Super Soakers

I have always loved the idea of shooting someone with a gun but not hurting them in the process. The solution to this was the Super Soaker by Larami. The Nerf guns were OK but they either broke or (most commonly) the foam darts were lost or the tips fell off. Super Soaker was the first water gun invented as I know of (I may be wrong on this one). All the other water guns invented were pieces of &^*@##$. They were duds and always broke. On this page you will find a strategies section and a summary on all of the Super Soakers I have used. This will be updated constantly I hope.

Super Soaker came out with four product lines so far (in order from oldest to newest): Super Soaker, Super Soaker XP (Xtra Power), Super Soaker XXP (Xtra Xtra Power), and Super Soaker CPS (Constant Pressure System). Each gun will be rated on a scale of 1-10 (1 being the worst; 10 the best) for: durability, power, storage, range, burst length, and overall.

Super Soaker 10: The smallest of smalls. This thing is almost a water pistol in size. It is good as a second-hand weapon because of its size and power. Most small Super Soakers do not pack quite the punch this one does. However, the water tank will only last a few seconds. Do not rely on this gun for a main weapon because the water supply will run out and you will be a sitting duck. An ok strategy would be to wear a coat or somethin similar with many pockets and stuff as many of these as you can into the pockets, and have them all pumped. When one of them runs out, just pull out another one.
Durability: 7
Power: 7
Storage: 4
Range: 6
Burst Length: 8
Overall: 7

Super Soaker 20: Similar to the SS 10 but a little bigger and holds more water.
Durability: 7
Power: 7
Storage: 5
Range: 6
Burst Length: 8
Overall: 8

Super Soaker 30: This is a small pistol-like Super Soaker but has surprising durabilty. This gun is not all that powerful but the burst length generally lasts almost the whole tank which is not that big anyway. But this long period of squirt time makes it an O.K. gun. It is best used near a refilling station because it runs out pretty quick.
Durability: 7
Power: 5
Storage: 4
Range: 7
Burst Length: 9
Overall: 5

Super Soaker 50: This gun is very reliable. It has a long burst of water and is durable in all the parts except the flimsy pump. Unlike many of the high-powered XP's, this gun will not spray mist as often. The size is medium for a Super Soaker and seems that the components are more light-weight than that of an XP. The water tank will hold enough water to last awhile, and while the power is not too great its has awesome range and as I said before, lasts awhile. The constant pump (see strategies section) works well for this gun.
Durability: 8
Power: 6
Storage: 8
Range: 9
Burst Length: 9
Overall: 9

Super Soaker MDS: Stands for Multi-Directional System. The same design as the SS 60 (I don't have it listed because I've never tried it before) but with a handle at the end of the barrel that rotates to turn the nozzle in different directions. I have found this completely useless because you can just turn the gun but the handle at the end gives a little better hold on the gun letting for a little better accuracy.
Durability: 7
Power: 7
Storage: 8
Range: 7
Burst Length: 6
Overall: 7

Super Soaker 100: This weapon is similar in shape to the SS 50 but the barrel is much longer and the gun is much more flimsy and breakable. However, it does carry an extra punch over the SS 50. This gun is good for a main weapon and a long-range sniper because it is pretty accurate and shoots relatively far. The gun, however, should be avoided because of its numerous defects and flimsiness.
Durability: 4
Power: 6
Storage: 6
Range: 7
Burst Length: 7
Overall: 5

Super Soaker 200: This is a large weapon that holds two water containers; its only good quality. It does not live up to its cannon-blasting power as most people think it would by looking at the size of this gun. Since power is what it is intended for and the power is not good, it is useless. It is also even more prone to breakage than the SS 100.
Durability: 4
Power: 6
Storage: 9
Range: 6
Burst Length: 5
Overall: 4

Super Soaker XP 55: This weapon has a riot-blast nozzle but I don't see what that's supposed to do. This gun is around medium-small in size. As XP's go; this weapon is high-powered. The range is also excellent. The downside to this gun I found is that they break so much. We have had three that all broke. It contains about the same size:water ratio as normal Super Soakers but a little smaller. This means it holds a little to less amount of water in its tank for its size.
Durability: 4
Power: 7
Storage: 5
Range: 8
Burst Length: 7
Overall: 6

Super Soaker XP 65: This gun is alright but low-powered. The size is good but for an XP it just doesn't have that punch most do in my view. However, some say this gun is the perfect gun but I just don't see it.
Durability: 7
Power: 6
Storage: 7
Range: 7
Burst Length: 7
Overall: 5

Super Soker XP 75: An excellent weapon because of the high power it deals, the small, compact body, and the big storage container. Out of all the Super Soakers this is deffinently one of the best. If you don't have it, get it! This gun is all-purpose and the only role it doesnt play is cannon. When faced against a cannon in toe-to-toe it will lose but a great gun. Since it is so small carrying two is a good thing.
Durability: 8
Power: 8
Storage: 7
Range: 8
Burst Length: 7
Overall: 8

