are human. And we wish to be treated with respect.

Some Facts

Wicca is a recognized religion

Wicca is legal and can therefore be practiced

We don't believe in the devil

We believe in reincarnation

We have eight holidays, or Sabbats

Our religious symbol is the pentacle

We follow the Wiccan Rede

We believe that everything you do comes back 3 times

A male is Witch is simply a Witch, not a "warlock"

We use tools in prayer and ritual

We are just like you

"An' Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Wilt"

---The Wiccan Rede