This page is desined to allow you to specify the nature of the information for which we are looking. It also allows you to indicate what type of information you wish to submit to us. If you have questions than this is definately the one stop source to get the facts you need. If it's an alumni or active's address, phone, etc. or simply to post to us your family tree information. To use this form, simply click on the type of information you need or are submitting and then click on the submit button at the bottom. If you are requesting information, it will be e-mailed (or snail-mailed if you specify) to you within two days.

Thank you for your continued support and if you need any further assitance from a specific officer, please refer to the Officer Core page and you may mail the respective officer that you need from his personal page.

May you increase in the knowledge of Lambda, its teaching, applications, and possibilities. In ZAX!

Please indicate which category(s) of information that you need or are giving.

Requesting Information

Alumni's Address/Phone
Active Member's Address/Phone
Rush Dates/Times Information
Initiation Dates/Times
Chapter Party Dates/Times
Scheduled Alumni Functions
Donation/Volunteering Information

Submitting Information

Report Alumni Press Release Information
Report a Marriage
Report a Death
Report Family Tree Information
Reporting Your Web Page URL
Web Page Corrections


Miscellaneous Request or Report

Include your information in the following text box. We thank you for any information you wish to provide us and we will reply to all comments or information requests within two days.

Questions and comments may be
sent to our WebMaster.