Super Soaker XP 85: The "Triple-Barreled" firer. This is more a gimmick than a useful tactic I say. For one thing, the gun isnt powerful at all. Another thing is with three barrels its more things to break. It functions the smae way as the SS MDS but the middle barrel stays in place. This does cover allot of area with the spread though.
Durability: 6
Power: 5
Storage: 7
Range: 5
Burst Length: 6
Overall: 5

Super Soaker XP 110: This is a medium-big sized Super Soaker. This has a few good features to it: first of all it holds two seperate containers for air pressure seperate from the water tank to give it more power and a longer burst length. Secondly, it has a power gauge. I thought the gauge was wrong and you could keep pumping after it was at maximum pressure but I was wrong. Suddenly one of the pressure tanks literally blew up! A hunk of plastic went flying around fifteen feet! That's why you should never abuse the pressure gauge. The water tank is of a large size but somehow it seems to waste it at a fairly fast pace. Still, the water lasts awhile. The water flow seems to be a bit thicker than other XP's so it could be deemed the light drenching cannon of the XP's.
Durability: 7
Power: 7
Storage: 8
Range: 8
Burst Length: 8
Overall: 6

Super Soaker XP 150: This weapon is EVEN BETTER than that of an XP 75. With double air compression chambers and a good water reservoir, this thing can pack some punch. Even though it is a mid-sized gun, it acts like a small cannon! The weight is good too; a cannon would have a problem about the weight. I don't know what to say about this gun its just so awesome. Try it.
Durability: 7
Power: 8
Storage: 9
Range: 7
Burst Length: 7
Overall: 9

Super Soaker XXP 175: This is sometimes referred to as the double-barreled shotgun. Yes, it is double-barreled. It also contains two water tanks for both the barrels. The range is stinky but the power is good. It also has the pressure gauge. With two water barrels it can be quite heavy. The thickness of the water is pretty big. As powerful guns usually do the accuraccy is not great but who needs it when you must be at such a close range anyway? Useless for ranged sniping shots and not quite good enough for sluggouts with bigger guns, the main purpose of this gun would be to get up close to medium to light-gunned people and hose 'em down.
Durability: 9
Power: 8
Storage: 8
Range: 4
Burst Length: 6
Overall: 6

Super Soaker CPS 2500: This is the mother of all mothers!!!! Its a plain monster! This thing is a huge water gun with a relatively short range meant for HOSING the enemy. It has a nozzle which turns for three settings: x5, x10, and x20. This means the multiplier of how much water it would shoot per second than an XP. For instance, if it was on x20, it would shoot twenty times the amount of water per second than the XP's. Although it has an awesome hosing ability you run out of pressure fast as heck. It also takes a long time to pump too. The most effective setting is the x5 beacuse it will last longer than all of the other setting. The blast power is deffinently big enough! The best way to shoot the weapon is press the button and immediatly let up like a semi-automatic instead of just holding the trigger down because the pressure will last longer this way. Also, it tends to go between settings so only part of the nozzle will spray out. This gun is big and the water container is at the very back so it is extremely back-heavy. This gun is not for the amateur watergunner and is only good with pros. It is best used when in a group of people with lighter weapons to hold the enemy back while the gun is being pumped. This gun also has the pressure gauge.
Durability: 7
Power: 10!
Storage: 6
Range: 7
Burst Length: 3
Overall: 6

Strategies: This section will cover all of the strategies I know of. If you know of any feel free to mail me.

One strategy I use is the constant pump. This is where you hold the trigger down and keep pumping. Although you will not get high-powered water and the range is short, this will hit the enemy most likely and you never run out of water.

Learn to use cover. With cover even a CPS 2500 may not hit you. If someone is running at you and there is a nearby bush, by all means go behind it! There you will not likely be hit by his shooting and you can squeeze off some water at him.

Sniping is another good tactic. Find a good spot around the corner of a wall or get behind cover and wait till an opponent comes near then let off a shot.

Defending the base is a hard role to play. You should be equipped with some heavy weapon where you don't need to run around much; just aim and fire at attackers coming at you. You should always have your weapons pumped to be ready. Also, a refilling station should be near. The base should be on a hill or up higher than the ground so it makes it hard for the attackers to get to it.

Opinion Poll: This is where you vote for your favorite Super Soaker gun. Just email me for your opinion. So far we have:
1 Vote for the Super Soaker XP 105
1 Vote for the Super Soaker CPS 1000
2 Votes for the Super Soaker XP 75
1 Vote for the Super Soaker XP 110
1 Vote for the Super Soaker CPS 3000