From: <FOGG@mail.usmo.com>
Subject: The View From Ruby Ridge: Statement of Principles

Society must have some restraints imposed upon it less caos rule. If drugs
were decriminalized our streets and sidewalks would be an even greater
disaster. There are entirely too many idiot out there as it is.  No one would
be safe from the masses of new addicts that would be created by the decriminalization of drugs, I stres adicts because very few people can use
drugs for recreational enjoyment only.  I conceed that our government is
hypocritical in its drug enforcement policies: alchohol and tobaco are very
powerfull drugs also, with there oun set of problems.

We contracted a government to protect our rights and freedoms as
individuals but neglected to declare the individuals responsiblities for ones
oun actions! Maybe an intoxicated motorist who kills a man (the father of 2
and his widow) in an auto accident, should be required to support that mans
family as retrobution for his crime against that inocent man and his family!

But of course yourself being a sociopath, you don't think of other peoples
rights just your oun selfish, insicure, narcissitic personal interests.



In my best sarcastic retort, I can see how anyone might think that to
legalize a substance (which wasn't "legally" made "illegal" in the first place)
would make it more easily accessable. If we keep it illegal, no one can get it.
Unfortunately, that is blatant disregard of fact. You must reason that, once
any substance is made illegal, it's price skyrockets, and people will kill them-
selves (and/or each other) to get it, use it, or supply it to others!  The fact is, Prohibition does not work. PERIOD. In any form, on any substance, regardless
of it's values, uses, or properties.

Further, your assertion that, "No one would be safe from the masses of new
addicts that would be created from the decriminalization of drugs..." is a
prejudgemental paranoid over-reaction to change.

I do not promote "decriminalization".

I support legalization of ALL drugs, and currently "controlled" substances.
Adults have the right, obligation, and duty to make the decisions that concern
their own lives, and those of their children. I do not ask anyone to make the
choices that direct MY life, and will not accept someone else's choices for
my life.

The government of this Nation was NOT intended to be our "Nanny", the
overseer by which we live our day-to-day existence, I was not put upon
this planet to answer to the whims of would-be "Saviors", who will tell me
how and what to think, say, or do, from cradle to grave! Thomas Jefferson
asserted: "The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as
are injurious to others."

Back to your letter, ..."very few people can use drugs for recreational
enjoyment only." I absolutely disagree! Nicotine, caffeine, alchohol, and a
great many other substances that ARE drugs, are used everyday by millions
of people, and are never considered in the same respect. That's not to say
that there aren't a few million alchoholics, or 5 pack a day smokers, but, just
how many cigarettes should I be "allowed" to smoke? I assert that, if you
want to start your day with a drink, or a joint, or a snort of cocaine, that is
your business, and your problem! Concerning the "...neglected to declare the
individual responsible for their own actions..." you seem to imply that, by
omission of declaring such, it makes someone else responsible for me shooting,
or robbing, or raping. Therefore, if I am not told that I will be held responsible,
I am not responsible!!! Correct? What part of the country runs on precedents
like that???  That statement was totally without reason.

Your ending, intended I suppose, to "put me in my place", I feel was both
petulant and arrogant. It is not merely my rights I stand for, but the rights and
Liberties of the citizens of our entire NATION! Jefferson, again; "I have sworn upon the alter of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the
mind of man."  This man's intent was Self-Government!!! The idea that thinking
adults can run their own lives!  (Who'da Thunkit?)

After a certain point, even your Mommy accepts that you can make your own decisions! By the way, I wear the label "Sociopath" proudly, as a badge of distinction! The State gave me that, and inasmuch as they have need to label,
that was an acceptable one! Anyone who would attempt to stand against the
"flow" of the general herd must be given such a title, rather than the more
common term, which I think may be "sheep". I once feared that I actually
stood alone, that the free-thinkers and true patriots of our country had all but
died or disappeared. Fortunately, however, I was mistaken!! My brothers and
sisters in the Libertarian party have been touting and promoting all these ideas,
since the 1970's!!!  WE, The People, CAN be heard!!! We must rise from the
pro-Socialist, Neo-Facist Police State our once Free Nation has become, to
again place the power of the people back into the hands of the people!

Viva le Révolution!

I remain,


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