Liu Kang

After winning the Shaolin Tournament from Shang Tsung's clutches Kang returns to his temples. He discovers his sacred home in ruins, his Shaolin brothers killed in a vicious battle with a horde of Outworld warriors. Now he travels into the Dark Realm to seek revenge.

Special Moves

High Fireball: Forward, Forward, HP (can be done in the air)

Low Fireball: Forward, Forward, LP

Flying Kick: Forward, Forward, HK

Bicycle Kick: Hold LK for 5 seconds, then release.

Finishing Moves

Fatality 1: Down, Forward, Back, Back, HK (at close range)

Fatality 2: Rotate joystick 360 degrees counter-clockwise from opponent.

Friendship: Forward, Back, Back, Back, LK

Babality: Down, Down, Forward, Back, LK

Stage Fatalities: Back, Forward, Forward, LK


With his Shaolin temple in ruins, Liu Kang journeys into the Outworld, enters Shao Kahn's tournament and unleashes a fury that does not end until the defeat of Shao Kahn. Liu Kang then returns to the seclusion of his Shaolin temple.

He pays his respects to his lost brothers and finally realizes that the events which have taken place were all fulfillment of his destiny.