Hey, once again I totally changed my website. Now even the
graphics were made by me. Isn't this exciting? I am happy.
Are you happy? That's good! Repeat after me: every day, in
every way, I'm getting better and better.

Go to this page to learn everything you never wanted to know about me!

Take a look at me and my ugly friends! (Just kidding... I think?)

It's always nice to stumble upon a midi file of a song you haven't heard in years or just love. Check out my jukebox of some of my favorite

Since I first started working on this website last February, it has won a few awards. Don't believe me? See for yourself.

Now take a little vaccation from ME and learn how you can help prevent cruelty to animals.
You are visitor number
to my website since February 1998.
I last updated my page on the most fabulous day of March 5, 1999.