Special Web Master Submission Form
This is the special submition form for WebMasters only, if you do not own a web page, please go there. If you have a web page of your own, and would like to help us, please clik on the link below. This is not the the award submission form, please use that form seperatly.

Click Here For the form.

Board ofJudges

We are forming a board of judges for this award site. There are many advantages to being a judge on this board. The first advantage is that we will place one of your advertisement banners on our 'Who we are' page. Below each banner, you will be asked to write a short paragraph about your self, and the web page to which the banner is linked. The other is that of notability, and credibility. If you say that you are a judge, instantly people believe that you are an expert. This credibility will assist you in many ways.

As a judge, you will have to select 10 sites each month for winning awards. The ten sites are two sites in each of our 5 categories. That is the end of your responsibility.

Our requirements for becoming a judge are as follows.

  1. You must have at least one web page.
  2. Your web page must be of suitable quality, decided upon by myself.
  3. You must have been building web pages for more than 6 months.
There are no other requirements. If you would be interested, please send me an email with the subject, "Judge Applicant". In the email please include your name, any sites that you have, and what your experience is. We will get back to you as soon as we can.
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