The AutoLISP routines presented here are (C.) Copyright by Vladimir Nesterovsky and are free for your personal use only for any non-commercial purposes provided that you keep this message in its entirety with the files. You may not resell or redistribute them in any form.
You're always welcome to contact me if you want to use them commercially.
You can visit my site as archived in 2002/12/10 at
--New addition!-- Here's an AutoLISP profiler, that will let you profile your function's execution speed. It's great after your initial coding is done, to find the real bottlenecks in your program and then to know exactly what needs to be improved.
--NEW!-- Piecewise tangential circular arcs arbitrary precision approximation for any smooth curve -- NURBS, splines, clothoids, ellipses, involutes etc. ! -- New algorithm and tools are available for representing any parametric curve as a chain of arcs tangential to one another, and satisfying any given tolerance value -- meaning the new arcs polyline is guaranteed to not be any further that this tolerance from an original curve. Finally you can convert any NURBS spline into a polyline with much better precision then ACAD does, using much less polyline segments then it uses (to not mention the fact is can only do it by straight lines segments)! Convert Ellipses too! A special algorithm for clothoids is developed, which is near optimal approximation in following given toleraance value, minimizing the number of arcs used. Want to draw an involute curve as arcs polyline? It _is_ possible! It's even created with an even radii distribution along the curve, unlike Twincad, which produces radii randomly sometimes and has short segments interspersed with long ones. Achieve the most continuity in arcs representation of your curve! Anyone interested is much welcome to contact me (it _is_ a commercial offering).
C's PRINTF callable from LISP! --- an ADS source code. You can use here whatever formatting codes C-compiler understands, with variable number of arguments, of course. The format is (vpn_printf [(] format-string [{ number | string | 2Dpoint | 3Dpoint | nil | T }+] [)] ). The arx module to be posted soon!
Vnestr.llb: A general collection of some of my routines published on c.c.a. Look here for GETK and EDLGETENT, GETFILE and string parsing functions, and FOR-SS!
Reverse a polyline! --- That's also first time r-ss-foreach was published on cca, March 1st 1997. That's the routine for applying a function on each entity in selection set without converting it to a list of e-names and calling foreach on that list, thus saving memory. (as it turns out, FOR-SS is even better!). :--) {as I recently found out, Mr. Tanzillo published very similar function more than 10 years ago and has a Copyright to it and a Patent for "using callback functions in selection sets processing".}
Some spline -- polyline conversions.
DELISP.EXE --- removes all the comments, spaces and new-line characters from your LISP file to make it smaller, faster to load and harder to read ;-). Perfect to be run before KELV, as it understands inline comments properly. Register to obtain your own version that will insert your info into the file, not mine.
ERROR.LSP --- some standardized error handling functions. Look here also for more explanations.
--NEW! r2000 compatible!-- SaveData.LSP --- defines two simple to use functions to store/retrieve a variables of arbitrary structure inside the DWG, via the DICTIONARIES. Works in R13 and R14. Here's my original post from Usenet about it. Additional functions working with Xdata will be posted here in the near future. This development was contributed to greately by a previous discussion on c.c.a. with Reini Urban, Morten Warankov and Serge Volkov.
An attempt of explanation of MAPCAR and LAMBDA. It also has a funny example that multyplies all numbers in sentence by two, using these functions.
More files on this server (some recent additions, Feb-1999) - pretty fast mergesort implementation (I hope), unlimited precision arithmetic for fibbonacchi sequences generation, etc...
If you're looking for more AutoLISP sites, the one to start from is Reini Urban's site. Or, look at IntelCAD Systems for worldwide DWG recovery service, DWF/DWG converter, power DWG tools.
All code here is (C.) Copyright by me All Rights Reserved. You can use it for non-commercial purposes only or you should contact me for registering. :)
(C.) Copyright Vladimir Nesterovsky, 1997. All Rights Reserved.
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