Hidden & Dangerous

Description Action
Activate Cheat Mode The Cheat Mode codes were not removed from the game when it was ported from the PC version.
Plug the Dreamcast Keyboard into Port B, then at any time during the game, using the keyboard, enter:
NOTE: Some codes may cause the game to freeze.
Add All Weapons, Uniforms, Keys, And Items To Inventory Plug the Dreamcast Keyboard into Port B, then at any time during the game, using the keyboard, enter:
NOTE: Can only be entered AFTER the Cheat Mode is activated.
Activate German Version Of Game Plug the Dreamcast Keyboard into Port B, then at any time during the game, using the keyboard, enter:
NOTE: Can only be entered AFTER the Cheat Mode is activated.
Big Head Mode Plug the Dreamcast Keyboard into Port B, then at any time during the game, using the keyboard, enter:
NOTE: Can only be entered AFTER the Cheat Mode is activated.
Instant Mission Completion Without Saving Plug the Dreamcast Keyboard into Port B, then at any time during the game, using the keyboard, enter:
NOTE: Can only be entered AFTER the Cheat Mode is activated.
Instant Mission Failure Without Saving Plug the Dreamcast Keyboard into Port B, then at any time during the game, using the keyboard, enter:
NOTE: Can only be entered AFTER the Cheat Mode is activated.
Skip To End Sequence Plug the Dreamcast Keyboard into Port B, then at any time during the game, using the keyboard, enter:
NOTE: Can only be entered AFTER the Cheat Mode is activated.
Full Health (All Soldiers) Plug the Dreamcast Keyboard into Port B, then at any time during the game, using the keyboard, enter:
NOTE: Can only be entered AFTER the Cheat Mode is activated.
Opens All Doors (Current Mission) Plug the Dreamcast Keyboard into Port B, then at any time during the game, using the keyboard, enter:
NOTE: Can only be entered AFTER the Cheat Mode is activated.
Display Player Coordinates Plug the Dreamcast Keyboard into Port B, then at any time during the game, using the keyboard, enter:
NOTE: Can only be entered AFTER the Cheat Mode is activated.
Wireframe Mode Plug the Dreamcast Keyboard into Port B, then at any time during the game, using the keyboard, enter:
NOTE: Can only be entered AFTER the Cheat Mode is activated.
Cycle Through All Enemies (In Front Of You) Plug the Dreamcast Keyboard into Port B, then at any time during the game, using the keyboard, enter:
NOTE: Can only be entered AFTER the Cheat Mode is activated.
Cycle Through All Enemies (Behind You) Plug the Dreamcast Keyboard into Port B, then at any time during the game, using the keyboard, enter:
NOTE: Can only be entered AFTER the Cheat Mode is activated.
NOTE: Press the camera change button to switch back to your team.
Kill All Plug the Dreamcast Keyboard into Port B, then at any time during the game, using the keyboard, enter:
NOTE: Can only be entered AFTER the Cheat Mode is activated.
NOTE: May cause Mission failure if hostages need to be rescued.
All Soldiers Invincible Plug the Dreamcast Keyboard into Port B, then at any time during the game, using the keyboard, enter:
NOTE: Can only be entered AFTER the Cheat Mode is activated.
NOTE: Explosions will still kill everyone.
Resurrect Fallen Comrades Plug the Dreamcast Keyboard into Port B, then at any time during the game, using the keyboard, enter:
NOTE: Can only be entered AFTER the Cheat Mode is activated.