Today is March 17, 2025.
Quote for 3/17/2025
Joy comes not through possession or ownership but through a wise and loving heart. (the Buddha)
~~~Make Money Doing What You Love!!~~~
Do you get paid to read emails? It's a quick and easy way of making that little bit extra money while you're online. If you're in Australia, you can click on the link above!
~~~G'day from Australia, and welcome to my website!~~~
My Australian page! Check out how big Oz is compared with the US and the UK! *G*
Police - Index
The index to my police pages, honouring LEO's everywhere.
Chris' Poetry
Poetry of a Sydney policeman.
Police Poetry
Police Stories
Police Funnies & Links
Some of my favourite jokes! (The cleaner ones anyway! Email me for the link to the adult jokes. *G*)
Ponderables & Bumper Stickers
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