Battle of Longwoods ... March 4th 1814

Lieutenant Colonel Butler was in command of the American forces at Detroit. He orders Captain Andrew Hunter Holmes of the 24th Tennessee Regiment to assemble a force for a raid into the British Western District of Upper Canada. The objective of this mission was to capture one of two British posts in the area, Port Talbot or Delaware.

Captain Holmes force consisted of his own regiment, and members of the 26th Vermont, 27th New York and 28th Kentucky Regiments. The total amount of men in this force was about 180.

The American force all on horse back moved quickly, on March 3rd they were only 15 miles from Delaware when they learned from a local inhabitant that a British force was on it's way to meet them. The Americans moved back to Twenty Mile Creek, and took up a strong position on the far side of the creek. (known today as Battle Hill)

Captain James Lewis Basden was in command of the British force sent to intercept the Americans. His force consisted of light companies from the 89th and Royal Scots Regiments, a company of rangers, a detachment of the Kent militia, and some native warriors. The total amount of men in this force was about 300.

The Americans had a strong position and made it even stronger by constructing an abatis the night before. They also watered down the sides of the ravine which made them very slippery.The Kent militia under the command of Captain Caldwell were sent to outflank the Americans to the north. The native warriors took the American right flank, and the regulars under the command of Captain Basden would try a frontal assault on the American position. This plan proved to be a disaster. The British force was cut down by rifle fire. When night fell the British retreated. The American commander knew that he could no longer take the British post at Delaware. That same night Captain Holmes having defended his position on the ravine withdrew his force to Detroit. The British force had 14 men killed and 52 wounded. The American force had 4 men killed and 3 men wounded.