Useless Trivia (With emphasis on "Useless")
Now you can say that you've learned something from this site, aside from the knowledge that any jackass with a PC and lots of free time can make a home page.

A "noggin" is also a half a cupful of whatever.

Q. How does a lobster breathe?
 A. Takes in water through its legs, lets it out
through its head. Odd, but not to the lobster, who
thinks we breathe funny maybe.

Q. What makes an "infant" different from a "baby"?
 A. "Infancy" comes from the Latin for "without
language," so a baby is only an infant until it
starts to talk.

 Q. There are six classes of musical instruments:
"string," "woodwind," "brass," "percussion,"
"keyboard" and "other." In which is the harmonica?
 A. "Other."

The Omaha Herald in 1877 printed this advisory to
passengers of stage coaches: "Spit on the leeward

 Medical records contain accounts of women who've
given themselves cesarean sections and men who've
given themselves appendectomies.

Q. "Why do city dogs live longer, statistically,
than country dogs?"
 A. Small dogs live longer than large dogs, and
city dogs tend to be of the smaller variety.

 Q. What's the difference between a pie and a
A. The tart is openfaced.

  You're always in the exact center of the rainbow
you see.This is not just philosophical, it's
scientifically accurate.

 "Ukraine" means "frontier."

You know the religious
denomination there that's growing fastest? Baptist.

 Takes a newborn chameleon a couple of weeks to
change colors to match backgrounds. It's born white.

Yes, deer will eat meat. So will rabbits.

 Lot of animals have hands, sort of. And can hold
them out flat. But only humans can turn the palms
of the outstretched hands up then down or down then

Only before its first meal of the day can the
electric eel zap out that 640 volts.

 The "Second" avenues nationwide outnumber the

 Q. How long do big league baseball players use
the same gloves?
 A. Infielders, a year. Outfielders, seven to 10
years. Typically.

 Q. What's the opposite of "extinct"?
 A. "Extant."

 Drivers drive faster when other cars are around.
Whether those cars are behind, in front, beside.
Curious how it works. (Note from Mike: this explains why people
speed up when you're trying to pass them)

 Only captive-born and people-raised parrots can
be taught to talk.

The original mincemeat in mincemeat pies was the
flesh of small birds.

 Researchers say fewer letter carriers are bitten
by dogs in England than anywhere else, but it's not
known whether this is due to the temperament of
English dogs or to the speed of English carriers.

Ugly creatures, lobsters. Most remain unmated.
Not surprised.

 Q. Where'd that old name for a dog -- "Fido" --
come from?
 A. Latin. Means "trusting," roughly. It's a cousin
of such words as fidelity, faithful, fiduciary.

 Any fisherman will tell you it's against the law
to use goldfish for bait.

 In the mid-1960s, scientists came up with
straight bananas, but nobody would buy them.

 Few realize Abraham Lincoln's likeness is
represented not once but twice on the Lincoln penny.

 Q. Who were the lifelong famous lovers who never
saw eachother naked?
 A. Robert and Elizabeth Browning, the poets who
left personal footnotes.

 A hopping kangaroo takes one breath per hop.

 Eucalyptus leaves contain a narcotic. That cute
little koala lives out most of its life stoned.

 Pepper is a vine.

 Q. How do bullfrogs fight?
 A. Each tries with its forelimbs to hold the
other underwater until the weaker gives up.

 At least one in every five South Koreans is
named Kim.

 You get more mail on Thursdays, if typical.

 Women eat more hotdogs than men do.

 All polar bears have bad breath. And that goes
foreagles, too.

 Greenland's schools teach fur sewing.

 To that lengthy list of arts and crafts invented
by the Greeks, add counterfeiting.

 Ninety-four percent of the hunters who go out to
shoot wild turkeys come back without wild turkeys.

 If you order your delivered pizza uncut, it
should get to your place about 10 degrees hotter.
Or so says a pizzamaker.

Owls outlive elephants.

 Not all realize obesity is a problem among caged

 The "mezzo" in "mezzo-soprano" means "middle,"
that's all.

 Were you aware it's 46 percent easier to push a
wheel barrow than to pull one?

 Among army ants, the commanding general is
always female.

 It's reported more men than women use deodorant.
There's a reason for everything, I guess.

 Q. What sort of plaything is in the most homes
worldwide? A. Crayons.

 You're colorblind at dusk.

  The walrus feeds while standing on its
head inwater.

Having no thumb, a baby elephant sucks its

 A barnacle lives all its life upside down.

 Q. What does a gorilla do to show anger?
 A. Curls its fingers.

 Believe I forgot to mention that mice can't
stand the smell of fresh peppermint.

 The Mayflower, too, hauled slaves.

 X-ray a live snake and you'll kill it.

 Elephants can uncork champagne bottles with
their trunks. At least, some can.

 If it's not wet, a fly can't eat it.

 A grasshopper's eggs won't hatch unless they've
been frozen.

 There's a kind of shrimp with eyes in
its tail, so predators have to sneak up in front of

 A mother porpoise nurses her baby for a year and
a half and burps the little rascal by tapping its
underside with her nose.

 Suppose you knew the female bird only has one

Surgeons use the blunt end of the
scalpel more than the sharp end.

 Chinese chopsticks are bigger
than Japanese chopsticks.

 A penguin can swim a lot faster than a salmon.

 Men walk from the knee. Women walk from the hip.

 Sprinkle salt on a garden slug and it will
dissolve. Not the salt. The slug.

 Tumbleweeds don't grow on uncultivated land.

A third of the quarterhorses live in town.

 Q. How come you can never find a belly button on
a cat or a dog?
 A. The cord is bitten, not tied off.

 Guinea pigs don't sweat.

 The women in Cuba have long needed permits to
buy bras.

 Q. Can ladybugs fly backwards?
 A. Only on takeoff.

 Great horned owls lay round eggs.

 Q. The color "ecru" is beige, right?
 A. Sort of. It's not really a color. Means raw,

Termites can't see.

 Both Thomas Edison and A. Conan Doyle seriously
experimented with devices they thought might let
them talk to the dead.

 Q. How many skiers die in avalanches each year?
 A. About 150. Most set off avalanches themselves.

 No Pilgrim could wear that Pilgrim's hat -- wide
brim, high crown -- unless he owned property worth
at least 200 pounds.

 Q. How do we know the Egyptians as far back as
2500 B.C.did surgical operations?
 A. Such are depicted. On old tombs, significantly.

 Berthed ships make groaning whining noises --
rubbing of wood against wood -- heard nowhere but
along the waterfront. If you've lived around those
sounds, the memory of them never goes away. It's
said seafarers and long shoremen hear them in their
sleep until they die.

 When telling a lie, a person's voice tends to
rise. That's one of the things those voice print
experts look for.

 One job is offered for every 1,470 resumes sent
in. This is the average at last report.

 12,731 B-17 bombers were made during World War II.

 Shortbread isn't a bread. It's a thick cookie.

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